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The tongue of the wise
The eyes of Jehovah/God
A soothing/healing tongue . . . {is} {Note: The soothing tongue is one that teaches doctrine. And, if the Word is distorted, then the spirit is crushed.}
Distich - Negative then Positive} {Note: This verse is about 'teach-ability'. Authority and respect are in view and must be learned and exercised for everyone to concentrate on the teaching of the Word of God.}
Either 'Details of Life' or the 'Wealth of Doctrine'} {Note: The 'much treasure' in the house of the righteous is 'bible doctrine'/'divine viewpoint' - spiritual wealth. This is compared to the 'physical wealth' or 'details of life' which are things like 'money, success, pleasure, social life, friends, loved ones, sex, cars, houses, boats, etc.'. But the point of this verse is the 'wealth' of the unbeliever is not enjoyed. Instead it is a root of their problems in life.}
lips of the wise disseminate {Note: The 'wise' is a spiritually mature believer with much doctrine circulating in his soul. Therefore, when he talks, he expresses divine viewpoint. He has a relaxed mental attitude. He does not give the 'doctrine of reconciliation' point by point . . . instead he is relaxed . . . not judging or maligning. He is demonstrating the results of doctrine in the soul. He disperses 'viewpoint of God terms' not 'doctrinal vocabulary terms'.}
8-9: Talk Your Way into Trouble in Prayer} {Note: The 'sacrifice of the wicked' referred to carnal believers (or unbelievers) going through the ritual of making animal or food sacrifices to 'God' . . . when they are NOT in fellowship. In this day, there was a protocol for giving sacrifices. As with prayer in the Church Age, if this person gives sacrifices with mental attitude sins in their heart, this is an abomination to God - he needed to confess his sins to God first. The upright is the believer who habitually uses rebound to be cleansed from sin and is at that time in fellowship.}
Way of the wicked {Note: The 'Way of the wicked' referred to believers (or unbelievers) that are carnal and not operating on the filling of God the Holy Spirit (in the Church Age). God loves those who study and understand His Way of Righteousness and applies that divine viewpoint to their life's experiences.}
is grievous unto him {Note: The 'Way' is God's Righteous Way as made known to us through the study of the whole system of Bible doctrine. Doctrine is tough on ALL of us. Those who reject that correction will suffer for it. All suffering is designed for blessing and growth. But, if a believer is out of fellowship, then suffering is for discipline and will culminate in the 'sin unto death' if rebound is not used. Lack of rebound is the primary reason for the sin unto death.}
Grave {Sheol} and destruction . . . {are} {Note: Sheol which is usually translated Hell, Sheol, or Hades, but it also means the grave. And Destruction refers to the removal of the rest of his life in time - he dies before the time God had allotted him because of his carnality.}
scorner loves not one who reproves him . . . {Note: A scorner is a believer who rejects the simplest doctrines of grace - particularly rebound in view here. He does not love Bible Doctrine (from above - we see that Bible Doctrine is the one who reproves us all). Then he also will not go to spiritually mature people.} {SideNote: God USES your brain. He uses your thinking. When you believe . . . then use rebound . . . then study and study and study, THEN the more God can use you. He produces divine good through you! It is HIS thinking and HIS glory (HE gets the credit for His own thinking).}
13-18: Doctrine of Mental Attitude (Antithetical Distiches)} {Note: Sameach means inner happiness - or mental attitude happiness. This is a soul occupied with God. The conscience is flowing with divine viewpoint from doctrine metabolized in the soul. So whether in prosperity or under testing, this mature believer continues to share the happiness that belongs to God. That inner happiness in the soul becomes obvious to anyone who sees their face - what you think is shown on your face. 'Sorrow of heart' is mental attitude sins and the self-induced misery that the sins bring. The human spirit is where doctrine is contained and the spirit is despondent and can not properly function without doctrine in it.}
