Teaches about Dispensations}
Age Doctrine was Revealed to Paul} {Note: Apokalupsis means 'enlightenment from God to Man'. It is the word from which we get 'Apocalypse' as the Apocalypse of our Lord Jesus Christ (book called 'Revelation'). The doctrines of the mystery - Church Age doctrines - were made known directly to Paul by God.}
of the Mystery Doctrine} {Note: Anaginosko means to gather knowledge on a subject and then teach it to others - to exegete. Noeo means to think or understand through concentration in study. And, sunesis means the storage of technical knowledge in categories.}
5~~Which {Note: Ouk is the 'close the door' negative. Absolutely nothing of the Church Age was revealed to the Old Testament Saints. We are Royalty by the New Birth, in this dispensation only.} {Note: Doctrine was revealed to the Apostles for the purpose of getting it in writing. It is first in the interest of the Apostles and then later for our benefit also. In this verse, the Greek syntax indicates the words 'Apostles' and 'Prophets' are used as synonyms. This is because the prophets wrote a good bit of the Old Testament and the Apostles wrote most of the New Testament.}
the Gentiles
7-13: Doctrine of the Ministry} {Note: Diakonos is the word from which we get 'deacon', and it does mean minister. In the bible, diakonos is used 5 different ways. Here it is used in a specialized way for the pastor-teacher of the local church. It is used in the sense of his authority, his communication of the Word of God, and his policy-making - 1 Corinthians 3:5; Ephesians 3:7; Colossians 1:7, 23; 4:7; 1 Thessalonians 3:2; 1 Timothy 1:12; Hebrews 6:10; Acts 6:4.}
to SuperGrace} {Note: This is not 'false humility' here. Paul was the last possible candidate to be an Apostle. He murdered and persecuted Christians. He was very 'religious', self-righteousness, and the 'chief of all sinners'. But because of grace, he was given the gift of apostleship and produced more than all the other Apostles combined.}
to 'shed light on'/'make perspicuous'/illuminate
to the Angelic Conflict} {Note: Part of the mystery is that the Church is the means of resolving the Angelic Conflict. The angels are learning in this dispensation also.}
of the Ministry} {Note: Protasis - Plan of God in eternity past - see also Chapter 1. Aion does mean 'ages' and here it refers to the dispensations established under God's plan.}
Whom {Jesus} {Note: Prosagoge - primarily means to have access to the King/royalty. This means admission face to face with Royalty - God.}
The purpose of the ministry is to lead Members of the congregation
to the SuperGrace life - knowledge of Bible doctrine -
this reason', {Note: As a teacher, Paul spends a tremendous amount of time in studying and teaching. The pressures here are limited to the communicating type - Paul now is not under discipline here.}
14-18: Doctrine of GAP Prayer of Paul for Us to Move to SuperGrace} {Note: Concept here is of prayer. All prayer is addressed to God the Father. All prayer should be done in humility. Posture is not important. It is your mental attitude that is important.}
from the source of Whom {Note: This is a paronomasia (play on words in the Greek - pater and patria). The word for 'Family' (patria) comes from the word for the title of the first person of the Godhead - 'Father' (pater). Actually, our 'spiritual descent' is based upon regeneration. And, our spiritual descent is royalty. This is the only dispensation in which there is royalty in the family of God.}
of the Prayer - GAP by Means of Reaching SuperGrace} {Note: Ploutos means materialist riches in time. SuperGrace blessing is 'heaven on earth'. But materialist blessings are meaningless unless you have the 'capacity' to enjoy them. David referred to this as the 'cup in his soul' and 'my cup runnith over'. God can not pour unless you have a 'cup'. Doctrine in your soul forms the cup/altar/'Edification Complex of the Soul'.} {Note: Krataioo is the word from which we get words like Demo-cratic. 'Demo' is the word for the people (as also in 'demographics'). The 'cratic' suffix means to rule or be strong. So Democratic describes an area ruled by the people. Here 'krataioo' means to grow strong via bible doctrine and thereby grow spirituality to SuperGrace status.}
17~~{That} {Note: God the Holy Spirit indwells the body. Christ is said to indwell the mentality of the soul. Principal here is Occupation with Christ. When you assimilate enough doctrine into your soul, then you have fellowship with Christ on the road to SuperGrace. If you go into reversionism, then Christ is no longer at home and is instead outside knocking on the door - with discipline. See Revelation 3:20.}
18-21:Doctine of the SuperGrace Life - Pleroma Tou Theou} {Note: 'Te' is a classical Greek particle and is unusual to find used in the Bible. Paul here is using it to closely tie verse 18 with 19.} {Note: To become spiritually mature, we have to get beyond 'gnosis' knowledge to epignosis knowledge which belongs to Jesus - the mind of Christ - Bible doctrine. Once you have built the 'cup'/'edification complex' in the soul', then God can fill up your cup. God pours and you are blessed. You have to know Christ to really love Him.} {Note: Pleroma Tou Theou means 'Fullness from God'. RBT uses 'Pleroma' to describe a believer who has reached SuperGrace.}
Authority is Related to the SuperGrace Blessing}
God is Glorified in Time: In Study, In Christ, and In Blessing Us in
Satan's World}
believe it'
Ekklesia is the word for the assembly of believers and does mean
church. Here it represents the church in its role as the local
classroom. As you take in the Word of God, you bring glory to the Lord.}