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Chapter 125

1a~~{Title}'A Psalm Going up the Steps of the Temple'
  {shiyr ma`alah - referring 'meditation for going into Church/Temple'
  on each step, the Psalmist would quote a verse, then move up to
  the next step - a step at a time
  it is literally translated 'A Song of Degrees'}

1b~~Those who trust in Jehovah/God are like Mount Zion,
which cannot be moved . . . but abides forever.

2~~As the mountains/'the walls of Zion' surround Jerusalem,
so Jehovah/God surrounds His people
from this time forth and forever.

3``The scepter of the evil/wicked shall never rest
upon the land allotted to the righteous . . .
that the righteous not set their hand to wrongdoing.

4`` Do good, O Jehovah/God, to the good . . .
to the "upright in their 'right lobes'/hearts".

5``But to those who in their crookedness act corruptly . . .
let Jehovah/God make them go the way of evil-doers.

May it be well with Israel!