II Peter

Chapter 2

{Importance of Staying out of Reversionism}

{Verses 1-3a:Principal of exposure to false teachers/Devil's disciples}

{Losing the Edification Complex of the Soul (ECS) to Reversion}

1~~ But there came into existence false prophets
among the people {false prophets to the Jews in the Jewish Age}
even as there shall be {absolute status quo - there WILL always be} false teachers among you {believers in the Church Age}
who, introduce/bring . . .
in an insidious manner . . .
destructive deviations from doctrine
  {apoleia -heresies/factions/divisive ideas} . . .
even denying over and over the 'Absolute Ruler'/Lord
having bought/purchased them {unlimited atonement -
  Jesus purchased them from the Slave market of sin} . . .
and bring upon themselves
swift/speedy/impending destruction {apoleia again -a paronomasia}.

{Note: These false teachers will destroy society and the personal freedoms of the Church Age believers. They are charismatic personalities, pleasing, handsome, and persuasive. They also have continuously renounced the Lord Jesus Christ and had many opportunities to be saved. Satan only recruits the very best and those who have enough scar tissue on their souls as to not have a change of mind!}

{Note: Unlimited Atonement - Christ also died for the sins of unbelievers. He bought ALL of us out from the Slave Market of Sin at the cross - even the misguided Disciples of the Devil.}

{Note: Apoleia - is used twice in the sentence. This is called a paronomasia - a repetition of the same word stem or sound but in a different sense. The false teachers taught 'destruction' and will bring on themselves 'destruction'.}

2~~ And many shall 'follow the authority of'{verb of discipleship} their lasciviousness/licentious {apoleia} ways . . .
because of whom {the false teachers}
the 'way of doctrine/truth' shall be maligned {blasphemeo}.

{Note: Apoleia is the word used for Phallic cult activities so means lasciviousness here.}

{Note: Blasphemeo from which we get 'blaspheme' means to slander or malign what is true doctrine.}

{The Judgement of the Devil's Disciples - verses 3b-9}
{The motivation and mechanics of false teachers - 3 a. Then new paragraph begins in the Greek}
3~~And in the sphere of
the frantic search for happiness {pleonexia}
shall they with molded/fashioned words
make 'less worthy merchandise' {emporeuomai} of you.
Whose judicial decision 'from eternity past'/'now of a long time ago'
is non-operative
  {will be judged at the Great White Throne of Christ in the future}
and their destruction is not in inactivity/slumbering
  {it will happen, but in God's right time}.

{Note: Pleonexia means more then simple covetousness in the Greek. It covers the desire for any or all the 'details of life'. It is more appropriately the 'frantic search for happiness' outside of the plan of God.}

{Note: Emporeuomai from which we get 'emporium', is the Greek word for the products sold by the disreputable traveling salesman. This guy made extravagant promises for his products that would not hold up under the test of time. So he had to sell and get out of town fast! That is the type of product the false teachers turn the reversionist believers into.

{Note: The judgement of the false teachers will now be related back to the judgment of the fallen angels of Genesis 6, the judgement of their offspring and unbelieving humans in the flood, and the judgement of a believer in reversionism - Lot. Lot received divine discipline on Earth, but as a believer is with the Lord today in heaven.

{Verses 4-9 is one long sentence. It is the longest conditional clause in the New Testament. It is a 1st class conditional clause with the Protasis verse 1-8 and the Apodosis is verse 9.}

{Judgment of Angels}
4~~ For if - and it is true -
The God did not spare the angels that sinned,
but incarcerated/cast them down to Tartarus {tartaroo},
and delivered them into 'pits of gloom'/ 'chains of darkness' . . .
to be constantly guarded with reference/unto judgment
{Matthew 25:41} . . .

{Note: Tartaroo is the Greek word for one section of 'hell' in the center of the Earth. There are three sections of hell.
  1. Paradise - where Old Testament Saints stayed before the
  ascension of Christ. They are now all in heaven and this
  Paradise is empty. There is another garden area in heaven
  called 'paradise' today.

  2. Torments - this is where all unbelievers go until Judgment Day
  at the Great White Throne of Christ. After judgment prophecy
  tells us all will be condemned and thrown into the Lake of Fire.

