1981 - Revelation Series 457 155 - Revelation 3:11 Misery/ Judgment seat of Christ/ crowns 156 - Revelation 3:12a Pillar in the temple reward/ chivalry 157 - Revelation 3:12b Dexter side of the royal coat of arms 158 - Revelation 3: via I Corinthians 1:23-31 The Magna Carta, aristocracy, culture 159 - Revelation 3: via I Corinthians 1:23-31 Millennial aristocracy/ the eternal state 160 - Revelation 3:12c Eternal coat of arms/ the 2 Jerusalems 161 - Revelation 3:13 Means of momentum/ logistical grace 162 - Revelation 3:11 Doctrine of divine discipline 163 - Revelation 3:11 Basis for a nation's foreign policy 164 - Revelation 3:11 Principle must be backed by truth/ pivot 165 - Revelation 3:11 Cosmic evangelism/ Doctrine of crowns 166 - Revelation 3:11 Doctrine of crowns 167 - Revelation 3:11 Doctrine of crowns/ eternal rewards 168 - Revelation 3:12a Winners/ temple record room/ chivalry 169 - Revelation 3: via I Corinthians 1:23-31 (1982 4th of July) Doctrine of reverse trend of history 170 - Revelation 3:12b Royal/ eternal coat of arms 171 - Revelation 3:11-12 Freedom/ 8 momentum tests 172 - Revelation 3:14a Pastor must be accurate/ Laodicea 173 - Revelation 3:14b Deposition related to the 1st Advent 174 - Revelation 3:14c-15a High interest rates/ what motivates you 175 - Revelation 3:15b Soviet superiority/ Divine knowledge 176 - Revelation 3: 15c-16a Lukewarm believers of Laodicea 177 - Revelation 3: 16b-17a Lukewarm believers problems, prosperity 178 - Revelation 3: 17b Prosperity/ doctrine of momentum testing 179 - Revelation 3: 17b World economics/ momentum tests 1-8 180 - Revelation 3: 17b Momentum testing/ 2 people, 3 thought 181 - Revelation 3:17b Solution to momentum tests 1,2, and 3 182 - Revelation 3: Impersonal love/ solution to people testing 183 - Revelation 3:17b Momentum tests 1-7/ correct application 184 - Revelation 3:17c Momentum test 8/ results of ignorance 185 - Revelation 3:18a Soul recovery/ personal counseling 186 - Revelation 3:18b Taxes/ principles of divine guidance 187 - Revelation 3:18c Counseling/ spiritually naked/ alertness 188 - Revelation 3:18d 'Pepper'/ review of historical trends 189 - Revelation 3:19 Impersonal love/ tears and laughter - 'one' 190 - Revelation 3:19a True love/ Tears and laughter/ 'Fred' 191 - Revelation 3:19b Oxford movement/ discipline motivates 192 - Revelation 3:19c Doctrine of rebound - the pivotal factor 193 - Revelation 3:20a Divine discipline revised points 1-4 194 - Revelation 3:20a Divine discipline revised 5-8 195 - Revelation 3:20b Pain curve/ divine discipline pt 9 196 - Revelation 3:21a Doctrine of the winner 197 - Revelation 3:21b-22 Results of Christ's strategic victory 198 - Revelation 4:1a Introduction/ rapture/ resurrection 199 - Revelation 4:1b-2a approach to revelation/ spirituality 200 - Revelation 4:2b Spirituality/ the Trinity 201 - Revelation 4: 2c-3 the Trinity in heaven/ precious gems 202 - Revelation 4:3 Intrinsic must precede relative value 203 - Revelation 4:4 General staff system/ angelic conflict 204 - Revelation 4:4-5a General Staff/ divine judgmental warning 205 - Revelation 4:5b-6a Restraint of cosmos/ Angelic hierarchy 206 - Revelation 4:6b Rumors/ eyes/ angel uniform of wisdom 207 - Revelation 4:6c-7a Eyes/ uniform of wisdom/ love for God 208 - Revelation 4:7a Eras/ 5 contracts to Israel 209 - Revelation 4:7b Doctrine of virgin birth/ hypostatic union 210 - Revelation 4:7c The flying eagle/ angel hierarchy 211 - Revelation 4:8a Angelic order/ battle/ seraphs/ cherubs 212 - Revelation 4: via Ezekiel 1:4-28 10:2, 5-10 Angelic order/ cherubs/ chariot wheels 213 - Revelation 4:8b Angels professional in worship of Christ 214 - Revelation 4:9 Worship/ glory/ honor/ thanksgiving 215 - Revelation 4:10a Worship/ humility/ submission/efficacy 216 - Revelation 4:10b-11a Worship/ glory, respect, honor, power 217 - Revelation 4:11b Worship, glory, honor, thanksgiving 218 - Revelation 5:1 Banking/ prophecy/ library of heaven 219 - Revelation 5:2-3 Christ's worthiness to control history 220 - Revelation 5:4 Principle/ weeping; good, bad emotions 221 - Revelation 5:5a Angel ranks/ the lion/ Davidic Covenant 222 - Revelation 5:5b-6a The Root of David/ the Ram of God/ horns 223 - Revelation 5:6b Doctrine of eras or dispensations/ horns 224 - Revelation 5:6c-7 Seven spirits/ judgment delegated to Christ 225 - Revelation 5:8 Angelic worship/ enthusiasm/ prayer 226 - Revelation 5:9 The new song of the angelic hierarchy 