II Peter
3 {Note: Rhema is the Greek word for words off the written page and now in your memory system. Doctrines in the Bible do you no good. They must be in your right lobe - rhema.}
attack of the scoffers - those who question the veracity/promises of God!} {Note: Instead of 'tis', pou is used. Pou is a derogative adverb meaning where or in what place. The scoffers are saying the 2nd Advent has been promised a long time! Show me where it is you Christians who could believe this stuff! This is a sample of their mockery!}
of the Scoffers} {Note: There are three states of the atmosphere or 'heavens' on the earth. The first prior to the flood - anti-diluvian - was when the Earth was on her axis and underground were great bodies of water stored. There was a constant temperature and a light mist all over the Earth. When God brought the flood, the water came UP and that is why the ark was not destroyed in an onslaught of rain. The heavens here are described by the adverb 'ekpalai' meaning of the past or olden days. The second heaven or atmosphere on Earth is described in verse 7 by the adverb 'nun' meaning now. The atmosphere we experience today. Instead of water in the center of the earth today we have tremendous amounts of combustible gases. This is the source of a great amount of energy which Jesus can use to destroy the universe when He chooses. The last heaven mentioned will be in the millennium when the Earth again has perfect environment.}
which the world existing at that time . . . {Note: All civilizations END with the destruction of all unbelievers. The anti-diluvian civilization began with creation and ended with the flood. The post-diluvian civilization began with Noah and his family and ends with the 2nd Advent and the removal of all unbelievers from the earth. The millennial civilization ends with the destruction of the Great White Throne judgment and the destruction of the universe. The eternal civilization begins with the creation of the new universe and never ends.} {Note: Apollumi means to destroy from an ultimate source. And, here the ultimate source is God.}
But the {restored/new} heavens and the earth . . .
given - God keeps His Word}
Lord {God the Father} {Note: A characteristic of God is patience. Only the SuperGrace believer experiences patience at a high level.} {Note: God decrees that ALL mankind be saved - have a change of mind toward Christ. It is man by his free will who chooses to go contrary to the will of God and remain unsaved.}
of the Earth} {Note: Kleptes from which we get kleptomaniac is the Greek word for a thief intent on stealing only - no physical violence. To steal this way, the thief must come quickly and take the person by surprise - no warning - boom just there!} {Note: This is a good description of a nuclear destruction of the universe. The energy stored up in the molecules of matter is more than sufficient to destroy the universe.}
Since all these things
As you eagerly look forward {Note: Puroo means to ignite as in lighting a fire. The description in verse 10 describes what we now know to be a nuclear event - either fission or fusion.}
for eternity future} {Note Isaiah 65:17 has the promise of the new heaven and earth and the old one forgotten. Blessings forever in the new universe are described in 66:22 and more in Revelation}
of which {doctrine}, {Note: Aspilos translated spot in context is an analogy for the stains on the robes of the people of the day. It means the trends of the Old Sin Nature, lust patterns, human good. To remove the spots, use rebound and the daily function of GAP.} {Note: Amometos translated blemish. In context, this is being filled with the Holy Spirit . . . living in the divine dynasphere as much as possible. Erection of an edification complex of the soul and entrance into the SuperGrace Life.}
do you do it? How can you be dressed your best when your Visitor
shows up? Study the Epistles of Paul - verses 15-16 (and all the Word
of God by extension) } {Note: Hegeomai means to think logically and objectively and come to a correct conclusion.} {Note: Makrothumia is a technical word for a SuperGrace function and is translatable 'patience' or to live through all circumstances with an RMA.} {Note: Sophia means more accurately the capacity for knowledge and great wisdom. Doctrines are built upon doctrine. You need one doctrine to learn another. Paul was the greatest believer of the Church Age because he learned one doctrine on another and had the greatest capacity to learn because of using GAP.} {Note: Per RBT here, in Dying Grace, Peter wants to clear up the 'dispute' he and Paul had earlier - he is saying Paul was right to brace him for going legalist (as recorded in Galatians 2:11). This verse indicates things are now 'right' between these two great Apostles.}
As also in all epistles {Note: Peter is saying that Paul's doctrines are a 'little hard to understand', but they are solidly based in wisdom GIVEN to Paul - Doctrine of Divine Inspiration.} {Note: Amathes means 'not a disciple' or not a student of the Word and therefore is unlearned.}
have to be this way - Tactical (higher or mature believers) winner's verse}
Grow up in the sphere of grace . . .
There will be two distributions of escrow blessings:
So nice in the original . . . ************************************************** Joshua_Sozo and Syndein are the Trademarks of Syndein a California DBA of Kenneth Sidley & Associates, Inc., a California Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright© Syndein 1982-2010. All rights reserved. This page is sponsored by Kenneth Sidley, CPA, an Orange County California CPA (949) 706-3133. Please call Ken for high quality, low cost CPA services in Orange County California. This includes audit, review, compilation, tax returns, Quickbooks, and business consulting services. This page is sponsored by Moxxor For Pain Free Living. Moxxor is a highly concentrated Omega 3 product that has reduced inflammation in this writer. Please go to this website to read more about Moxxor.