  3. Tartarus - Tartarus is the prison section where the fallen
  angels who left their second heaven home and procreated
  with women in Genesis 6 were thrown in captivity until
  Judgment day. They are still there today.}

{Side-note: The other angels were then apparently 'changed' by God to not be able to procreate with human women anymore. Per Jesus in Matthew 22:30 says now angels do not 'marry or be given in marriage' - have the ability to procreate anymore.}

{Judgment of the Flood - Noah's wife, 3 sons and their wives were saved - and Noah was 8th}
5~~ . . . and He Himself spared not the 'old world'
  {the world before the flood . . . anti-diluvian} . . .
but, in contrast, preserved/guarded {phulasso} Noah
the eighth person {idiom: 'and seven others' Noah
  was in command and ordered the other seven in first} . . .
a Royal Herald/ communicator of {imputed} righteousness
  {similar to a pastor-teacher or evangelist} . . .
having brought in the flood
  {delivered through instead of delivered from!}
upon the world of the ungodly {everyone else} . . .

{Note: 'Spared' is the reflexive middle voice so 'He Himself'. Anti-diluvian area had better health, longer life, better environment, and yet all but 8 were unbelievers.}

{Note: Phulasso means to be 'delivered through'. Noah was protected before the flood from the half-breed races (Genesis 6) and other unbelievers. Imagine the ridicule of the neighbors as Noah spent 120 years building the Ark! Next, THROUGH the flood, he and his family were also protected.}

{Second comparison of the judgment of false teachers - Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah}
6~~ . . . and having reduced to ashes
the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah,
He {God} condemned them
  {judging according to a norm or standard} . . .
by means of destruction/a catastrophe {katastrophe} . . .
having appointed them a permanent pattern/copy
to those about to be ungodly . . .

{Note: The Dead Sea was once a beautiful valley before the judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah.}

{Deliverance from the Judgment}
7~~ . . . and dragged out of danger {rhoumai}
born-again/justified Lot {Lot was a believer} . . .
overpowered {Lot was in reversionism}
under lawlessness/anti-establishment/'no restraint' . . .
by means of the lasciviousness {in their behavior pattern} . . .

{Note: Rhoumai means to 'drag out of something'. Lot was delivered FROM the judgement as opposed to Noah who was delivered OUT OF the flood.}

8~~ . . . for the righteous one {Lot with imputed righteousness} constantly being at home among them {rapport with homosexuals}
by the act of seeing . . .
and by the act of hearing . . .
constantly tortured his own {imputed} righteous soul . . .
day in and day out . . .
because {by means of} of their lawless production . . .

{Note: Abraham became the 'friend of God'. Lot became the friend of Sodom. He watched and heard their wicked ways and tolerated them. But there is no indication he participated. But socializing with cosmic people gets your eyes off the Lord and into reversionism - Lot is socially being unfaithful to God.}

{The IF is in verse 4 - now the Apodosis}
9~~ . . . THEN Deity/Lord/'the Divine One'
inherently knows how to rescue/deliver him {the believer}
out from disaster/calamity . . .
and {Deity knows how} to guard/preserve
the unjust to the day of judgment
  {means the unbeliever - not talking about his choice of lifestyle
  - Great White Throne of Revelation 20}
to receive painful punishment.

{Discerning our enemy - The Characteristics of the Devil's Disciples - verses 10-22}
{Judgment of the National Entity}
10~~ But especially those {in reversionism}
that walk from one place to another place {instability}
behind the flesh {in their Old Sin Natures} . . .
in the sphere of the lust pattern of sewage
  {pattern of OSN - approbation lust, material, power lust, etc.} . . .
and despise government . . .
presumptuous are they {have a lot of gall!, brazen in a bad sense} self-gratification {black-out of the soul} . . .
they do not tremble {are not afraid}
to malign/slander duly constituted authorities/glories
  {angelic or human people in positions of proper authority}.

{Results of their anti-establishment functions}
11~~In which place {in heaven assembled for a convocation}
angels {fallen and elect} . . .
who are in the absolute status quo
of being greater in endowed power {ischus}
and greater in ability from their endowed power {dunamis} . . .
dare not carry maligning accusations/judgements {even}
against them {the false teachers}
beside the Lord.

