9 Continued
19-29: Premise Illustrated by the Essence of God}
20-21 - Answer to First Question in Verse 19 - The Essence of God} {Note: No, the molded (mankind) cannot properly question the molder (God). In the case of mankind, it is a case of blasphemy from arrogance to question how God made creatures. What makes believers great has nothing to do with their physical heritage - it is based solely on the imputed righteousness of God at the point of salvation. Why? Because God made it that way. There are good reasons for it, but the point is - God declares it so. Can the molded question the molder?} {Note: Paul's style in verses 20 and 21 is called debater's finesse. He jumped over everything to a point, we call X, where everyone agrees (his Jewish listeners would clearly agree with him) and then force them forward to have to agree with his conclusion - his logical progression is so perfect.}
of Verse 20 Principal - Neutral Point from Jewish Perspective}
21~~Or does not the potter possess authority {exousia} {Note: From verse 20 we see it is 'mankind' that is the clay. God gave all mankind free-will. They can each make individual decisions that either bring the individual honor or dishonor. It is up to each to choose. God wills that all be saved. But His Omniscience has always known some who choose against Him (repeating what Satan and his followers did).} {Note: See also II Timothy 2:21 for more on vessels of honor and dishonor.}
22-24 is a Brilliant Paragraph of the Apostle Paul Syntactically {Note: Katartizo - was the word in a Greek play for the equipment to lower the 'god' down on the stage for great affect. It was used for mending a fisherman's net. And, was a military term for equipping an army. And, was used for mending a broken bone.} {Note: The structure of this sentence is so unique, it is hard to explain without a course in Greek. RBT's 458 series Lesson 606 has the information on it. Paul is using his brilliance in the structure of this sentence. This is what RBT calls an ap-o-pho-eosis (sp), which takes a conditional sentence - but because the protasis is so clear, the apodosis is not needed so is not offered by Paul. The debater's opposition is forced to provide the apodosis without the need of it being written down. The whole thing is also an anacoluthon - where the second part of the sentence purposely does not match the first with rhetorical effect. And, it is hyperbaton where Paul places classical Greek words artificially out of order which again has dramatic effect.} {Note: God knew every decision you would ever make so He entered those into the Divine Decrees. He then provided logistical support to sustain you in your decisions. If your decisions are good ones, He has prepared in eternity past, blessings for you in time and eternity.}
- Gentiles Replace Jews as Client Nations to God}
Quotes from Hosea 1:10 and 'Flows' the Concept Forward} {Note: The normal word for 'said' is lego. We have rheo here instead which has the connotation of a flowing out. So it was used by Paul for a 'flowing out of a concept and he will carry what Hosea said to the Northern Kingdom of Israel to all Israel.}
fact, Isaiah, - 'speaking/'crying out' {in an emergency} {krazo} {Note: Huios is often used for a 'baby' or 'small children'. In a spiritual context it normally means believers with no or little spiritual growth.} {Note: Why the 3rd class condition when the Old Testament tells us it WILL be? Paul put it into a conditional clause because Satan is attempting to destroy the Jew and if his power is greater than God's power, then he will succeed. As we know it is a possibility (not much of one) but the potential needs to be recognized.}
Syntactical Point by Paul} {Note: Sabaoth is a transliteration of the Hebrew word for 'armies'.} {Note: This is an idiomatic sentence. There is a 2nd class conditional if - ei me - which says 'maybe yes, maybe no' - and in this case says that there may always be a remnant of racial Jews, maybe there will not be - BUT it is followed by an 'an' - which is an article of 'unreality'. This therefore that means though the possibility is there, it will NEVER happen. This is very strong. There will always be a remnant of Jews in the world and this ticks off Satan. So, he constantly attempts to wipe out the Jews. If anyone gets involved in anti-Semitism in any fashion whatsoever, they are acting as agents of Satan.}
30-33: Premise Illustrated by the Salvation of the Gentiles} {Note: Pistis is the word for faith and it also means 'that which is believed' so it is often used for faith. Dioko is a verb of action. It means to actively pursue or to 'strive after'. It is a word which has merit to the one doing it. Pistis is a passive word. There is no merit in the person having the faith. The merit is in the object of faith. Therefore, you do not earn salvation or deserve salvation because you believe, it is a gift of God, not of your 'works' - 'striving after' in this case. In context here, the Jews are trying to be saved by 'keeping the Law'. And, no one is ever saved by keeping the law, walking an isle, feeling sorry for your sins, on and on. Salvation is strictly by faith.} {Note: Dikaiosune - which is often translated righteousness - is more than just righteousness. It is the 'total fulfillment of spiritual maturity'. In this verse, Paul is using dikaisune to differentiate between that righteousness which originates in the flesh (energy of the flesh) which we call 'self-righteousness' and what it produces is worthless (wood, hay and stubble) and divine righteousness which originates in the filling of the Holy Spirit and produces 'good of intrinsic value' which is of great value (gold, silver and precious stones) because it is how you allow God to work through you. He does the work (it is his divine viewpoint you are applying to experiences in life) therefore He gets the credit/glory in time.}
By Inversion - Jews Now As a Vessel of Wrath} {Note: Positive vessel have honor and are vessels of mercy. Negative vessels are vessels of dishonor and vessels of wrath. God made Jews His people and they were 'People of God' and vessels of His mercy. But they became negative and gave up their position as vessels of mercy and became, in arrogance, vessels of Wrath (cursed by God in time) - they only have their own self-righteousness - not divine righteousness.}
{why did they fail}?
{Explanation and Another Reference to the Big Blot-Out} {Note: The importance here is that they 'see' the 'precious stone', but say yuck and reject it - therefore stumble over it. In the Age of the Gentiles, the Church recognizes the value of the stone and pick it up and carry it - and will until the Rapture of the Church. RBT says this means that the Jews 'see' Jesus Christ, but still reject His Omega Glory. They accept His Alpha Glory - as Jehovah/Elohiym. But Jesus is unique from the other members of the Godhead in that He is now true Deity and true Humanity in one forever. See also Deuteronomy 6:4.}
quotes from Isaiah 8:14 and Isaiah 28:16} {Note: Jesus Christ is called 'Petra' which means a huge bolder/rock. Petros which Jesus named Peter in means 'little chip'. The Church was built on the Petra - Jesus Christ, not the 'petros' - little chip. See also Matthew 16:18. Zion is mentioned because it was David's castle and Paul is relating David's rule with the 1st Advent of Christ - the prophecy was that David's greater Son (Jesus Christ) would rule forever.} {Note: Epi also means 'over'. So the Jew has stumbled over the Stumbling Stone, but now if they believe over (on) Him is a 'play on words' - and they will not be disgraced/disappointed.} ************************************************** This page is sponsored by Kenneth Sidley, CPA. This page is sponsored by Moxxor For Pain Free Living. Moxxor is a highly concentrated Omega 3 product that has reduced inflammation in this writer. Please go to this website to read more about Moxxor.