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I Samuel

Chapter 30

1~~'Then it happened'/'And it came to pass'
  {change in historical narrative},
when David and his men came to Ziklag on the third day,
that the Amalekites had invaded
  {Amalekites are apparently descendents of Esau - brother of Jacob
  (though they were in existence as a nation before Esau)
  - they are famous for being Arab marauders/land pirates},
the 'south country'/
'high desert country in from of mountains' {negeb},
and had hit Ziklag and burned it {saraph} with fire {'esh}.

{Note: Saraph is the word from which the highest rank in the elect angelic order was taken - the Seraphim. They have 6 wings and was a rank apparently created by God after the highest ranking angel to that point - Lucifer - a Cherub with rank of 4 wings, sinned and revolted against God.}

{David Does NOT Know This - this is Retrospective - (Important When Studying Verse 3)}
2~~And had taken 'all the distressed women' {ha nachim (sp)}
who were in it captive.
They were not motivated to slay any {women}, either great or small
but carried them away rapidly
  {large camel corps - fastest for the desert},
and went on their way.

{Note: The women here are called 'distressed'. That is because they know they will be treated brutally. They will be force marched to get far away from their home city and potential counter-attack. Then Amalekites will start to celebrate - meaning rape, torture and death for some and slavery for the rest. However, the Amalekites are also known to treat the children with great kindness. So, though the children are also taken, this verse concentrates on those under great distress - the women.}

{David and His Men See the Ruins of Their City}
3~~So when David and his men/battalion
began to arrive at the city,
BEHOLD, it was still burning with fire!
  {3 days later things were still burning}
Furthermore their wives, and their sons, and their daughters,
were missing/'not there'.

{Note: This is important, because when David and his army hit the Arabs remember they killed all the women and children. Direct Retribution would mean his women and children were dead at this point also.}

4~~Then David and the troops with him
'screamed loudly'/'lifted up their voice'/'were in hysteria'
and kept on weeping
  {from shock and frustration - maximum lamentations},
until they had no more strength to weep.

{David Shares in the Hysteria Also - His Grief is also Great}
5~~And David's two wives had been carried away captives,
Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite.

{David Under Great Stress - Still Reaping the Wages of His Reversionism - But Back in Fellowship - Now Turns to the Lord}
6~~Moreover, David was 'greatly distressed from his imagination'
  {David's imagination was working overtime - he could vividly
  imagine the rape and the torture of his wives}
{furthermore} because the troops for a long time spoke
of stoning him
  {additional pressure on David - troops need to blame someone} . . .
{additionally} because the soul of each of the troops was bitter
  {grief turned to bad mental attitude of bitterness} . . .
every man for his sons and for his daughters.

But David kept on
'strengthening himself'/
'showing himself courageous' {chazaq -Hithpael stem} . . .
in Jehovah/God his 'Elohiym/Godhead.

{Note: At this point, RBT says Psalm 22 comes in - how David used the celebrity-ship of Jesus Christ.}

{Obedience of Acting High Priest to Authority of David}
7~~And David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech's son,
"Please/'I pray you,
bring me here the ephod
  {the breastplate of Urim and Thummim of the High Priest}."

And Abiathar brought the ephod to David.

8~~And David kept on enquiring of Jehovah/God, saying,
"Shall I pursue after this 'raiding party' {g@duwd}?

Shall I overtake them?"

And He {God} answered him,
"Pursue. For pursuing, you shall surely overtake them {nasag nasag},
and in rescuing you shall surely rescue {natsal natsal}."

{Note: Doubling a verb is very strong in the Hebrew. It means not only will David recover all that he lost but you will 'rescue' a lot more besides - millions - David and his men have the capacity from doctrine now to enjoy being millionaires and this is a SuperGrace blessing God will give David.}

9~~So David went,
he and the six hundred men that were with him,
and came to the brook/river Besor,
where those who were left behind stayed.

{Note: Here two hundred men are too exhausted to cross over the brook Besor and will be left behind.}

10~~But David pursued,
he and four hundred men . . .
but two hundred {stragglers} remained behind,
who were so exhausted
that they could not go over the brook/river Besor
  {this is not a small brook, but a pretty good size river to cross}.