{Note: The only angelic creature that does bring accusations against any human is Satan himself (Revelation 12:9-10; Job 1:6 and 11; Zechariah 3:1-2}. Our defense attorney is the Lord Jesus Christ {I John Chapter 2}. Satan brings up very accurate descriptions of our sins and the Lord counters with 'already judged at the cross' - next case. But, does not mean He does not apply divine discipline for those sins in phase II (time), He does.}

{Note: four nouns for power are brought out here with two used in the verse:
  1) kratos - Ruling Power or authority
  2) dunamis - inherent power and the ability from the power
  3) inargeco (sp) - operational power
  4) exousia - endowed power from God}

{Motus Operandi of the false teachers}
12~~ But these {false teachers} . . .
like unthinking animals
  {no reason or common sense and can not relate things} . . .
having received birth as creatures of instinct
  {anti-establishment by nature and never changing} . . .
made to receive removal
by lawful capturing and lawful destruction . . .
maligning things
of which they are ignorant {they do not understand} . . .
and shall be destroyed/corrupted
in their own destruction/corruption.

{Note: The false teachers are given in the analogy as illogical animals acting on instinct with no common sense. They should be captured and destroyed to protect society (capital punishment). But, if a society tolerates them, then it can lead to the 5th cycle of divine discipline where the false teacher will also be destroyed along with the nation.}

13~~They {false teachers} . . .
being deprived of reward and credit . . .
and the reward of unrighteousness
  {human good - wood, hay and stubble} . . .
they regard as pleasure reveling in the daytime
  {being entertained, they have no regular employment} . . .
{moral} blots and blemishes {disgrace to society} . . .
constantly being stimulated by their own deceivings {false doctrine} while being lavishly entertained by you.

{Note: The principle of this verse is that the false teachers do not have the time to study and teach true doctrine. It is easier to make it up. They actually are well educated, appearing 'moral' on the outside and the people are drawn in by their personalities not the truth of their doctrine.}

{False teachers live outside of the norms and standards of Establishment}
14~~ Having eyes full of adulteresses
  {lasciviousness in the soul - not action here} . . .
and non-restrainable from sin . . .
alluring/enticing/deluding unstable/frustrated {asteriktos} souls . . . the heart/'right lobe' having been 'exercised' . . .
having a frantic search for happiness {pleonexia} . . .
{are} cursed/reversionistic adult children.

{Note: Asteriktos is a feminine adjective meaning to vacillate or to be unstable. But it also applies to a male who is 'like an unstable woman' in his soul.}

{Note: Pleonexia often is translated 'covetous practices', but RBT says it more fully is used in the bible for anything considered being part of the 'frantic search for happiness.'}

15~~Forsaking the right way/straight path
  {the Way is walking filled with the Spirit - these people
  are living in the cosmic system} . . .
they have received going astray {have been deceived} . . .
having followed 'the way of Balaam'
  {a believer who went into reversionism and for great monetary
  and other rewards led the Jews into the Phallic Cult}
the son of Beor . . .
who loved the wages of unrighteousness {reward of wrongdoing}.

{Note: Balaam was mad for money. See Numbers Chapter 22-25 and Revelation 2:14. The 'way of Balaam' is to find the weakness in another believer and exploit him by means of the cosmic system - in his case, using the sexual lust draw of the Phallic Cult.}

16~~ But {Balaam} had and held condemnation
for his own private transgression . . .
the dumb {no 'human voice'} ass {the animal}
having preached eloquently
and bombastically {phtheggomai}
by means of a voice in the sphere of mankind . . .
had forbidden the psychosis/madness
  {paraphronia - non-objective thinking}
of the prophet
  {Balaam was a believer and had the gift of communication
  in the times of the Jews - a prophet}.

{Note: Phtheggomai means to communicate like we hear most preachers today from the pulpit. To preach forcefully or bombastically yet very eloquently.}

{Note: Paraphronia from which we get 'paranoia' means para - 'outside of' and phronia - objective thinking so is 'anything outside of objective thinking - and comes to mean a psychosis or mental illness. Reversionism can lead to being mentally deranged . . . as Saul of Tarsus said he was manic-depressive before he found Christ. From this we get that to get through to the reversionist Balaam, Jesus had to preach bombastically to him. The false teachers copy this in verse 18 in misleading the reversionistic believers.}

{Emotional revolt of the soul - how to become a child of reversionism}
17~~These {false teachers} are
wells without water {minus bible doctrine in the soul} . . .
clouds that are driven along by a squall line
  {storm/tempest - symbolizes instability} . . .
to whom the thick darkness of darkness
  {like being in a thick fog - don't know where you are, have been
  or are going -confusion rules}
having been reserved . . .

{Note: These clouds have no anchor. There are two anchors for unbelievers 1) the gospel 2) laws of establishment. For believers there is the anchor of the Word.}
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