then Negative Believer to Bible Doctrine (Antithetical Distich)} {Note: A mature believer with doctrine strongly craves MORE doctrine. The more he knows the more he applies and the more he wants to know to be able to apply. Notice the believer with doctrine is said to have a heart or 'right lobe' but the believer without doctrine is said to have a MOUTH. His mouth is always moving, but he says nothing of value. The fool is not a low IQ person in Proverbs. He is one without divine viewpoint in his soul. So here the fool chases after the foolish. The immature believer feeds on the details of life instead of feeding on the Word.}
of 'One Day at a Time'/'Regard Every Day as Alike'} {Note: The 'afflicted' here ties to the previous verse. He is the believer with no doctrine in his soul - what Proverb's refers to as a 'fool'. He seeks to find his happiness in the details of life. But without doctrine he has no capacity for true happiness and is miserable no matter what details he has or does not have. He does not know what 'sin' really is, so he constantly is sinning - judging, maligning, jealousy, etc.} {Note: Per Romans 14:5-6, the believer oriented to the plan of God has the dynamics of bible doctrine every day - they have inner happiness every day. Emotional types get 'high' on holidays and then crash. Doctrinal types are happy everyday and depression is avoided - this only is possible with much doctrine in the soul. This also means that every day is to be treated the SAME. The standard for Sunday is the same as the standard for every other day - EVERY DAY is a gracious gift from the Lord and should be treated the same. Every day should have meals. Every day should have sleep. Every day should have bible study. Every day should have prayer (with habitual rebound whenever you sin). Sunday is a day to rest from employment/work - but otherwise it is the same as the other days - a gift from God to be enjoyed. And, if your employment requires you to take off Friday and work on Sunday, then no problem. The principle is to be sure to rest one day of seven for your health.}
Attitude and Occupation with Christ (Comparative Distich)} {Note: The phrase 'fear of the Lord' would be better translated 'Occupation with Christ'. yir'ah, translated "fear", means to be very much in awe of someone or something. With God, it means to be so positive toward Him and His Word, that He is first in your life. He is constantly in your thoughts. You rebound habitually thereby remaining in fellowship a good portion of the time. The 'little' here refers to having little of the details of life - money, sex, friendship, success, pleasure, loved ones, health, materialistic things, status symbols, etc. And, 'wealth' here refers again to those details - here without the capacity to truly enjoy those details (no doctrine in the soul). The idea is to concentrate on God instead of riches. Then you will be happy with the details or without the details. m@huwmah is an ana-poetic (sp) word (means like it sounds) - it means mental confusion, trouble and misery.}
Distich} {Note: 'Ahabah is a Hebrew word for love and sin'ah is the word for hatred.}
wrathful man stirs up strife {garah} . . . {Note: A 'wrathful man' in Proverbs is used as the example of any believer with mental attitude sins. Here anger is involved, but it can also be bitterness, arrogance, pride, jealousy, envy, vindictiveness, etc. And, it means you are full of self-induced misery and every Way he turns he runs into a hedge of thorns. One who is slow to anger is a believer with a RMA. He understands the importance of leaving personal disputes in the hands of the Lord. He walks right on by the angry man snapping his teeth at him - and he avoids this hedge of thorns.}
Way of the slothful . . . {man is} {Note: The 'slothful man' is one who lacks self-discipline. It comes to mean the believer who rejects bible doctrine. In the vacuum left by lack of doctrine comes 'false doctrine', human viewpoint, 'opinions of the world'. He does not have the doctrine to resist, so in flows the mental attitude sins and the resultant self-induced misery. He is miserable, constantly disciplined by God, and is a hedge of thorns to all whom he meets.} {Note: So the way through life of the man without doctrine is constantly walking into a hedge of thorns. But the Way of the righteous describes how a believer takes in doctrine, learns His Ways and applies those doctrines to their life - and it is as if you have discovered a very well built road and your walk through the Devil's world is better.}