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Chapter 3
1~~Now the serpent was more 'cunningly evil'/crafty
than any lower creatures of the field
which Jehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead
had manufactured {'asah - make something from something}.
So, he {Satan through the serpent}
said to the woman,
"'Have you heard??'/'Is it really true??' . . .
that Elohiym/Godhead has said,
'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?
  {implying unfairness of God}"

{Note: One principal from this verse is 'the greatest terror against bible doctrine is CONVERSATION'. Do not let anyone mislead you!
Also note that Satan does not call God 'Jehovah'! He recognizes the Supreme Being, but denies the relationship that comes with recognizing the Savior - Jesus Christ.}

{Woman's Vulnerability in Satan's Distortion - First Woman's Sexual Revolution Begins - Rejecting Authority of God and Her Right Man}
2-3~~And the woman replied to the serpent,
"From the fruit of the trees of the garden
we may eat." 3~~
"But from the fruit of the tree
which is in the middle of the garden,
Elohiym/Godhead has said {allegedly},
'You shall not eat from it,
neither shall you touch it {mistake!},
lest you die.'"

{Note: The woman misquoted God's instructions - God did not say not to 'touch' the fruit . . . only not to eat it. She is not 'sharp' in her soul. Maybe she was negative to the word or lack of concentration on the teaching. The danger was in negative volition in the soul not in contact with the tree. And, under the influence of Satan, now she called 'Jehovah Elohiym' just Elohiym . . .}

4~~And the serpent {while possessed by Satan}
said unto the woman, "Emphatically! You will NOT die."

{Note: Satan through the instrumentality of the possessed serpent,
is denying a relationship between sin and 'dying'.. The woman is thinking physical death (which she only knows from doctrine taught to her), but the true meaning of spiritual death is too close for Satan so he lies to her here! In Rev 12:9, Satan is called 'the serpent'.}

{Satan Appealing to the Woman's Pride - Desire to be 'God-like'}
5~~ "For Elohiym/God keeps on knowing
that in the day you eat from it,
THEN {the moment God supposedly fears!}
your eyes shall be opened,
and you shall become like the Elohiym/Godhead . . .
knowing good and evil."

{Note: Satan tells her God is trembling in heaven for fear that she might become as smart as He is. What a lie that one is! And, desire for 'Equality' is Satan's own lie. No two men are exactly 'equal'. The closest we come is at each person's point of salvation. At that one point, we have equal opportunity to take in the Word and GROW spiritually. But, then again based on your level of positive volition, we will become unequal again.}

{The Fall of the Woman and then the Fall of the Man}
6~~ And when the woman {Ishah}
saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was object of desire to the eyes . . .
and the tree being desirable
- that caused one to be knowing -
she took {an act of volition}
of the fruit thereof,
and kept on eating {sin of ignorance, but guilty anyway}.
Then she gave also to her man with her . . .
and he kept eating also {Adam's sin of cognizance}.

{Note: In order to sin, the woman turned her back on a perfect deal. Best of soul rapport, physical stimulation, foods, only pleasure, and spiritual teaching directly from Jesus Christ. Yet now she rejects all - wanting to be as smart as God. So, her sin was a sin because it was an act of her volition . . . but it was an 'unknown sin' coming from Satan's deception (see I Timothy 2:14). No excuse. But ignorance is NO EXCUSE, it was still a sin.}

{Note: Secondly, Adam KNEW it was a sin to eat of the fruit and that Ishah had sinned. He knew, Ishah was going to have to leave the garden and Adam chose being with His right woman over being with His right God - Jesus Christ. Adam's sin was a sin of cognizance and became the 'sin of the father' that is still today passed from the father to the child in child birth. Therefore every child is born spiritual dead and condemned - except for Jesus Christ because of the virgin birth - also explaining the need for the virgin birth!}

{Spiritual Death and First Human Case of Evil/Legalism}
7~~And the 'eyes' of them both were opened {eyes of the soul},
and they knew that they were naked
  {plural - both knew both were naked}
and they sewed fig leaves together, and manufactured {'asah}
for themselves 'loin coverings'/aprons.

{Note: They are now aware of the knowledge of good and evil. Cognizance of sin distorted them into going into legalism. The first act of legalism was to try and get right again WITH EACH OTHER - forget GOD! Today this translates into 'forget God, love each other, and all will be right in the world' and that is just another of Satan's deceptions. God must always come FIRST!}

{Evidence of Spiritual Death}
8~~ And it came to their ears
the voice of the Jehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead
walking around in the garden {looking for them}
in the spiritual time of the day {the time for doctrinal teaching}.
Consequently the man {adam} and the woman {Ishah}
hid themselves from the presence
of the Jehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead
in the middle of one tree of the garden.

