
RBT 1967 John Series 424:
120 Lessons

01 - John 1:1 The Word/ doctrine of creation

02 - John 1:6-14 The Light

03 - John 1:15-28 John the Baptist

04 - John 1:29-51 Panoramic view of God's plan

05 - John 2:1-11 Turning water into wine

06 - John 2:12-3:15 Phenomena of miracles/ Nicodemus

07 - John 3:16-19 God's perfect Gift/ Lord JC

08 - John 3:19-30 doctrine of human good

09 - John 3:31-4:4 Doctrine of Jealousy

10 - John 4:7-26 The woman at the well/ worship

11 - John 4:26-42 The woman at the well/ witnessing

12 - John 4:43-5:16 Healing/impotent man/ BD more powerful than miracle

13 - John 5:17-20 Taboo of the Sabbath

14 - John 5:21-28 JC did not act independently of Father's plan

15 - John 5:28-30 Doctrines of human good and the 2 resurrections

16 - John 5:32-36 3 witnesses to the person of JC

17 - John 5:17-36 doctrine of sustaining ministry of HS in humanity of Christ

18 - John 5:23-47 6 witnesses to person of JC

19 - John 6:1-15 Feeding the 5000 purpose of miracles/ prepared people

20 - John 6:16-21 Stilling the storm/ faith rest/ walking on water

21 - John 6:22-40 Bread of Life/ works of political organizations

22 - John 6:

23 - John 6: Discourse on faith

24 - John 7:1-13 Jesus' brothers/ freedom

25 - John 7:14-18 Human volition/ doctrine of heathenism

26 - John 7:19-36 Judging

27 - John 7:27-39 Uniqueness of Church Age/ +V at God- consciousness/ gospel hearing

28 - John 7:40-53 Response and reaction to Christ's message

29 - John 8:1-11 Greek manuscripts/ women taken in adultery

30 - John 8:12-21 Christ/ the Light of the world/ doctrine of death

31 - John 8:21-32 JC the Liberator of the World

32 - John 8:31-36 Discipleship/ freedom

33 - John 8:37-45 Universal fatherhood of the devil

34 - John 8:45-29 Religion rejects Bible doctrine and breeds self-righteousness

35 - John 9:1-7 Doctrines of heathenism and culpability

36 - John 9:8-34 The blind man and the Pharisees

37 - John 9:35-41 The blind man believes in Christ

38 - John 10:1-6 Parable of the sheepfold

39 - John 10:7-10 The Gospel

40 - John 10:11-13 The Good Shepherd/ spiritual death of Christ

41 - John 10:14-15 The Good Shepherd/characteristics of the sheep

42 - John 10:16-18 Spiritual death vs physical death

43 - John 10:19-26 Reaction and response to Jesus' message

44 - John 10:27-28 Doctrine of security - eternal and temporal

45 - John 10:29 Security of the believer/ Jesus' statement of deity

46 - John 10:34-42 Doctrine of separation

47 - John 11: via Luke 10:38 Mary, Martha and Lazarus

48 - John 11:5-8 Agapao and Phileo

49 - John 11:9-16 Death and resuscitation of Lazarus/ no spiritual benefit in miracle

