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Therefore become imitators [mimetes] of your God [tou+Theos] as
beloved children [teknon] {Isaiah 43:25, 44:22}.
Begin walking in the sphere of virtue love, just as [kathos] Christ
[ho+Christos] also loved [kai+agapao] you, and He delivered (gave
over) [kai+paradidomi] {1 Peter 2:24} Himself [heautou] over as a
substitute for us [huper+ego] as a propitiation (satisfied) and a
burnt offerings to the Father resulting in a sweet aroma of fragrance
{Matthew 26.46; 1 John 2.2}.
But fornication [de+porneia], and all [kai+das] licentiousness
[akatharsia] or [e] insatiable erotic desire [pleonezia] (sexual
lust), not even being mentioned by (among) you all [mede+en+su], as
is protocol [kathos+prepo] for the saints [hagios+onomazo];
Both [kai] obscene [aischrologia] language and suggestive silly talk
[norologia] or [facetious course] joking [eutrapelia] which is not
proper [hos+aneko]; but rather [alla+mallon] thanksgiving toward God [eucharistia].
For you know [gar+oida] this principle [houtos+ginosko] of
application (if you have learned the pertinent doctrine) that [hoti]
every [pas+ouk] male prostitute [pornos] (idolater unbelievers of the
Greek phallic cult) (perverts) and homosexuals, or pimps or a
panderer [pleonektes], who is [hos+eimi] an idolater [eidololatres]
will not have [ouk+echo] an inheritance [kleronomia] in the kingdom
[en+basileia] of Christ [tou+Christos] even God [kai+Theou].
Let no one deceive you with empty words; because of these
[dia+houtos] sins of idolatry [he+orge] the wrath of God [tou+Theos]
is coming [erchomai] on the sons [epi+tous+huios] of disbelief
[apeitheia] {B- of John 3:36}.
Therefore [oun] stop being [me+ginomai] joint participators
[eimi+summetochos] with them [autos]
For you were [gar+eimi] once [pote] in darkness [skotos]
(spiritually brain dead), but now you [num+de] are light [eimi+phos]
in the positional sanctified Lord [Kurios]: Begin walking as
[peripateo] children [hos] of light [phos];
(For the [gar+ho] production [karpos] of the light [phos] is in all
[en+pas] intrinsic good [agathosune] (intrinsically good value),
integrity and virtue (+R) and absolute truth [kai+aletheia];)
Constantly finding out (learning) [dokimazo] what is [tis+eimi]
pleasing [euarestos] to the Lord [Kurios].
Also [Kai], (you members of the RFOG congregation) stop
participating [sugkoinoneo+me] in the [tois] useless [akarpos] deeds
[ergon] of darkness [skotos] but instead [de+mallon] even you P-T's
expose and expound it [kai+elegcho] {1 John 1:6}.
It is disgraceful [gar+ginomai] to even [eimi+kai] speak about
[aischros+lego] those things [hupo+autos] which are being done by
them in secret [kruphe] (moral and immoral degeneracy).
But all things [de+ta+pas] are being made known [phaneroo] when they
being corrected [elegcho] by the light [hupo+phos] (of doctrine); for
everything [gar+pas] that is being taught/revealed [phaneroo]
(manifest) is light.
Therefore [dio] it says [lego], wake up [egeiro] you sleeper
[katheupo], and stand up [kai+anistemi] out from the acts of carnal
death [ek+nekros] (B-) and Christ [ho+Christos] shall shine on you
[su+epiphausko] {Romans 8:6; James 1:15}.
See to it [blepo] (Therefore, discern, understand) how accurately
[oun+pos] you must walk [peripateo] not as [me+ou+hos] (believer)
fools [asophos] walk but [alla+hos] as wise (epignosis) [sophos]
(believers walk - knowing and doing the will of God; what is right or
good judgment via the Holy Spirit),
Keep on buying (redeeming) [exzagorazo] an crucial/decisive era
[kairos] of time [ton], because [hoti] the days [hai+hemera] are
[eimi] evil [poneros] {Romans 12:21}.
Therefore [dia+houtos], stop! (imperative) becoming [ginomai+me]
fools [aphron] (failure to rebound and be filled with the Holy
Spirit) but [alla] keep [suniemi] on understanding [sunesis] what
[tis] the will (directive, permissive, or overruling plan or purpose)
[to+thelema] of the Lord [Kurios] is.
