
Chapter 10
1~~For you see, the {Mosaic} law
keeps on possessing/'having and holding'
a shadow of the coming good things {pertaining to salvation},
not the real/exact image of the events {of the cross} . . .
{that is the Law is} never able by means of those sacrifices
which they {Levitical Priests}
offer year after year . . . 'again and again and again'/perpetually
{repeat - never able} to cause perfection {salvation}
to those who approach {the altar with sacrifices}.

{Note: The repetition here is for a reason. God wants us to know there is nothing in life more important then the ONE sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross! Don't forget it!}

{Inadequacy of Shadows}
2~~Since {if they really did perfect, but they did not}
then would they not have ceased being offered? Why?
Because 'the consistent believing worshipers',
having been once and for all cleansed
in the past with the result that they kept on being cleansed . . .
NOT ONE . . . no longer
would be having a conscience of sins.

{Note: If the blood of a sacrificial animal - the shadow - would save, then why keep killing all the animals over and over and over and over?}

3~~But in those sacrifices {Levitical offerings}
there is a reminder of sins
again and again . . . every year.

4~~Therefore . . . impossible . . .
for the blood of bulls and of goats
to take away sins.

5~~Therefore when He {Christ} entered into the world,
He said {the baby, from His deity not His humanity - in the cradle -Psalm 40:6-8},
"The act of giving {animal} sacrifices and {food} offerings . . .
You, Oh God, do not desire/'make a command decision requiring' . . .
but You {Father} have prepared/equipped for Me a human body."

{Note: This is not an exact quote from Psalm 40:6-8. Some things are changed. Others are left out when pertinent. In Psalms 40:6, Jesus said 'You have pierced my ears'. This meant to voluntarily become a slave of the Father. (A person wanting to be a slave of someone would have the master, if he agreed, pierce his ear to the door of his house). 'You have prepared a body for me' means the same thing. That is how Jesus voluntarily became subordinate to the Plan of God the father . . . by taking human form.}

6~~"You have not been propitiated/satisfied
by burnt offerings or concerning sin offerings."

7~~ "At that time {in the cradle}
I {Jesus} said,
'BEHOLD I {Jesus} have arrived . . .
(in the roll of the book/'Old Testament' it stands written concerning Me) to accomplish Your will/plan/purpose/design, O God.' "

{Note: Refers to verses such as: Genesis 3:15 (seed of the woman); Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6.}

8~~Above {verses 5-6 and citing Psalms 40} when He said,
"{Blood} Sacrifices and {food} offerings and
whole burnt offerings and concerning sin offerings
You did not desire, nor have you been propitiated by them . . .
which {category of shadows} are being offered
according to the law."

9~~At that time {again from the cradle}
said He {Jesus} in the past with the result that it stands said forever,
"Behold, I have arrived
to accomplish Your will/plan/purpose/design."

{Application Follows:}
He has abrogated/'annulled by authoritative action' the first {Mosaic Law - Old Covenant},
in order that He may establish the second {New Covenant}.

{Note: There are two new covenants. In the Church Age, the new covenant to the Church - mystery doctrines. To the Jews, there will be mentioned later a new covenant for them also.}

{Purpose of the Lord's Metamorphism}
10~~ By means of which will/purpose/design {of God the Father}
we have been sanctified in the past with the result
that we remain sanctified/'separated to God'/
'ear-marked as Royalty' {eimi hagiazo} . . . forever . . .
through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ at one time
{once for all - as opposed to the Levitical priests numerous offerings over 1500+ years}.

{Note: A form of 'to be' (eimi) with a perfect participle (hagiazo - sanctification) is a 'Perfect Periphrastic' sentence structure. It denotes the highest form of permanence. We are ear-marked for blessing by God in Time . . . in the devil's kingdom as part of His victory in the angelic conflict.}

{Verses 11-14: Results of Jesus' Efficacious Sacrifice}
11-12~~And to be sure . . .
every priest has stood up day after day
publicly officiating/worshiping {as authorized by the Mosaic Code}
and {worked in} offering
time after time after time . . . the same sacrifices,
which categories {of offerings} can absolutely NEVER
{have the ability} to 'take away'/'make expiation for' sin {singular}; 12~~ but this One {Jesus},
when he had offered ONE, and only one, {efficacious} sacrifice
'on behalf of'/'as a substitute for' sins . . . for all time {great contrast to 'time after time'},
{Jesus} sat down at the right hand of the God {His Humanity - the Only Celebrity}.

{Note: The Levitical priests always STOOD to make sacrifices. Jesus Christ SAT because he is Royalty. We also sit as royalty. The Levitical priesthood was a 'working' priesthood. The Royal Priesthood is a resting priesthood. Resting on the promises of God.}

{Note: Sin in Verse 11 is in the singular. When in the singular, it refers to - source of all sins - The Old Sin Nature and the sins that result in one-- the problem going back to Adam's sin, because of which (Adam's) sin, we are all condemned at birth - sin of the father passed to the child.}

{Note: When Jesus sat down at the right hand of God, two things happened. He won the strategic victory in the angelic conflict. Second, the 'shadows' of the Mosaic Law and the Holy of Holies was ended/superceded and the veil covering the Holy of Holies was ripped by God.}

13~~From that time onward {since Jesus sat down} . . .
{Our Lord} is waiting with great anticipation
until His enemies
have been allotted/appointed
His footstool {sign of unconditional surrender in ancient world}
of His feet.

