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Chapter 99

1~~Jehovah/God reigns
  {David recognizes the Theocracy of the Jews up through Samuel}
let the people respond.

He {Jesus Christ as the Shekinah Glory}
sits between the cherubim
  {on the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies}.

Let the land be stimulated/moved
  {in the PRESENCE of GOD!}.

2~~Jehovah/God is great in Zion!
And He is high above all the people.

3~~ Let them praise
Your great and majestic Person/Name!
It . . . {is} holy!

4~~ The king's strength also loves justice.
You do establish equity.
You execute judgment and righteousness on Jacob
  {means with objectivity}.

{Note: David realized that the Jews should recognize the Theocracy and never accepted himself as King. Elohiym/Godhead was their Right Elohiym/Godhead AND their Right Ruler! The Jews are a special people of Elohiym/Godhead.}

{David Addresses the People - Become Spiritually Mature}
5a~~'Build an Edification Complex of the Soul'/Exalt {ruwm}
Jehovah/God our Elohiym/Godhead,
and 'take in doctrine consistently'
  {idiom - literally 'worship at His footstool'}

{Note: How do you build an ECS? Take in doctrine daily}.

5b~~He . . . {is} holy!

6~~ Moses and Aaron among His priests.
And Samuel among those who call upon His Person/Name.
They {Moses, Aaron and Samuel}
called upon Jehovah/God,
and He answered them.

{Note: In a time of crisis, it was Moses and Samuel that stood in the gap. This is mentioned in Jeremiah 15:1.}

7~~He {God} spoke unto them {Israel}
in the pillar of the clouds.

They kept His testimonies
  {doctrine categorically - divine laws},
and the ordinances/decrees/commandments
that He gave them.

8``You answered them,
O Jehovah/God our Elohiym/Godhead.

You were an El/Elohiym/Godhead that forgave them,
but you exacted retribution for their misdeeds.

9`` 'Build an Edification Complex of the Soul'/Exalt {ruwm}
Jehovah/God our Elohiym/Godhead,
and bow toward His holy hill.

For Jehovah/God our Elohiym/Godhead . . . {is} holy.