
Chapter 22
1``Thus said the Jehovah/God,
'Go down to the house of the king of Judah,
where you shall utter there this word.

2``Say, Hear the word of the Jehovah/God,
O king of Judah,
who sits upon the throne of David, you, and your servants,
and your people that enter in by these gates.

3``Thus said Jehovah/God, "Do what is just and right;
rescue from the defrauder him who is robbed:
do not wrong the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow;
commit no lawless act,
and do not shed the blood of the innocent in this place.

4``But if you fulfill this command,
then through the gates of this palace
shall enter kings of David's line
who sit upon his throne,
riding horse-drawn chariots,
with their courtiers and their subjects.

5``But if you do not heed these commands,
I swear by Myself - declares Jehovah/God -
that this palace shall become a ruin."

6``For thus said Jehovah/God
concerning the royal palace of Judah,
"You are as Gilead to Me,
as the summit of Lebanon,
But I will make you a desert,
Uninhabited towns."

7`` "I will appoint destroyers against you,
Each with his tools;
They shall cut down your choicest cedars
And make them fall into the fire.

8``And when many nations pass by this city
and one man asks another,
"Why did the Jehovah/God do thus to that great city?"

9`` The reply will be, "Because they forsook
the covenant with Jehovah/God their Elohiym/Godhead
and bowed down to other gods/elohiym and served them."

10``Do not weep for the dead
and do not lament for him;
Weep rather for him who is leaving
For he shall never come back
To see the land of his birth!

11``For thus said Jehovah/God
concerning Shallum son of King Josiah of Judah,
who succeeded his father Josiah as king,
but who has gone forth from this place.
He shall never come back
To see the land of his birth.

12`` he shall die in the place to which he was exiled,
and he shall not see this land again.

13``Ha! He who builds his house with unfairness
and his upper chambers with injustice,
Who makes his fellow man work without pay
and does not give him his wages,

14`` Who thinks: I will build me a vast palace
with spacious upper chambers,
provided with windows,
paneled in cedar,
Painted with vermilion/red!

15``Do you think you are more a king
because you compete in cedar?
Your father ate and drank
and dispensed justice and equity -
then all went well with him.

16``He upheld the rights of the poor and needy -
then all was well.
That is truly heeding me -
declares Jehovah/God.

17``But your eyes and your mind are only
on ill-gotten gains,
on shedding the blood of the innocent,
on committing fraud and violence.

18`` Assuredly, thus said Jehovah/God
concerning Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah,
"They shall not mourn for him,
Ah, brother! Ah, sister!
They shall not mourn for him,
Ah, lord/'adown! Ah, his majesty!

19``He {Jehoiakim} shall have the burial of an ass,
dragged out and left lying
outside the gates of Jerusalem.

{Verses 20-30: Cursing of Jeconiah/Coniah and His Family}
20~~Go 'climb the mountain up' to Lebanon and 'shout a message'
  {Northern range called Lebanon - very scenic range of mountains -
  famous for its cedar trees, wine groves, and practice of idolatry}
and in Bashan give up your voice {preach until you are horse},
  {North-Eastern range sometimes called 'anti-Lebanon' because it
  is across the valley from Lebanon - centuries Baal was
  worshiped here also in Phallic Cult}
and 'scream over their screams' from the 'region beyond'/Eberan (sp)
  {The range South-East of Jerusalem where Moab and Ammon are.
  This is the third place Jeremiah is ordered to go. This is the
  mountain range east of the Dead Sea. Moses saw the promised
  land from this range. But he also had to kill thousands of Jews
  when they went into the practice of the Phallic Cult here.} . . .
{Preach} . . . for all your 'body-only false-lovers'
  {'ahab - Piel stem participle - is the form meaning no soul
  involvement in sex - double entendre here - adultery and idolatry
  in one}
are smashed/shattered/'broken jugs' {the jug is broken}.

{Note: Chapters 22 and 35 are extensions of Chapter 13. Jeremiah is not a chronological book. RBT jumped here from his teaching of Chapter 13. This is 606 BC Coniah becomes king for 100 days while Jaazaniah is tested for obedience to Joanadab the great doctrine man of the Rechabites (a people descended from the father in law of Moses).}

{Note: This is a command for Jeremiah to go to 3 cities on the boarders of Jerusalem. All three are places where idolatry and practiced.}

21~~I {God} spoke to you in your prosperity;
  {God makes love to His RW through speaking through the Word}
but you flippantly said,
"I will keep on not hearing. {Negative volition to the Word}
This . . . {has been} your manner from your youth
  {Referring to Coniah who was raised in the Phallic Cult},
for you will not listen to My voice {messages of the prophets}."

