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Chapter 17 (Continued)

{Preparation for the 'Frustrated Parent'
  (the ones with NO Doctrine and teach Children no Doctrine)}
20a~~He who has a perverted/distorted
'right lobe'/heart {no doctrine in the soul}
finds no good {no divine good}.

20b~~And he who has a perverted tongue
falls into misery.

{Note: The slanderer, maligner does so because their mental attitude sins cause them to be unhappy and frustrated.}

{Frustrated Parent with no Doctrine has new Status Symbol - A Child (who will become a Fool)}
21a~~He that begets a fool
does it to his sorrow.

21b~~And the father of a fool
has no joy/'inner happiness'.

{Note: Parents communicate to their children what they know. If they do not know divine viewpoint, they can not teach divine viewpoint. And, as a child grows with no divine viewpoint, he will only bring more misery to his parent. This is the 'saved' but no doctrine child - rebels against authority, becomes frustrated themselves, etc.}

{Antithetical Distich - Lines of Poetry are Opposite in Meaning}
22a~~A merry/'inner happiness based on bible doctrine' {sameach} heart/'right lobe'
is caused to keep on producing {divine} good . . .
like a medicine
  {heals the problem of the frustrated parent}.

{Note: A merry heart is a right lobe that is full of doctrine so it has capacity for happiness - sharing the happiness that belongs to God. And a broken spirit is a person whose soul is filled with mental attitude sin - there is no fellowship with God - and in the Church Age - you are grieving or quenching God the Holy Spirit - this person is frustrated, bitter, worried, anxious, full of fear, a cry baby, hysterical etc.}

22b~~But a crushed spirit {the Holy Spirit grieved}
dries the bones.

{Note: In the Church Age, the believer is filled with God the Holy Spirit. But when out of fellowship, the Spirit is grieved and quenched. So, the believer without doctrine stays in carnality and crushes the Spirit filled life. Sin controls his life and the Spirit is crushed in the family circle.}

{The Child Grows without Integrity - and Takes Bribes}
23~~A wicked man
  {believer out of fellowship - no doctrine to guide his life}
takes a bribe in secret
  {idiom: literally 'a bribe out of the bosom'}
to pervert the ways of justice.

{Note: So, the illustration is that his son grows up to be a corrupt judge. And, he is so proud. His son is a great and wealthy man - and he is 'My Son!'. Then he gets caught and he is 'my son . . . how could he do it to me?'}

24a~~Wisdom is before him
  {Bible doctrine was readily available} . . .
who has understanding.

{Note: Doctrine was available to the parent. And, he then could have taught his child. And the child did not have to turn out this way! The parent understood the issue, but did nothing about it.}

24b~~But the eyes of a fool
are in the 'ends of the earth'.

{Note: The 'ends of the earth' means the child's mind wandered from detail to detail. He helped the child in sports, ballet, singing, studying law, etc. - anything . . . but did not teach him doctrine/'divine viewpoint'.}

{Future of the Frustrated Parent - No Virtue in Child from Doctrine - Grief and Bitterness}
25~~A foolish son
is a grief to his father . . .
and bitterness
to her who bare him.

26~~Also to punish the just
is not good . . .
nor to strike princes
for equity.

{Note: So, the example continues being the corrupt judge. This son punishes those who will not pay his bribe. And, he takes down great men for his own personal gain. No respect for common law or authority of others.}

{Answer to the Frustrated Parent Problem}
27a~~He who has knowledge
  {doctrine in his soul}
restrains his words
  {sins of the tongue}.

{Note: The child with doctrine refrains from the sins of the tongue - no slander, maligning, gossiping, false witness. etc.}

27b~~And a man of understanding
is of excellent Spirit.

{Note: As opposed to the crushed Spirit above, the believer with doctrine knows how to stay in fellowship and does. God the Holy Spirit leads his life. God and His viewpoint is everything. And, he will be a great blessing to himself, his parents, his entire family, his community and his nation. He has honor, virtue, fairness, righteousness, on and on and on.}

{If you have no Doctrine, Do NOT Witness - Keep your mouth Shut}
28~~Even a fool,
when he holds his peace,
is counted wise.

28b~~And he who shuts his lips
is often esteemed a man of understanding.

{Note: If you do not know divine viewpoint, it is better to keep your mouth shut and you will bring no dishonor to the family escutcheon is the main principle of this concluding verse.}