Bible Concepts and Aids

As I was putting this site together, I realized that there would be ideas, concepts, translations, etc. that I was using that might not be understood by the general public.

I decided to create one place where you might find aids that I believe might help you.

Greek of the New Testament

There have been a number of different Greek languages. Supposedly, Alexander the Great wanted one "simple yet exact" language for all his soldiers no matter what their home Greek language was.

Alexander was a mental genius. He created a beautiful language for the "Common Man". It therefore was called Koine Greek.

The following section will point out amazing things that I found out about the KJV translation.

First, I discovered that the Koine Greek used four DIFFERENT words and suffixes for four completely different meanings of an IF statement. Each are just translated "if" in the KJV. I had assumed that each IF was a "maybe yes, maybe no". Instead, for example, when a 1st class conditional if statement is indicated, it should be translated "If and it is true". A 2nd class is "if and it is NOT true"! Those are big differences to me!

Second, there are two completely different words that are each translated "love" in the KJV. They are agape and phileo. They are not even similar looking. Nor are they similar in meaning. Yet both are translated "love". God is love. Jesus is love. Is it not important to know what "love" really is?


Important Koine Greek Syntactical Points

If - the FOUR types of "ifs" all with very different meanings
  but all translated "if" in the KJV.


Hebrew of the Old Testament

The Hebrew language is a very old language that has been under study continually by the Jews. Like the Greek though, it has concepts that most non-Jews do not stop to consider fully.

Second the meaning of certain words and concepts were hidden until the Mystery was revealed in the New Testament. If a Jew rejects the New Testament as being part of the Word of God, he will not accept the "Mystery Doctrine Revealed" as Truth and miss the full meaning.

He is like the followers of John the Baptist in Acts 19 who were outside the Union with Christ now possible after the cross. Once they heard and accepted the Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross, they also became in Union with the Son.


Important Hebrew Concepts

Cherem - the Heb



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