22~~All your shepherds/pastors
shall feed the flock wind {sermons with no doctrinal content}.
And your lovers {fellow Phallic Cult participants}
shall go into captivity.
For at that time {when God takes away your crutches of sublimation} then shall you be disappointed/ashamed
and receive frustration for all your wickedness.

{Note: When you have a congregation negative to the Word, then rises a generation of pastors who cater to the wants of the flock! No doctrine, just give 'windy sermons'.}

{Destruction of the Social Life}
23~~O inhabitants of Lebanon {wealthy Jews who have summer retreats here - Solomon had a home in Lebanon in Song of Solomon},
who build a palace {50 room cottage type thing}
in the cedars {intensive partying social life},
how much partying/'good times' will you do
when pangs/disaster come upon you {the 5th cycle of discipline},
as the twist of a woman 'dancing doing bumping
and grinding'/'in child birth'{ yalad}!

{Note: Yalad is a word describing the motions of a woman bumping and grinding in dancing or in child birth. The meaning here is that the wealth fast crowd trying to sublimate the lack of happiness from doctrine in their souls with party after party in the mountains. How much will you party in the 5th cycle of discipline comes? Another crutch will be removed.}

{Verses 24-30: The Judgment of the King Coniah}
24~~"As I 'live it up and enjoy it'", said the Jehovah/God,
though Coniah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah
were the signet upon My right hand,
yet would I {God} pluck you off and throw it away!"
  {Means God did not approve of Coniah being appointed king
  by Nebuchadnezzar}

{Note: Jeconiah means 'Jehovah will establish'. This is the son of Jehoiakim's birth name. But Jeremiah removes the 'je' (the Jehovah part) and shortens his name to Coniah - which means 'was established' - past tense! When Coniah takes the throne, he changes his name to Jehoiachin - which is so close to Jehoiakim in the Hebrew, it means the same thing.}

25~~And I {God} will give you {Coniah}
  {God threw away the ring and gives the man to his enemies}
into the hand of them that seek your life,
and into the hand of them whose face you fear,
even into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,
and into the hand of the Chaldeans."

26~~"And I {God} will cause you to be cast out/'body slammed',
and your mother who bare you {and got him into the Phallic Cult},
into another country {Chaldea},
where you were not born {Babylon};
and there shall you die."

27~~"But to the land {promised land of Judea}
whereunto they {Coniah's fellow participants in the Phallic Cult}
desire/'lift up their souls' to return,
they shall not return."

{Note: They loved fully - with their soul! - Judea! But they go out under slavery and never return.}

28~~Is this man Coniah
- who receives contempt {despised by God} -
a shattered idol?
A vessel {an empty jug} in whom there is no delight/pleasure!
  {happiness only comes after capacity for happiness is attained by
  doctrine in your soul}
For what reason {idiom - literally 'for how much - already known'}
have they {Coniah and his mother} been caused to be cast out?
He and his seed,
and are cast into a land which they do not know {Chaldea}.

{Note: Coniah will be thrown in prison by Nebuchadnezzar for 36 years. Coniah's seed are his sons. One - Shealtiel (name means 'I have asked God') will have a son named Zerubbabel (Ezra 3:2,8). In I Chronicles 3:19 Shealtiel is called the son of Pedaiah. Zerubbabel is the blood son of Pedaiah but was adopted by Shealtiel. So, Zerubbabel is descended from David through Nathan. Shealtiel is also descended from David, but through Solomon. }

29~~O land, land, land . . .
  {call to the spiritual leaders, civil leaders, and population in general}
hear and concentrate/obey the word of the Jehovah/God.

{Note: Solution to the problem always the same - turn to the Lord! Be positive to the teaching of His Word!}

{God's Curse on Coniah's Line - Bared from Davidic Line}
30~~Thus said the Jehovah/God,
Put in written form . . .this man childless/destitute {his line cut off}
  {meaning Coniah's line will be bared from the Davidic Throne},
a man {Coniah} who shall not flourish/prosper
in his days {in his lifetime}.
For no man of his seed {his line} shall flourish/prosper,
constantly sitting {in blessing} upon the throne of David,
and ruling never again in Judah
  { Zerubbabel was a man of doctrine and could have tried to take
  the throne, but because of this prophecy, he never tried}.

{Note: Jesus Christ through Mary's line came through Nathan to David. Jesus also was descended legally through Joseph and Coniah and Solomon to David - but this line was cut off from the David throne. Jesus' right to rule forever is through His bloodline from David through Nathan on though to Mary and then Jesus.}