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Proverbs Chapter 11
Tree of Life Verses begin in Verse 11}
1-9: The Three Proverb Series (3 verses dealing with a principle,
then 3 on another principle, etc.} {Note: A false balance is an idiom for cheating in business. It is referring to someone weighing something, say gold, and the weight is rigged to come up low in weight. This is a proverb of having character in business.}
related to Mental Attitudes - Represented by Pride} {Note: When Pride comes, it is GOD who is being dishonored. The 'humble' is the believer oriented to the plan of God through doctrine. He understands how 'low' he is when compared to all that God is.}
'integrity of the upright' shall guide them . . . {Note: Tummah originally meant to be 'fully equipped'. It is translated 'integrity' because it means to have a mind fully equipped with doctrine. Divine Viewpoint will guide him. Celeph is translated 'perverseness'. It refers to a person on negative signals toward doctrine. It means to divert or subvert. He has gone off the Righteous Way of God.}
4-6: Three Proverbs of Righteousness} {Note: 'Riches' is used for the 'details of life'. And, RBT says it even refers to 'good works results' here. These productions of the energy of the flesh are the basis of the indictment of the unbeliever on the Day of Judgment. Next, the 'day of wrath' does refer to the Great White throne judgment. At the point of salvation, the righteousness of God is imputed to the believer. It is this imputed righteousness that delivers us from death and provides everlasting life - doctrine of eternal security.}
5-6: Experiential Righteousness} {Note: When a believer is in fellowship and is spiritually mature, he understands how to permit God the Holy Spirit to control their life. They are free from mental attitude sins and use rebound when they fail. A 'tamiym' or 'fully equipped believer attempts to use the 'Divine viewpoint' in the norms and standards of his soul - which he obtained through study of bible doctrine. The wicked here is the 'unbeliever' relying on his own righteousness for salvation. His own wickedness is his own self-induced misery from mental attitude sins. No matter the details of life he has or does not have, he can not truly be happy because he does not have the capacity to be happy.}
righteousness of the upright shall deliver them . . . {Note: This is the inner righteousness that starts with the imputed righteousness of God and then is experiential righteousness that comes from equipping oneself with bible doctrine in the soul. Transgressors here are either unbelievers or carnal believers - either case, their life will be miserable when they operate under mental attitude sins.}
7-9: God's Plan} {Note: The 'wicked man' is also called the 'soulish man'. He is operating on his Old Sin Nature instead of being in fellowship and operating by the power of the Holy Spirit. The wicked man can be an unbeliever or a believer out of fellowship. Here is an unbeliever. This unbeliever has the 'hope' of salvation until he dies. When he does, his chance of salvation is over. Next the 'unjust man' is the man 'without the imputed righteousness of God'.}
righteous is delivered {Note: The 'righteous' is a believer. He has been imputed with the righteousness of God. This verse refers to Phase II. A mature believer in fellowship, operating under the power of God the Holy Spirit, is delivered out of his troubles. But the wicked - an unbeliever or a believer out of fellowship - Walks in his own Way and steps right into the same type of trouble that the righteous one avoided - but he has no tools with which to handle the pressure.}
Reaction' Versus 'Believer Response' to Pressures} {Note: Chaneph here is a synonym for the unbeliever of verse 8 - an ungodly person. Here he is under pressures and his mental attitude sins are projected on those around him - judging, maligning, slander, etc.. Knowledge is bible doctrine in the human spirit. The just here is a mature believer with doctrine in his soul. He handles the pressures of life beautifully and calmly. He does not blame others around him. And, he gets through the pressure.} {Grace by association with Mature Believer Versus Cursing by association with the Unbeliever}
the good of the righteous, {Note: This is the 'salt of the land' principle. The mature believer operates on divine viewpoint, and the country prospers under the Grace by Association principle. But, in contrast the 'wicked' operates on his own human viewpoint and messes up the country, until he dies - THEN the country is blessed by his passing away! This concept also covers the concept of 'man solving man's problems through man's efforts' - human good. When the man promoting the false concepts (like equality, socialism, welfare state) moves on - then the land prospers.}
Pivot of Mature Believers protects a Nation/city. The Cosmic
Believers bring it down} {Note: The upright is the mature believer. This is blessing by association of a mature person to his city. And, in contrast, a wicked person destroys all around him - here through the sins of the tongue - gossip, maligning, etc.}
who despises his neighbor
who functions as a 'talebearer' {gossip}
there is no guidance {from doctrine}
that is surety {cosigner of a note}
grace woman
grace man
The wicked {cosmic believer}
truly righteous {believer}
sure this,
desire of the righteous
man gives generously . . .
Distich} {Note: Grace produces wealth. If you are generous to others, God will prosper you either in time or eternity or both. This verse is an example of a Synonymous distich. A distich is two lines of poetry. A synonymous distich is two lines of Jewish poetry that say the same thing - only using different words.}
curse the man
He who diligently seeks good,
who trusts in riches
who causes sorrow to his family
the righteous will be rewarded on earth . . . [Note: The believer is imputed with the righteousness of God at the point of salvation. As a mature believer comes to know doctrine and apply it to his life, he is rewarded in time and eternity future. In the same manner, the unbeliever and the believer operating on his own viewpoint, will receive their "just rewards" also.]