50 - John 11:17-27 Mary and Martha in the crisis/ the 2 resurrections

51 - John 11:28-41a Jesus and Mary/ 7th sign/ doctrine of weeping

52 - John 11:41-44 Resuscitation of Lazarus

53 - John 11:45-48 Doctrine of nationalism

54 - John 11:49-57 Caiaphes

55 - John 12:1-3 Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus

56 - John 12: 4-11 Judas Iscariot/ criticism / doctrine of separation

57 - John 12:12-19 Palm Sunday/ cross must come before the crown

58 - John 12:20-25 The seeking Greeks

59 - John 12:26-36 Doctrine of hypostatic union

60 - John 12:37-50 Scar Tissue/ hardening of the heart

61 - John 13:1-11 Washing the disciples' feet

62 - John 13:12-18 Doctrine of happiness

63 - John 13:16-26 Doctrinal outline on Judas Iscariot

64 - John 13:26-35 Review outline on Judas Iscariot/ upper room discourse

65 - John 13:36-14:4 Peter/ free will of JC

66 - John 14:5-7 Thomas' question/ Jesus' answer

67 - John 14:8-15 Inhale/ exhale of BD/ Philip's question/ JC answer

68 - John 14:16-21 2 Advents of HS/ Doctrine of HS in OT

69 - John 14:22-27 Seeing and loving God thru BD

70 - John 14:28-15:1 Doctrine of ascension/ vine and branches/ orientation to CA

71 - John 15:1-6 Vine and branches/ sin unto death/ doctrine of human good

72 - John 15:7-11 Prayer/ love/ doctrine of happiness

73 - John 15:12-17 Slave/friend of Christ/ doctrine of happiness, election

74 - John 15: via Ephesians 4:22-27 Intro to 7 reasons why the world hates the believer

75 - John 15:18-27 7 reasons why the world hates you

76 - John 16:1-4 Opposition of religion/ preparation thru BD

77 - John 16:5-7 The Comforter

78 - John 16:8-11 Ministry of the HS to the unbeliever

79 - John 16:12 Ministry of the HS in writing NT canon/ doctrine of bible teaching

80 - John 16:16 A little while/ doctrine of happiness

81 - John 16:24 MacArthur's speech/ Prayer for the nation

82 - John 16:25 Prayer in Jesus' name/ Agapao vs Phileo/ doctrine of ascension

83 - John 17:1-5 Prayer/ sovereignty of God and free will of man co-exist

84 - John 17:6-8 +V at God-consciousness/ tongues movement/ baptism of the Spirit

85 - John 17:9-13 doctrines of positional sanctification/ happiness

86 - John 17:14-17 Doctrine of happiness/ 7 ways a believer is not of this world

87 - John 17:17-19 doctrine of divine decrees

88 - John 17:20-26 Oneness in Christ

89 - John 18:1-9 Feeling sorry for sins/ doctrine of Judas Iscariot

90 - John 18:10-11 Peter and the sword/ doctrine of the cup

91 - John 18: via Ephesians 3:14-21 GAP doctrine of the Glory

92 - John 18: via Isaiah 33:1-6 GAP related to national entity

93 - John 18: via Judges 4,5/ Deborah/ Barak/ Jael/ Sisera/ women with an ECS

94 - John 18:12-15 total aloneness and isolation/ personal history of John

95 - John 18:16-23 Law/ Roman Jewish/ general/ Peter

96 - John 18:24-29 Peter's denial/ battlefield of life

97 - John 18:29-33 Gentile trial of JC/ Pilate/ Roman law

98 - John 18:34-36 Moral courage/ Pilate's dilemma / patriotism

99 - John 18:37-39 Doctrines of heathenism/ Pontius Pilate

100 - John 18:39-40- 19:1-3 Distortion of law/ thorns/ Barabbas

101 - John 19:4-6 Mobs/ 7 testimonies to the impeccability of JC

102 - John 19:7-12 Mob violence/ Pilate's weakness

103 - John 19:12 Pontius Pilate

104 - John 19:13-15 Jewish and Roman time/ doctrine the day of the crucifixion

105 - John 19:16-22 The crucifixion/ mental attitude

106 - John 19:23-30 The crucifixion/ Mary Magdalene/ blood of Christ

107 - John 19: doctrine of economic depression

108 - John 10:31-37 Blood clots and serum/ doctrine of the blood

109 - John 10:38-42 burial/ JC/ case of the 2 timid disciples

110 - John 20:1-10 Mary Magdalene/ John/ Peter at the grave

111 - John 20:11-13 Mary Magdalene/ doctrine of weeping

112 - John 20:14-17a Doctrine of the short-circuit of the soul

113 - John 20:17b-20 Doctrines of ascension and resurrection body

114 - John 20:20b-23 Doctrines of happiness and indwelling of HS

115 - Special Song of Solomon 8:6 Doctrines of category 2 love and jealousy

116 - John 20:24-31 Cynic Thomas rebuked

117 - John 21:1-10 doctrine of privacy/ Ichthus

118 - John 21:10-14 via II Corinthians 12:9-10 Doctrine of Grace

119 - John 21:15-19 Doctrines of love/ causes of death

120 - John 21:19b-25 Doctrines of privacy and inspiration


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