227 - Revelation 5:10 Unity/ volition/ inner beauty/ reigning 228 - Revelation 5:11-14 Worship of regenerate chorus/ energy/ ability 229 - Revelation 6:1a via Daniel 9:24-27 Energy and ability/ Israel's time clock 230 - Revelation 6: via Genesis 39:1-23 Inequality/ Joseph and the Potiphars 231 - Revelation 6: via Genesis 40:1-41;46 Pettiness/ Joseph fails, is promoted 232 - Revelation 6:1b-2a God-given rights/ dictators/ the rider 233 - Revelation 6:2b Society, its army/ unconventional warfare 234 - Revelation 6:3-4 Warfare principles/ economic depression 235 - Revelation 6:5a Warfare/ doctrine of economic depression 236 - Revelation 6:5b-6 Our economy energy ability inflation 237 - Revelation 6:7 Russia 1916: white, red, black, death 238 - Revelation 6:7-8a 7 deaths/ diagram of doctrine of Hades 239 - Revelation 6: via Genesis 6:1-6 240 - Revelation 6: via I Peter 3:18-22 Doctrine of hades 241 - Revelation 6:8b Dangerous animals/ 4 horsemen summary 242 - Revelation 6:9-10a Terrorism/ Tribulational martyrs 243 - Revelation 6:10b-11a Imprecatory prayer/ interim bodies 244 - Revelation 6:11b-12a Principle of refreshment/ Earthquakes 245 - Revelation 6:12b Why earthquakes and volcanoes, examples 246 - Revelation 6:13-14a Fig tree/ meteors, 3 heavens, atoms 247 - Revelation 6:15 Earthquakes/ Principle of inequality 248 - Revelation 6:15a Inequality challenges/ classes of people 249 - Revelation 6:15b-16 Inequality/ no oblivion in eternity 250 - Revelation 6:17 Seven judgments/ Doctrine of baptism of fire 251 - Revelation 7:1a Doctrine of evangelism/ missionaries 252 - Revelation 7:1b-2a Angelic restraint of weather/ weather 253 - Revelation 7:2b-3 Asiatic fleet/ weather and angels 254 - Revelation 7:4-5 Origin of the 144,000 evangelists 255 - Revelation 7:6-9a The 144,000 tribulational evangelists 256 - Revelation 7:9 No barriers to tribulational evangelism 257 - Revelation 7:9c via Psalm 118 Background: palm branches in their hand 258 - Revelation 7: via Psalm 118 and Mark 11-12 Palm Branches/ eternal life categories 259 - Revelation 7:10-11 Salvation/ temporal worship challenges 260 - Revelation 7:12a Concepts of worship 261 - Revelation 7:12b-13 7 characteristics of worship 262 - Revelation 7:14a Doctrine of imputation 263 - Revelation 7:14 Doctrine of the blood 264 - Revelation 7:14 The blood, propitiation, reconciliation 265 - Revelation 7:15 Interim state. Teaching vs. preaching 266 - Revelation 7:16-17 Tribulational martyrs delivered 267 - Revelation 8:1 the military society/ a sense of destiny 268 - Revelation 8:1-2a Silence. The Angelic college/ heralds 269 - Revelation 8:2b Tribulational martyrs/ imprecatory prayer 270 - Revelation 8:3 Destiny/ incense/ Doctrine of prayer 271 - Revelation 8:3 The KGB/ Doctrine of prayer 272 - Revelation 8:4-6 KGB/ angelic order/ judgment preparation 273 - Revelation 8:7 1st trumpet judgment - against the land 274 - Revelation 8:8-10 Axioms/ judgments 2 and 3 - against water 275 - Revelation 8:11-12 Axioms/ 3rd and 4th trumpet judgments 276 - Revelation 8:13 Satan's armies/ arrogance/ loyalty 277 - Revelation 9:1a Satan. True thanksgiving 278 - Revelation 9:9-10 Thanksgiving/ give only what you possess 279 - Revelation 9:1b-2a The angelic conflict 280 - Revelation 9:2b-4 1st demon army attack and restriction 281 - Revelation 9:5 Cosmic evangelism/ demons restricted 282 - Revelation 9:5 vulnerability to demon attack 283 - Revelation 9:6a Warfare principles and demons 284 - Revelation 9:6b Decisions from weak or strong positions 285 - Revelation 9:7 Cosmic 2/ indirect, direct demon violence 286 - Revelation 9:8-9a Exorcism/ fables/ demon attacks/ beauty 287 - Revelation 9:9b-10 Warfare/ exorcism/ demon offense-roar 288 - Revelation 9:11-12 Great generals/ Abaddon/ arrogant leader 289 - Revelation 9:13-15 social action/ Second woe/ wrong decisions 290 - Revelation 9:16-19 Second army group and its weaponry 291 - Revelation 9:20 Exorcism/ demonology 292 - Revelation 9:20b-21 True and false worship 293 - Revelation 9:20-21 Demon attacks/ unique humanity of Christ 294 - Revelation 9:via Genesis 6:1-4 Antediluvian demon attack- genetic 295 - Revelation 9: via Genesis 6:5-13 Genetic demon attack on the human race 296 - Revelation 9: via Luke 4:32-36a Doctrine of demon possession Continued (to total of 698) ************************************************** This page is sponsored by Kenneth Sidley, CPA. 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