{Note: This verse demonstrates the inadequacy of human 'works'. They hid from God even though 'operation fig leaf' was a success! }

9~~ And theJehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead
kept on calling to the man {adam},
and said unto him, "Why are you . . . where you are?"

{Preliminary Hearing}
10~~And he {Adam} said,
"I heard your voice in the garden {calling him to bible class},
and I kept on being afraid {spiritually dead so no desire for doctrine};
because I was naked {`eyrom} . . . and I hid myself."

{Note: In Hebrew only one dot in syntax is the difference between 'crafty'( 'aruwm) of the serpent and naked (`eyrom) here. The words are syntactically related.}

11~~And He {Jesus} said,
"Who denounced you - that you were naked?
  {who caused you to think in those terms}
From the tree that I commanded that
you eat nothing from it, have you eaten?"

{Note: The Hebrew text indicates that Satan gets them to sin and then denounces them as BEING naked! Only the syntax brings this out. This points out that now Satan is the new ruler of the Earth. And, the first thing he does is denounce them as naked! Legalism!}

{Adam as Ruler is Responsible - But Operation Patsy}
12~~And the man {adam} said, "The woman {Ishah}
whom You gave to be with me {accusing God!},
she has given me of the tree, and I have eaten."

{Ishah's Trial}
13~~Then the Jehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead
said {interrogated} the woman {Ishah},
"What is this that you have done/manufactured {'asah}?
And the woman said,
"The serpent deceived/'mentally seduced' me {blame someone else},
and I have eaten."

{Note: 'asah means to manufacture something from something else. Here, from her 'pride', the woman manufactured sin (disobeying God). Pride is a sin that never stands alone. From her pride she manufactured the sin - eating the forbidden fruit. She does her bit and blames someone else. Right or wrong, this is wrong!}

{Verses 14-15: Judgment Against Serpent/Satan}
14~~ And the Jehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead
said to the serpent,
"Because you have done/manufactured {'asah} this,
you are being cursed more than all domestic animals
and more than every wild animal of the jungle . . . upon your belly
you shall march/move {any hands and legs disappeared},
and dust shall you eat all the days of your life {sign of degradation}.

{Note: Before this judgment, RBT says the serpent was a household pet and stood upright - how many legs we do not know. Once the serpent is involved in the sin, herpetology is a new class of animal that crawls on its belly. And, in other lessons, RBT says the serpent may have been a creature of light and was very beautiful.}

{First Salvation Promise in the Scriptures; And War is Declared}
15~~And I will place/put hostility
between you {serpent} and the woman {Ishah} . . .
between your {serpent/Satan} seed
and her seed {women/Jesus Christ} . . .
he {her seed/Jesus Christ}
shall crush/bruise your 'head'/head-ship {ruler-ship} . . .
but you {serpent/Satan}
shall crush/bruise His {seed/Jesus Christ} heel.

{Note: This is the Promise of God to Satan that He would bring a human - a seed of woman to defeat him - operation footstool. Therefore in Genesis 6, Satan tries to destroy all 'pure humanity'.
At the fall, Satan becomes the ruler of the earth. Jesus Christ is the victor of the angelic conflict and at the 2nd Advent will take over the ruler-ship of the earth from Satan. The 'bruising the heel' of Jesus refers to the 1st Advent of Christ and His suffering on the cross.}

{Verses 16: Judgment of the Woman}
16~~To the woman {ishshah - the woman and all who follow her}
He {Jesus} said, "Multiplying, I will cause the multiplication
of your pain in your pregnancy {during entire 9 months}.
In sorrow you shall bear sons/children
  {painful delivery is true, but this means your happiness
  should NOT be tied up in your children}.
And your intense craving/desire {t@shuwqah}
shall be to your man {'iysh},
therefore, he 'will rule'/'have dominion'/'have leadership' {mashal}
over you."

