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Proverbs Chapter 30
words/'doctrinal communications' {dabar} {Note: 'Aguwr means 'a collector' or 'assembler' - probably pseudo-name for Solomon himself who collected the proverbs - Solomon is near the end of his life now and is passing on his collection of proverbs. The name Yaqeh means 'obedience'. Now, Solomon is back in fellowship and doing God's will in writing down these proverbs.} {Note: Two men of Solomon's 'State Department' are mentioned here. Solomon taught them a bible class and they became 'wise advisors'. But Rehoboam refused their advice and the nation would be split in two.}
I am more 'stupid like an animal'/brutish {ba`ar} {Note: Solomon could not teach Rehoboam so he is going to teach his State Department so they can advise Rehoboam when he is gone. The 'stupid like an animal' referred to the Ecclesiastes years when Solomon was out of fellowship - he was operating on animal instincts - no divine viewpoint in his operations of life}
{Solomon out of fellowship} {Note: The first thing that left Solomon was the understanding of the essence of God when he was out of fellowship.}
Questions that Express Solomon's Rebound and Recovery}
has gathered the wind in his fists?
has 'bound the waters in a garment'?
has established all the ends of the earth?
{'what' instead of 'who' is expression of disorientation}
5-6 A Synthetic Tetrastich}
He is a shield {magen} unto them 6a~~Add you not unto His Words. {Note: Means anything added to the Word of God is 'creature viewpoint' or 'human viewpoint' - if you live by bible doctrine, you have inner happiness - any other thinking will result in discipline.}
he reprove/'evaluate negatively' {yakach} you, 7a~~I {Agur/Solomon} have petitioned two things of You {God}. 7b~~Do not refuse me before I die:
for His Soul}
for His Body} 8c~~Feed me with food which is 'what I need to stay alive'.
I be full . . . 9b~~And deny You, and say, "Who is Jehovah/God?"
lest I be poor, and steal, {Note: Solomon, in his old age, has come to the truth. He does not want to be occupied with the details of life that always distracted him from his intake of the Word. Now, he wants to take in doctrine and bring glory to the source of that doctrine - God!}
Lonesome End - Introduces the Quaternaries of Agur (Groupings of 4)} {Note: Lashan here is in Hiphil causative stem. It is the mental attitude sins in your soul that cause you to accuse someone to malign, judge, stick your nose in their business}
He {the Master} curse you, {Note: The curse is self-induced misery and the discipline for judging and also the discipline for the other's sin that you mention is removed from them and imputed to you (if they did not do it, they had no discipline so they receive blessing instead - and you get the discipline they would have had if it were not a lie). And you will be found guilty of everything that is negative - judging, interfering in the activities of others, gossip, curse, retaliation etc.}
'Quaternaries of Agur' - 4 things that are put together (usually
parallel) that make a doctrine. Sometimes they will say 3 things, yes
4 - then 3 give an illustration and the 4th gives the doctrine.} {Note: Generation of teenagers who have no concept of respect for authority - starting with the parents.}
is} A generation . . . {Note: Then the second generation is when all other authority is rejected - they come up with their own set of norms so good or bad, this is self-righteousness - they can not wash themselves - no one can - only by accepting the one Work of Christ on the cross can anyone be cleaned - and they prefer their own 'human good' to Christ's divine good - so they say no and remain in filth}
is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes (!) . . .
is a generation whose teeth are as swords, {Note: So each generation passes on to the next generation and this nation destroys itself from within.}
15-16: 2nd Quaternary - 2 Verses - The Four Insatiables There are three things that are never satisfied.
four things say not, It is enough: 16~~ {Note: When a generation finally arrives, whether the nation survives or not from the 5th cycle of discipline or not depends entirely on bible doctrine. If there is a revival - people return to God and His Word, the nation can be saved!}
17: An Integral Tetrastich} {Note: Actually this is related to the above Quaternaries. It is what started the ball rolling (rejection of authority). This shows us what happens to teenagers who have no respect for the authority of their parents - they die violently.}
18-20: Third Quaternary Deals with Boredom - {Note: Boredom is a mental attitude. If a teenager is bored or bitter, they are both mental attitude sins.}
Situation - Girl Snagging the Man} {Note: So here we have a bored teenage boy who gets involved in 'heavy necking' activities with an adulterous woman. It is an attack on him that can end up destroying his whole life. So, beware of the danger. It can destroy his own discernment because he has lost all his perspective on life.}