And [kai] stop being drunk [methuskomai+me] (intoxicated) with wine
[oinos] by which [en+hos] is [eimi] dissipation (debauchery) [asotia]
(addiction), but [alla] keep on being filled [pleroo] (controlled)
(mandate for spirituality) {Galatians 5:16} with the Holy Spirit
[en+Pneuma] (lost via sin and grieving and squelching);
Communicate to each other [laleo+heautou] by means of (with) psalms
[en+psalmos] (lyrics) and doctrinal lyrics (hymns) [humnos] and
spiritual songs [pneumatikos] (ode, poem set to music) sing [aido]
and play musical instruments [psallo] in your right lobe to the Lord [Kurios],
Always be [eucharisteo] thankful [pantote] (gratitude is a permanent
status of the soul) with reference (for) to all things (testing,
pain, etc) [huper+pas] to God [Theos] even the Father [Pater] through
the person [en+onoma] our [ego] Lord [Kurios] Jesus [Ieasous] Christ
[Christos] {Colossians 1:12, 2:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:18}
Be subordinating [hupotasso] yourselves [allelon] to as one B+ to
another B+ as the
in the fear [en+phobos] of God because of respect (revere, awe) (the
highest form of love).
(The second divine law of marriage - verses 22-24) Wives (created as
responders, who have a greater capacity for personal love), respect
(be subordinate/obey) [hupotasso - nomic present dynamic imperative
middle voice] (obey, render to the authority by your own volition)
your own (no one else's) husbands (the initiator), as to the Lord
[Kurios] (put God first in your spiritual life = occupation with
Christ) (the exception is in sexual intercourse, a vacation from
authority, and one of the most refreshing and sublime of
relationships - precedence and trip back to the Garden of Eden)
{Genesis 2:18; 1 Corinthians 7.4-5, 11.11; 1 Peter 3.1-8; Hebrews
1.3,10} where authority and obedience to the husband is relinquished
in a equality of rhythm of response and counter-response; conjugal
relationship whereas God created sex for only between a male and
female in the marriage corporation. Analogy of the Church Age
believer under the authority of Christ as the ruler and groom of the
Church in verse 23).
For (because) the husband [aner] (chairman of the corporate board)
is the head (ruler) [kephale] (leader or head) of the wife [gune],
just as (analogous) Christ [hos+Christos] also is Head (ruler,
authority over) [kephale] of the church [ekklesia]: He Himself is the
Saviour {Acts 16:31} of the body (Saviour of the RFOG - ekklesia, or
the church) {Ephesians 1:22-23, 1 Corinthians 11.3, 12:12-14;
Colossians 1:18; Romans 5:8; Philippians 1:20}.
But as [alla+hos] the church [ekklesia] is subject (subordinate)
(under the authority of) [hupotasso] to Christ [toi+Christos], so
also [houtos+kai] wives [hai+gune] are under the authority
(subordinate to) [tois+hupotasso] to your husbands [aner] in
everything (all things) [en+pas] (no feminazism) as is protocol
[aneko] in the Lord [Kurios] {Colossians 3:18} Analogy for the RFOG
{1 Corinthians 2:16}.
(First divine law of marriage - verses 25-30) Believer husbands
[hoi+aner], personally love [agapao - nomic present dynamic
imperative active voice] (PSD # 8, mandate requiring virtue via
leadership within the integrity envelope of the CA, capacity and
function) your very own wife [tas+gune], just as [huper+autos] Christ
also [kathos+Christos+kai] impersonally loved [autos+agapao] [PSD #
7, motivated by His undiminished deity via His substitutionary
spiritual death=SSD - loved (us, the church (her), from His true
humanity in hypostatic union His imputed +R to our +R] the church
[ten+ekklesia] (RFOG with imputed double +R), and gave (delivered)
[kai+paradidomai] Himself as a substitute (SSD - impeccable lamb
without spot or blemish) (on behalf,impersonally) (positional
sanctification and unlimited atonement) for her
[huper+autos+ekklesia] (the church and RFOG) (a divine mandate and
tandem principle) {Colossians 3:19 a parallel hermeneutical passage}.
That [hina] having purified (cleansing) [katharizo] her
[autos+ekklesia] (the virgin bride, the Church) that He (JC) might
cause her to be sanctified [hagiazo] (experiential sanctification) {1
Corinthians 1:2; 12.13} by means of the washing [toi+loutron] of the
water by association [rama] {Isaiah 55:1; John 7:37-39, 4:14, 17.17;
Revelation 22:17) with the spoken word [rema] of God that which is
communicated by the spiritual gift of Pastor-Teacher.
That He (the groom) might cause her [ekklesia] (the virgin bride,
winner B+'s, the Church, the greatest aristocracy in human history)
to be presented to Himself (as at the Rapture of the Church minus an
OSN forever) as a [tes+endoxzos] glorious church [ekklesia] in
resurrection (ultimate sanctification) having [echo+me] no spot
(positional sanctification), stain, blemish, [spilos] or wrinkled
gown (human good or emotion) [rutis] nor any evil [tis+toioutos]
things, but that she (CA B+, ekklesia/church/RFOG) (wedding of Christ
at the 2nd Advent) be holy [hagios] and unblemished [amomos]
(blameless) (inner beauty is never ugly) (absence of defects in
resurrection body, no OSN at rapture).