{Note: The woman was so stimulated that she broke the power of authority that the man had over her life. A woman will never love a man unless she respects him. (SideNote: A woman will never find her right PT unless she also respects him). In the Spiritual Dynamics series, RBT says this is 'antithetical parallelism'. This means that the phrase "yet for the husband your desire "-is not referring to a desire for sex, but the desire to rule over her husband. Therefore, there are two antithetical lines of authority opposed to each other. The woman has lusted all through history to usurp the authority of the man ("yet he shall rule over you"). Part of true love is the recognition of authority. But the woman, who lusts to take over control, destroys the relationship. On the other hand, when Adam allowed himself to be lead to eat of the fruit, he lost control of the woman. No woman can be a magnificent lady until she understands authority and respects it (SideNote: No man can be a leader until he first learns to respect authority).}

{Verses 17-19: Judgment of the Man}
17~~To man {'adam}
He {God/Jesus} said/'pronounced judgment',
"Because you have listened
to the voice of your woman {'Ishah},
and you have eaten of the tree
of which I commanded you {over and over} saying,
'You will not eat of it . . .' {judgment for disobedience}
the nature/earth/ground keeps on being cursed
  {man must now farm to live and learn to survive wild animals now}
because of YOU!
  {man was their ruler so in man's fall the animals also suffer}
In sorrow, you will eat {of it} all the days of your life."

{Note: After the fall, man now had to 'cut up' both the ground (till the soil) and the animals (kill) for food now. And, another judgment is death. First spiritual death at the point of the sin, and then later physical death - 'his days will have an end.' And, another point . . . your happiness does not depend on what you EAT physically!}

{Another Law of God for Establishment - Capitalism and Hard Work}
18~~"Both thorns
  {in this category - thorns are on the stem - like a rose}
and thistles {the blossom part of plant - like a cactus}
shall grow for you.
And you will eat the plants of the field {for food}."

{Note: Thorns are used in the bible to represent divine discipline. Man did not have to work for his food until this time. Now man would have to work for food and suffer injuries associated with the work. And, it also means now that man is a sinner he will only be happy when he works for a living. Implies no happiness for welfare recipients!}

{Note: God's Laws of Establishment are for believers and unbelievers alike - all mankind. The Laws of God mentioned so far include marriage - right woman for her right man - and now free enterprise. After the fall, all men (believers and unbelievers) can find
happiness - 1) in marriage and 2) in work - see Ecclesiastes 9:9}

{Work By the 'Sweat of the Brow' - All your Life - Judgment of Man}
19~~ "By the sweat of your face {brow}
will you eat bread {food},
until you {physical body}
return unto the ground;
because from it, you were taken.
For you are dust {the body},
and to dust you shall return."

20~~ So the man {'adam}
called the name of the woman
'Life Receiving One' {Chavvah (Eve)}
because she became the mother of all living ones.

{Note: Chavvah in the Hebrew means Life Receiving One. RBT says in Septuagint Greek version, Chavvah was transliterated 'Eua' which became 'Eve' so we got this from the Greek translation of the Old Testament, not from the original Hebrew.}

21~~Therefore, for the man {'adam} and for his woman {'Ishah},
Jehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead manufactured {'asah}
clothes from coats of skins {first shedding of blood}.

{Note: Animals had to die in order for God to manufacture out of something ('asah) clothing from animal skins. This is the first shedding of blood in the bible.}

{Fallen Mankind under Salvation}
22~~And the Jehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead said,
"Behold, the man {'adam} has become
like one from among Us {the Elohiym/Godhead} . . .
to know good and evil.
And therefore, lest he put forth his hand,
and take also of the tree of life,
and eat, and live forever.

{Note: The issue is NOT what you do, it is WHAT you KNOW that is important!}

{Note: RBT says this is 'sanctified sarcasm' here. Man is now spiritually dead. He was told by Satan, eat and you will be as smart as God. So, man is 'like' God alright, but is not nearly as smart as God.}

{Note: God will not permit any man to perpetuate his own brand of evil. If you lived long enough you would do so. So, man will now have to die physically.}

23~~Therefore the Jehovah/God Elohiym/Godhead
banished him {Adam} from the garden of Eden,
to till the soil from which he was taken.

{Verse Ties with Proverbs Chapter 8 and Revelation Chapter 2:7}
24~~ Therefore He {God} drove the man out
and, at the east of the garden of Eden,
He stationed the Cherubim {angels},
and the flaming sword which turned every direction,
to guard the way/road to the tree of life.

{Note: The Tree of Life represents capacity for happiness and God will not permit happiness to co-exist with sin. The capacity to have happiness only comes with bible doctrine resident in your soul. Therefore, bible doctrine study is related to the Tree of Life.}


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