
Chapter 9
{Continuing the Thought of the Previous Chapter}
{4 Shadows of the Victory at the Cross and Royal Family to Come}
{1st Shadow - the Tabernacle - Verses 1-11}
1~~Even so, therefore, the first {covenant - Mosaic Law}
used to have regulations for worship, and
its sanctuary . . . a sanctuary of this world.

{Note: The tabernacle was on earth. It was a shadow and points to the reality. Heaven is the true tabernacle. The tabernacle was the greatest teaching aid of Bible Doctrine before the written page.}

{Verses 2-5: Amplification of 'sanctuary of this World'}
2~~For the first {outer area of the} 'large tent'/tabernacle {skene} was constructed,
in which there was both the lampstand {oil is burned in the stand - no wax - luchnia}, and
the table and the prothesis/'way of thinking' loaves of bread . . .
which category of thing {the first tent and all its furniture}
is designated the 'holy place'.

{Note: 'Skene' means a very large movable tent. We call it the Tabernacle. It was the bible for Israel for over 500 years. Every part of the tent and all things inside it were dictated to Moses from God. These are 'shadow Christology'.}

{Note: 'Prothesis' means the predetermined plan of God. It is the 'way of thinking' of God in eternity past. The bread here IS the shewbread though it is not called that here. The table holding the shewbread was made of wood covered by gold. Wood represents humanity and gold represents deity. Together is the Hypostatic Union. The bread is doctrine in the sense that all doctrine is the mind of Christ. The table had a crown/molding to keep the bread from falling off. This represents the eternal nature of bible doctrine. The bread/doctrine helps you understand Jesus Christ and therefore also understand the other two members of the Godhead. Baking of the bread is a picture of the cross. The eating of the bread sustained them. This was a picture of eating doctrine on a daily basis to sustain us. Finally, the shewbread cost the priest nada - a picture of grace.}

{Verses 3-5: The Holy of Holies}
3~~And behind the second curtain/veil,
a large tent/tabernacle . . . which is designated the Holy of Holies . .

{Note: The second veil is hung on 4 pillars: the incarnate person of Christ emphasized in:
1. Matthew - Jesus - As the King of the Jews (symbol - the Lion)
2. Mark - Jesus - As the servant of Jehovah (symbol - the Bull)
3. Luke - Jesus - As the Son of Man (symbol - face of a Man)
4. John - Jesus - As the Son of God (symbol - the flying eagle).
For more, see Revelation Chapter 4:7 where the 4 quarters of the escutcheon of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is revealed.}

4~~ . . . having belonged to it the golden altar {of incense},
and the Ark of the Covenant {Exodus 25:10-22, 37:1-9, Romans 3:22-25} having been plated on all sides with gold,
in which {ark} was the golden urn having the manna, and
Aaron's rod having germinated and sprouted, and
the tables of the law/covenant . . .

{Note: The golden altar of incense was just outside the veil but belonged to the Holy of Holies. It was constantly used, but the Holy of Holies could only be entered once a year. See also Exodus 30:1-10, 34-38, 37:25-28.}

5~~ . . . and above it {the Ark} the Cherubs of glory {glory = essence of God} overshadowing the mercy seat . . .
concerning which {mercy seat} it is not now time to teach in detail.

{Note: Glory represents the essence of God. The Cherubs represents the Holiness of God. One represents His Righteousness and the other His Justice: together equaling the Holiness of God. The mercy seat is part of and on top of the Ark of the Covenant. The blood is sprinkled by the High Priest on the mercy seat. This represents the propitiation of God's righteousness and justice through the salvation work of the Lord on the cross.}

{Verses 6-8: Function of the Levitical Priesthood}
6~~ Now when these things {tabernacle and all its furniture}
had been constructed in this manner,
the priests constantly entered into the first tent {the Holy Place}, performing the spiritual/sacred functions.

{Note: Only priests could enter the Holy Place and only the High Priest once a year on into the Holy of Holies. A Cherub was the sign signifying 'do not enter' . . . bringing to mind the Cherubs stationed by God to keep Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. Other Jews were taught by the priests about the tabernacle from the Torah.}

{Day of Atonement in the Jewish Age}
7~~But, in contrast, into the second {Holy of Holies}
once every year . . . only the high priest {portraying Jesus} alone {entered}, not without making use of blood {of a young sacrificial bull - Leviticus 16:14},
which he offers on behalf of himself, and then
on behalf of the people . . . {for} their sins of ignorance {sacrificial goat's blood - Leviticus 16:15}.

{Note: Jesus was absolutely alone on the cross. For the first time, His deity was separated/forsaken by the other members of the GodHead and forsaken by man.}

8~~The Holy Spirit revealing this . . .
{namely} that the entrance into the Holy of Holies
had NOT YET been revealed,
so long as the first/original 'large tent'/tabernacle kept having existence.

