
Chapter 24
{Note: Paul is about to personally minister to some of the most important people in the Roman Empire at this time. Felix is part of the 3 ex-slaves that are effectively running the empire under Claudius. Herod's family played a great part in getting Claudius to be selected Emperor. Here Paul is going before Felix, which today would be like going before the head of the State Supreme Court. Nero would be today's head of the Federal Supreme Court.}

1~~And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders {most likely the Saducees part of the Sanhedrin}, and with a certain orator {a Roman lawyer apparently practicing in Jerusalem} named Tertullus, who brought accusations to the Procurator against Paul.

2~~And when he was called forth, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, "Seeing that by you {Felix} we have obtained great tranquility {starting with flattery}, and that very worthy deeds are done unto this nation by your forethought."

3~~"We embrace it always, and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness." {More flattery}

4~~"Notwithstanding, that I be not further tedious unto you {cut short the flattery!}, I pray you that you would hear us of your clemency a few words. "

{The false accusations against Paul}
5~~ "For we have found this man a pestilent fellow {a plague on the community}, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world {a leader of treason against Rome}, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes {makes it sound like an evil sect}."

6~~ "Who also has gone about to profane the temple . . . whom we have seized."

7~~ {Verse 7 and first part of verse 8 are not in the original manuscript}

8~~"From the immediate source of whom you {Felix} may be
able . . . having examined him {Paul} yourself concerning all these things . . . to know fully that which we accuse him."

9~~And the Jews also joined in the indictment, alleging {falsely} that these things were so.

{Note: This lawyer made a brilliant case against Paul using no real evidence . . . just flattery and false witnesses. Paul will now defend himself.}

10~~Then Paul, after that the Procurator {Felix} nodded unto him to speak, was given an answer, "Forasmuch as I comprehend {'epistamai' means to comprehend from understanding the meaning of current events by looking at history} that you have been of many years a judge of this nation . . . I am delighted to defend myself."

{Note: A Roman just gently nodded his head to indicate who should speak. A lot of arrogance here and he has just been 'stroked' by the Lawyer. Paul can not wait to just state the facts of the case objectively! Felix has a tiger by the tail and is just finding this out!}

11~~"Because you, being constantly able to fully understand that there are yet but twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem with the purpose to worship."

{Note: Paul is pointing out that the 3 charges against him are impossible. He just did not have enough time to do them all even if he wanted to. He was in jail 6 of the 12 days!}

12~~"And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man {he did not disturb the peace in the temple or defame the temple by arguing in it} . . . neither raising up the people {not talking up a revolt against Rome} . . . neither in the synagogues nor in the city."

13~~"Neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me."

{Note: Hearsay is not permitted. These witnesses' testimony was not valid evidence in Roman courts.}

14~~ "But this I cite {or confess - homologeo again} unto you, that after the standards of 'The Way' {a nickname for Christianity - I am the Way, the Truth, the Light'} which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers . . . believing all things which are written in the law {Old Testament} and in the prophets."

15~~"And I keep on having hope {reference to eternity future} toward God, which they {the Pharisee section of the Sanhedrin} themselves also accept {reading it face to face}, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust."

{Note: For example, in the Old Testament, Daniel 12 discusses the resurrection.}

16~~"And in this do I exert myself to the utmost, to have always a conscience {norms and standards in the soul} void of offence {without blame} toward God, and toward men {the Law of the Land he is in and currently on trial for violating} through all {this trial}."

{Paul's statement of the facts of the case verses 17-21}
17~~"Now after many years {of absence} I arrived to bring alms to my nation, and offerings."

{Note: Paul's point is that a revolutionist would stay around not leave for many years! However, when Paul mentions the large sum of money he brought, this perked up the money lust in Felix and Felix will later want a bribe from Paul.}

18~~"Whereupon certain Jews from Asia discovered me having
come under a vow of abstinence in the temple . . . neither with multitude . . . nor with tumult."

{Note: Paul is stating the facts objectively.}

19~~"Who, from among the Asian Jews, it keeps on being necessary for them to be present before you, and accuse, if they had anything face to face against me . . . but they don't - they wish they do but they do not {4th class condition}."

{Note: Paul is pointing out that the 'eyewitnesses' to his reported actions are not even there. They could not be there without risking Felix arresting them for really starting a riot!}

20~~"Or else let these same declare what crimes they discovered while I stood before the Sanhedrin."

{Note: The Lawyer did not bring up the Jewish Sanhedrin's trial because it also broke into an argument over the resurrection that the Roman's had to save Paul again - also breaking Roman Law. Paul is saying they could have gotten a deposition from his accusers then - letting Felix know it occurred.}

21~~"Except it be for this one word that I cried standing among them . . . concerning the resurrection of the dead . . . for which I am being judged by you this day."

{Note: Felix now knows that this matter has nothing to do with Roman Law - just a religious matter of disagreement in which the Roman Law does not get concerned.}

22~~And when Felix heard these things, having more accurate knowledge of 'The Way' {Christianity}, he adjourned them, and said, "When Lysias the Chiliarch shall come down, I will know the maximum of your matter {gather more facts}."

{Note: Felix is an opportunist and is going to use this to his political and financial advantage if he can!}

23~~And he commanded a centurion to guard Paul, and to let him have a relaxed state of confinement {house arrest}, and that he should forbid none of his acquaintance to minister or come unto him.

{Note: In the Greek an unusual word for 'guard' was used
here -tereo. Tereo means to guard something YOU own. This clearly indicates that Felix now looks at Paul as an 'object' where he may gain political or financial gain. He wants to treat Paul nice and have his friends come see him. They would be the ones bringing a bride to free Paul!}

24~~And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife, Drusilla, who was a Jewess, he invited Paul {to spend the day with them}, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ.

{Note: Drusilla was the daughter of Herod Agrippa the First, granddaughter of Herod Agrippa the Great. She was the wife of an Arab king and left him when Felix came along. Paul is given the chance to witness to two very powerful people in the Roman Empire here.}

25~~And as he {Paul} kept on teaching all day in
conversations . . . of righteousness, inner strength {self-control}, and judgment to come, Felix became terrified with inner fear {trembled}, and answered, "GET OUT . . . for right now. When I have a convenient time, I will invite you back."

{Note: as far as we know Felix never did invite Paul back!}

{Note: Paul reasoned all day long with Felix pointing out how weak all men are and can not earn the right to live forever with God and other doctrines. You need to share God's imputed righteousness to live forever with God in Heaven, etc. Paul probably pointed the self-control issue at Drusilla who was a beautiful blond and very vain. But her sister Bernice, a redhead, was even more beautiful and called the most beautiful woman of the ancient world . . . the Roman Senate feared her and her beauty. Dursilla is very famous in other writings of the day as a beautiful, promiscuous woman using her outer beauty. So Paul talks about using her inner strength. Then he talks to both of them about salvation and eternity future. Drusilla eventually dies in the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.}

26~~ He hoped also that money should have been given him from Paul, that he might release him. Wherefore he sent for him the oftener and conversed with him.

{Note: Felix kept calling for Paul to get a bride so he would free
Paul - money lust!}

27~~When two years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus, but because Felix wanted to grant a favor to the Jews, he left Paul in prison.

{Note: Festus was sent by Nero to replace Felix}


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