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Chapter 13
{Note: Verses 1-4 actually go with Chapter 12}
1^~And Abram went up out of Egypt
  {picture of rebound back into fellowship - I John 1:9} . . .
he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him,
into the south.

2^~And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.

{Note: One thing about Abram (chiseler) when he was out of fellowship he was able to made a tremendous amount of money.}

3-4^~And he went on his journeys from the south even to Bethel,
unto the place where his tent had been at the beginning,
between Bethel and Hai; 4^~
unto the place of the altar,
which he had made there at the first.
And there Abram called on the name of Jehovah/God {rebound}.

{Note: Picture of Abram's rebound. He is now back in fellowship. Principal - never let your failures be a discouragement to you. Rebound, forget them and move forward. Remember the promises of the Lord the next time and claim them! Faith Rest. Rebound. Claiming the Promises of God. Relaxed Mental Attitude. Impersonal love for all mankind - based on your own integrity. Personal love for God. Then you can begin to truly be occupied with Christ and share in the happiness which belongs to God.}

{True beginning of Chapter 13}
5^~And Lot also,
who went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents.

{Picture of Strife Among Believers}
6^~And the land was not able to bear them,
that they might 'dwell in prosperity' {yashab} together.
For their wealth was exceedingly great,
so that they could not 'dwell in prosperity' {yashab} together.

{Cattle War}
7^~And there was a strife
between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle
and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle.
Also the Canaanite and the Perizzite
'dwelled in prosperity' {yashab} then in the land.

{Note: This last sentence indicates that when believers cannot get along, they should separate or give the wrong impression to unbelievers. Unbelievers always get the wrong impression when believers fight each other.

{Abram Applies Doctrine of Separation with Believers in Strife}
8^~And Abram said {'amar} unto Lot,
"Let there be no strife, I beg you,
between me and you,
and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen;
for we are kinsmen
  {'ach - indicates relationship - so here is both by blood and by faith
  - brothers in Christ}.

{Abram Really Allowing God to Choose for Him}
9^~"{Is} not the whole land {'erets} before you?
Separate yourself, I pray you, from me.
If you will take the left hand, then I will go to the right.
Or if you depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left.

{Note: As the elder Abram has the right of choice. But Abram has faith rested and put his life in God's hand. Therefore he allows Lot to make the choice. Lot makes a 'human viewpoint' decision. Abram shows no fear in 'losing out'. He is trusting in the Lord and knows that what ever happens by the will of God is better then anything else. Finally, if he were to choose first, he would be trying to build his happiness on the misery of others - and that never works.}

10^~And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan,
that it was well watered every where,
(before Jehovah/God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah),
even as the garden of Jehovah/God
  {so beautiful looked like 'paradise'},
like the land of Egypt as you come unto Zoar
  {Tso`ar - means insignificance}
{Note: This is a picture of breath-taking beauty. Lot's eyes are on 'things' not on the Lord! This indicates human viewpoint.}

11^~Then Lot chose for himself {relying on himself, not the Lord}
all the plain of Jordan
and Lot journeyed east
and they separated themselves
the one from their kinsman {uncle/nephew and fellow believers}.

{You Never Lose If You Let God Choose}
12^~Abram 'dwelled in prosperity' {yashab}
in the land of Canaan,
and Lot 'dwelled in prosperity' {yashab}
in the cities of the plain,
and pitched his tent toward Sodom.

{Note: Lot being a picture of a believer out of fellowship would not originally enter the city. This is a picture of judging and being self-righteous which are also sins! Before this episode ends, Lot will have entered the city and been called one who 'sits at the gate'. This is an idiom meaning that he not only entered the city, but became a respected person of the city - a judge.}

13^~ But the men of Sodom . . . {were} exceedingly wicked
before the Jehovah/God and sinners.

{Note: The people of Sodom were extremely depraved. They practiced all forms of deprivation. Their religion was part of the phallic cult. In the worst throngs of their depraved religious activates, they tossed their children in fires and fornicated while the children screamed. Fornication actually means to have sex in conjunction with idolatry. It is a picture of being unfaithful both to God and to your right man/woman. And, human sacrifice is never condoned by God. The people of Sodom are also known for violating Leviticus Chapter 18's prohibition against the sin of homosexuality. Homosexuality is a sin. It is NOT 'an alternative life choice'. It is a choice - period. And a choice to sin.}

{Abrahamic Covenant - Land Grant}
14-15^~ And Jehovah/God said unto Abram,
(after that Lot was separated from him),
  {Lot had to be gone before God spoke to Abram -
  separation from carnal/contentious believers}
"Lift up now your eyes,
  {difference from Lot in verse 10 . . .
  is this is a command from God!}
and look from the place
where you are northward,
and southward,
and eastward,
and westward. 13:15^~
For all the land which you see,
to you 'I will keep on giving' it
  {nathan - a verb of grace - do doubt here - imperfect tense},
and to your progeny/descendents {zera` - literally 'virile semen'} . . . forever.

{Note: This promise from God is permanent and unconditional. That makes is an absolute - it will happen! The only thing not specified by God was the time of the 'start'. So in God's timing, all this land will become the possession of the descendents of Abram forever. Revelation tells us this will be right after the 2nd Advent of Christ - and that will be seven years after the rapture of the Church - but no man knows the hour or the day of the rature!}

{Note: All that Abram saw is a gift from God. So, Lot made a bad mistake. All he chose by his human viewpoint is going to belong to Abram. Why? Both are believers and both have been carnal? What is the difference? Because Abram was in fellowship and allowed God to choose for him! This is the important principal. God gave us free will. The test is will we - from our free will - choose to rely on HIM???}

{Abrahamic Covenant - Populous Descendents}
16^~ And 'I will make'
  {suwm - perfect tense - will occur - no doubt}
your progeny/descendents {zera` - literally 'virile semen'}
as the dust {`aphar} of the whole earth {'erets}
so that if a man can number the dust of the whole earth,
then shall your seed also be numbered.

walk through the land in the length of it
and in the breadth of it.
For I will give it unto you.

18^~Then Abram removed his tent,
and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre,
which is in Hebron,
and built there an altar unto Jehovah/God.

{Note: This clearly tells us that Abram at this point is in fellowship with God. He has allowed God to make the choice and He and his descendents will be greatly blessed by God. And, obviously we have seen that he did not earn nor deserve this blessing - it was all by the grace of God - to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.}


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