{Note: Entrance into the Holy of Holies is the Baptism of the Spirit. This did not occur until the Church Age and was a mystery doctrine not revealed in the Jewish Age. No one enters the Holy of Holies under shadow worship. Today, believers live IN the Holy of Holies.}

{Verses 9-11: Tabernacle as a Type and Anti-type}
9~~Which category {tabernacle} was a type {parabole}
with reference to the present dispensation {Church Age},
according to which {type} . . .
both gifts and sacrifices which were being offered, were not able to 'complete'/'perfect'/'bring to the goal of maturity/SuperGrace'
with reference to the conscience of the one performing the worship.

{Note: 'Parabole' is the Greek word from which we get parable. Jesus was said to teach in parables because it means to 'place one thing aside another'. In other words a doctrine was taught by using things seen in society - the wheat and the tares for believers and unbelievers. In the Jewish Age, the Tabernacle was a 'parabole'. It taught many doctrines to the Jews. It taught them about the Church Age and heaven without their really understanding this until the mystery was revealed.}

{Note: The conscience is the part of soul that stores a person's norms and standards}.

{Note: 'Anti' means 'against' or 'instead of'. Here it means 'shadow instead of reality':
Holy Place: Earth and positional sanctification of the Royal Family
Holy of Holies: Heaven
Animal Sacrifices: Christ on the cross
Blood of Animals: 'Blood of Christ'/Spiritual death}

10~~{This applied} only over foods and beverages
and various washings {example being at the brass laver}, and regulations pertaining to the body {hygienic portions of Mosaic Law}, being imposed until the dispensation of the New Order {Church Age}.

{Superiority of our Tabernacle over the Shadow}
11~~But, in contrast, when Christ, Himself, appeared . . .
a high priest of the good {of intrinsic value} things
having come to pass {Church Age blessings}, by means of a greater and more perfect tabernacle {reference to 3rd heaven},
NOT constructed with 'human hands' . . .
that is NOT of this creation {the universe}.

{Verses 12:14: 2nd Shadow - Saving work of Christ on the Cross}
12~~And NOT by means of the blood of goats and young bulls,
but by means of His own blood,
He {Christ} has entered into the Holies {Holy of Holies},
having procured everlasting redemption {for us}.

{Verses 13-14: Protasis - Verse 13 - Shadow Cleansing}
13~~For, you see, if the blood of goats {represents salvation - goats proceed bulls}
and bulls {represents the rebound offering - forgiveness of sins}
and the ashes of an {red} heifer {Numbers 19:9 - ceremonial un-cleanliness} . . .
(when sprinkling {rite of purification} one who has become ceremonially unclean)
continue purifying with reference to the ceremonial cleansing . . .
of the flesh - and they do exactly that {first class condition} . . .

{Note: Prior to the Reality a shadow ritual was used to forgive ceremonial uncleanliness. Once the reality had come, then the salvation work of Christ on the cross - bearing our sins - really propitiated God.}

{Verses 13-14: Apodosis - Verse 14 - Real Cleansing}
14~~How much MORE . . . shall the blood of the Christ -- Who . . . through the instrumentality of His Eternal Spirit {entire divine essence of Christ}, has offered Himself without spot/blemish to the God {in eternity past} --
purify by an expiatory offering/sacrifice {katharizo} . . .
our conscience from dead works . . .
to serve/'function as a Royal Priest to' the living God?

{Note: Christ offered Himself in contrast to the animals, which were the shadow offering. The animals were perfect OUTSIDE. Christ was perfect INSIDE.}

{Note: Katharizo means to 'purify by an expiatory sacrifice'. It comes from the Attic Greek here, which was taught mainly at the University of Alexandria - where the writer of Hebrews was likely a graduate.}

15~~And because of this
by means of a new covenant/testament
He {Christ} is a mediator
(a death having occurred for the purpose of redemption
of the transgressions against the first covenant/testament)
in order that they {the Royal Family} . . .
having been called . . . may receive into their possession
the {grace} promise of everlasting inheritance.

{3rd Shadow - the Testament - Verses 16-23}
16~~For where a covenant/testament exists, of necessity, death must be brought in of the one having made the covenant {the maker's death must exist}.

17~~For a covenant/testament is valid UPON DEATHS {plural}.
Because it {the new covenant} is not ever valid
as long as the one having made the covenant lives.