14~~For by means of one {unique} offering,
he has 'perfected a completed action with existing results' . . .
forever/'for all time' . . .
those who are sanctified/ear-marked/'set apart to God'.

{Start of the Explanation of the New Covenant to Israel - they do NOT lose out!}
15-17~~And the Holy Spirit also,
always continues to bear witness to us - to our advantage -
for after having said {Jeremiah 31: 31-34}, 16~~
"This same thing . . . {is} the covenant
which I will ratify/confirm face to face with them {Jews in the Millennium}
after those days {after the Tribulation - so in the Millennium}."
said the Lord, "When I will give My doctrines/laws
into their 'right lobes'/hearts
{frame of reference/memory center/norms and standards - conscience},
and in their thinking {launching pad of right lobe - ready to apply to experience}
I will engrave them {doctrines} 17~~
both their sins and iniquities/'violations of the Law' will I remember no more {means the end of the discipline for Israel who until then are out under the 5th Cycle of Discipline}."

{Intro to the Paragraph on the 'Willful Sin' starting in Verse 26}
18~~Now where {there is} forgiveness of these {sins and iniquities},
there is no further {animal or shadow} sacrifices
concerning sin.

{Verses 19-25: Applications for the Royal Family}
{Verses 19-21: New Home for the Royal Family - The Holy of Holies!}
19~~Therefore, 'Royal Family of God'/brethren,
{since we} keep on having and holding confidence {stability in the soul} with reference to the entrance/access into the Holy of Holies by means of the blood of Jesus {spiritual death on the cross}.

{Note: In effect the second veil said 'Reserved for Royalty ONLY' on the Holy of Holies. Today WE live where the Jews were not permitted to even enter!}

20~~Which {access/entrance} He {Jesus} has dedicated/inaugurated a 'newly slain'/'freshly sacrificed' {blood of Christ}
yet living {Resurrection} way
for us {Royal Family} - to our advantage -
through the veil . . .
that is . . . His flesh.

{Note: This verse reinforces what might be missed in just reading the gospels - that the 'split veil' of the Holy of Holies, mentioned in the gospels (Luke 23:44-45, Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:37-38) and as occurring while Jesus was on the cross, were related events. That Holy of Holies at that point was superceded by the real Holy of Holies.}

21~~Even . . . {is Jesus} an illustrious Priest over the house of God!

{Note: This sentence is very STRONG verse in the original Greek.}

{Note: While Jesus was hanging on the cross bearing our sins, God the Father split the veil that separated the Holy of Holies from the 'Holy Place' in the temple. This huge veil was ripped in the middle from top to bottom. Now we have access to our 'home' the Holy of Holies.}

{Note: In the next paragraph, we have 'hortatory subjunctives'. In the Greek, this is formed when you have 'the first person plural' with 'a verb in the subjunctive mood'. It is like a command or a request to join the writer in doing this, but it allows for your volition. It is saying 'keep doing this' if you 'will' but it is your choice.}

{Verses 22-25: New Function for the Royal Family}
{God-ward Hortatory Subjunctive}
22~~Let us approach/'draw near' {to God}
with a {consistently} dependable 'right lobe'/heart {mentality of the soul} by means of 'full confidence' in doctrine {what is believed}, having our 'right lobes'/hearts sprinkled/dedicated
from a conscience of 'mental sinfulness' {free from mental attitude sins}, and our body washed with pure water.

{Note: This does not mean you must know all doctrine immediately. It means that when there is a contradiction between what you think and what doctrine says - then you should have full confidence that doctrine is correct.}

{Self-ward Hortatory Subjunctive}
23~~Let us keep holding fast
the confession {all realm of doctrine} of our
expectation {Occupation with Christ/SuperGrace capacity-victory},
because, the ONE {God} having promised . . . {is}

{Man-ward Hortatory Subjunctive}
24~~And {continuation} let us concentrate on
one another of the same kind {fellow believers}
for the purpose of encouragement
from the source of agape {virtue; mental attitude} love
from the source of noble production {divine good production}.

{Doctrine-ward (like a Hortatory Subjunctive) - Highest type of Self-Discipline}
25~~Stop {let us NOT} forsaking {desertion in the face of pressure}
from the assembling together of yourselves {under authority - for bible study}, as the habit of certain ones {reversionists} is
BUT, { by being an encouragement}
even so much the more,
as you see the day {of the rapture/day of their personal death}

{Note: "So much the more" is very, very strong. The writer switched from Attic Greek to pure Classical Greek to make the emphasis. The end of phase II is coming for everyone. Your consistent intake of the Word is an encouragement to others to also follow the colors.}



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