So [hoi+aner] husbands ought to love [opheilo+agapao] (leadership)
their own [tas+gune] wives [heautou] as their own bodies
[hos+ta+soma]. He that loves his wife loves himself (PL inside the
integrity envelope of virtue love) [SSE+SA+SM] [Nepho] (self-control,
discipline) {Proverbs 19:8; Ephesians 5:23,25; Colossians 3:19; 1
Thessalonians 5:6,8; 2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Peter 1:13, 4:7, 5:8; Hebrews 13.4}
For no one [gar+oudeis] ever yet [pote] hated [miseo] his own flesh
[ten+sarxz]; but nourishes [alla+ektrepho] and [kai] provides tender
care [thalpo] (cherishes) for her [autos] just as [kathos] Christ
[ho+Christos] also personally loved the church (all B+'s) [ten+ekklesia],
(verse 30 belongs at the end of verse 29) because we are [hoti+eimi]
members [melos] (parts) of His body (the RFOG). (Last part of KJV,
"of His flesh and of His body," was not in the original
Greek text) {1 Corinthians 12:12-13} (The Christian institution (B+'s
only) of marriage and the divine institution (B-'s) of marriage run co-terminously
in the Church Age).
(A parenthesis is inserted by this verse) For this cause a man
[man-anthropos; emphasis on the man] shall leave [kataleipo]
(precedence) his father [pater] and mother [meter], and he shall have
sexual intercourse [kai+proskallao] (be intimate, cohabitate, not
cleave) with his own (no other) wife [pros+gune] (after the wedding
ceremony) and the two [kai+hoi+duo] shall become [eimi] one flesh
[eis+heis+sarxz] (conjugal relations - consummation of the marriage)
{Genesis 2:25 - Hebrew word for sexual intercourse = Hebrew [Dabaq] -
precedence for marriage} {Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7-8; Ephesians 5:31}
Pre-OSN/fall the purpose of sex in marriage was recreation;
post-fall/OSN was procreation.
(Continuation from verse 30) For this reason marriage [as a
Christian institution - two B+'s versus the divine institution (two
unbelievers or B+ + B-) of marriage condemns Satan via Matthew 25:41]
is a great mystery [musterion] (5th century word for Greek fraternity
synonym only known to members) (Church Age doctrine and 40+ things
received was never revealed in the OT, never previously known): but I
am speaking (verses 22-30) with reference about (concerning) Christ
[Christos] and the church [ekklesia] (body of Christ, temple,
sanctuary) {1 Corinthians 12:12; 1 Timothy 3:16; Romans 16:25-27;
Hebrews 12:2; Ephesians 3.3-10}.
(Third divine law of marriage, the reciprocal and mutual
responsibilities, the corporate testimony of PL) In any case [plen],
however, you all husbands also, each one of you individually
(essential) must love [agapao+heautou] his own wife {1 Corinthians
1:2, 2:9-16} even as himself (spiritual self-esteem); and the wife
see to it (must!) she respect [hina+phobeo] (true love and
humility)(the only thing worthy of a woman's love - more subtle and
intimate) (revere, tinge of awe, worship, compatible with response,
not love) (present middle voice, durative imperatival mood, a
mandate!) (admiration and approbation combined with deference and
partiality so that the object of such esteem and deference occupies a
special place in the soul of the B+) her own (no one else's) husband
(the highest type of love response to virtue, honor, and integrity)
The woman is a responder and the man is an initiator; if she is not
responding, she is reacting; a reacting woman can be as vicious as
her response is fantastic, i.e. the greater the freedom, the greater
the response; sexual intercourse can only join the bodies, but
doctrine and respect inside each others integrity envelope joins
their souls. Had Satan deceived Ish [Adam] first, then Ishah [Eve]
would have had to obey Adam and eat of the fruit under his authority
as husband {Ephesians 4:30-31; 1 Peter 3:8-9}. Love for God precedes
love for husband or wife; Respect must complement true love - you
cannot have one without the other. Marriage is not a partnership nor
a problem solving device, but a corporation and problem manufacturing
device. The first marriage in history (Ish+Ishah) failed due to
deception and wrong choices even with perfect environment, perfect
bodies, and perfect sex. Sex is not a problem solving device.
Marriage is the corporate Christian testimony and responsibility for
the prosecution in the rebuttal phase of the appeal trial against
Satan in the Church Age dispensation. Satan's rebuttal or defense
occurs in the Tribulation {Revelation 6-19}.
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