{Note: Jesus, as the only manifest member of the GodHead, gave the Mosaic Law to Moses. Until His death, the Mosaic Law was the valid law of the land. As long as Jesus was on earth teaching and doing miracles, the old covenant {Mosaic Law} was in force. The New Covenant/Testament began 10 days after His Death, Resurrection, and Ascension into the REAL Holy of Holies/3rd Heaven.}

{Shadow Blood of the Old Testament - the 'Blood of Animals'}
18~~From which fact {ratifying a covenant by blood}
not even the first covenant {Mosaic Law}
has been inaugurated without blood.

{Verses 19:21 - Historical Dedication of the First Covenant (Mosaic Law) with Blood}
19~~For when every commandment had been spoken by Moses to all the people, according to the law {Exodus 24},
after he had taken the blood of young bulls {offering for Moses himself} and of goats, {offering for the People}
and with water {thins the blood for flowing - represents the content of doctrine in your soul}, and
scarlet woolen cloth {blood was in the cloth and used for sprinkling} ,
and hyssop/reeds {like a fountain pen - holding the blood and used in sprinkling}, he {Moses} sprinkled both the book/'rolled scroll',
and all the people . . .

{SideNote: This is a classical Greek verse that was really messed up in the KJV - which made Moses the subject of the verse, but he is NOT the subject of the verse. Moses is the MEANS of communication here, but 'the Law' is the subject. The order of the verse was important.}

{SideNote: The commandments were spoken and ACCEPTED by the people before the law was ratified. Volition was definitely involved.}

20~~Saying repeatedly {Exodus 24:8},
"This is the blood of the covenant which {covenant} the God has commanded pertaining to you."

21~~Also, he {Moses} sprinkled with that same blood {at another time} both the tabernacle and all of the equipment {Exodus 40:33}
of the priestly ministry.

{Rarely was Anything Dedicated under the Mosaic Law without Blood}
22~~And according to the law {Mosaic Law}, nearly all things are cleansed by means of blood; and without the pouring out of {animal} blood pardon/forgiveness absolutely does NOT {ouk - strong negative} happen.

{Note: In context we are discussing 'under the Mosaic Law' so this does not refer to the Blood of Christ here - only animal blood. Verse refers to the legitimacy of the Levitical system.}

{Relationship Between Shadow Blood and Reality}
23~~Of necessity therefore {because of previous verses} on the one hand, that the copies/models/shadows of the things in the heavens be cleansed with these {shadows};
but on the other hand, the heavenly things/realities themselves
with better sacrifices than these {shadows - the animal blood can not really cleanse}.

{Note: Reality can only be cleansed with reality - the 'blood of Christ'/'Jesus Christ bearing our sins on the cross' can cleanse/purify reality. Job 4:18, 15:15, 25:5 heaven was unclean because of the angelic conflict. When man fell, the earth was also unclean. Therefore, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ cleansed the reality of both the unclean heaven and earth. Shadows can teach the fact of reality, but shadows can not DO the work of reality!}

{4th Shadow - the Shadow of the Priestly Function - Verses 24-28}
{Priestly Function in the Holy of Holies}
24~~For Christ has NOT entered
into the Holy of Holies made with human hands {in the Tabernacle - the shadow} . . . a copy of the reality;
but into heaven itself {the Third Heaven - the REAL Holy of Holies},
to appear/'show Himself' . . .
in the presence of God {the Father} . . . on behalf of us.

{Note: Jesus represents us NOW. So we can be blessed in TIME (and eternity future).}

25~~And not that He {Christ} should offer Himself many times, just as the {Levitical} high priest entered into the Holy of Holies 'year by year'/annually {once a year for 1,500 years} by means of alien blood {alien from the 'Blood of Christ' - animal blood}.

26~~Because if that were true - but it is not true - {idiom}
then He {Christ} would have needed to have suffered many times from the beginning of the world - but He did not.
But NOW . . . once and for all . . .
at the conjunction of the dispensations/ages
He has been revealed
for the purpose of annulling of the sin {singular}
through the sacrifice of Himself. . . 27~~
(and in as much as it is destined for mankind
once and for all . . . to die {physical death - penalty of sin},
but after this {physical death} the judgment . . . 28~~
so also the Christ . . . once for all . . . was offered . . .
to bear/'take away' the sin of the many) . . .
{He shall appear} a second time . . . apart from sin . . .
shall He appear . . . to the ones {eagerly} waiting for Him . . . resulting in {their} deliverance.

{Note: A conjunction is here two things meet, but neither ends. The Jewish Age was interrupted not ended by the beginning of the Church Age. This event was truly the conjunction of all history. Everything before the cross looked forward to the cross. Everything in history after the cross looks back at the cross. Jesus Christ is the center point of all history.}

{Note: Sin in the singular refers to the imputation of Adam's sin, the Old Sin nature and all personal sin all grouped together into one.}


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