11~~And they {members of David's point guard}
suddenly discovered {matsa'} an Egyptian in the field
  {David is now reaping what God sows - he 'luckily' found this dying
and 'picked him up and hauled' him to David,
and kept on giving him pieces of bread
  {little at a time or a starving man would gorge himself},
and he did keep on eating.
And they rationed him water
  {again a little at a time or he would kill himself}.

{Refreshed Egyptian}
12~~Then they {David's men} kept on giving him
a piece {at a time} of a cake of figs,
and two clusters of raisins.
And when he had eaten,
his life/spirit {ruwach} revived
for he had eaten no bread, nor drunk any water,
three days and three nights.

{David Begins Low Key Interrogation}
13~~Then David began to interrogate him,
"To whom . . . {do} you {belong}?
  {David sees the man is wearing the clothes of a slave}
And where are you from?"
And he {the Egyptian} said,
"I . . . {am} a young man of Egypt,
and a slave to an Amalekite.
And my master abandoned me {for dead},
because three days ago I became sick and exhausted."

14~~"As for us, we had raided
upon the negeb of the Cherethites
  {a tribe of Philistines originally from Crete},
and upon the negeb which belongs to Judah
  {had to circle south of Ziklag to hit Judah next},
and upon the negeb which belongs to Caleb
  {located to the North - a Jewish tribe again}
and we burned Ziklag with fire."

{Note: Negeb an area of high altitude surrounded by mountains or seashore. Also means the south.}

{Note: RBT says that the Amalekite are trying to figure out who killed their women and children. So they think of the Cherethites as a good possibility since they were mean sea pirates. Later on David used them as a body guard made up of these foreigners loyal only to the king - they were tough men.}

15~~And David said to him,
"Can you lead me {in the position to pounce on them}
to this raiding party?"
And he said,
"Swear/'make a solemn promise'
unto me by 'Elohiym/Godhead,
that you will neither kill me,
nor cause me to be delivered into the hands of my master,
and I will lead you to this raiding party
  {he knows their escape routes from previous raids}."

16~~So when he {the Egyptian}
had lead them down {to where the raiding party was},
behold, they {the Amalekites}
were spread out over the face of all the land
  {they were spread out greatly partying it up in a secret
  valley - a pirate's den with 400 years of wealth from
  robbing desert caravans going through Amalekite country},
feasting/'celebration type eating'
and drinking {alcoholic beverages - tying it on},
and 'sensuous type dancing' {chagag - leading to party sex},
because of all the great plunder/booty/spoil {shalal}
that they had seized from the land of the Philistines,
and from the land of Judah.

17~~So David kept on slaughtering them
  {nakah - Hiphil imperfect - this is violent torture and slow death
  these men had burned their town and are raping their women
  David and his men take their time and really give it to them}
from the twilight
even unto the evening of the next day
  {26 to 28 hours of hard fighting and killing - these 400 men were
  in great physical condition - 5 days of force marching first}.
Not a man escaped, except four hundred young men,
who rode upon camels, and fled
  {400 out of maybe 3000 veteran warriors escaped
  point being David only started with 400 men!}.

{Note: These Amalekites were spread out. Some were drunk and others exhausted from gorging on food and rape. These conditions were part of God's pouring to David now.}

18~~Therefore David kept on rescuing all
that the Amalekites had taken away.
Also, David rescued his two wives.

19~~Furthermore there was nothing missing to them,
neither small nor great,
neither sons nor daughters, neither plunder/spoil,
nor any thing that they had taken to them.
David was caused to recover everything
  {David is now reaping what God sows}.

{David takes ALL the Wealth of the Amalekites}
20~~And David seized all the sheep and the cattle,
which were driven ahead of the other livestock,
and they said, "This is David's blunder/spoil."

{Note: The Amalekites had been Arab raiders for hundreds of years and there was a huge fortune there. The only things David did not get were the 400 camels on which the survivors fled.}

{Slight Reversionistic Revolt in David's Battalion}
21~~ And David came to the two hundred men,
who were so exhausted
that they {should have but} could not follow David . . .
  {the 1/3 of his battalion who became stragglers and were left
whom they had to remain behind at the brook Besor.
And they went out to meet David,
and to meet the people that were with him.
And when David approached the people,
they {the stragglers}
inquired of them {David and the troops who fought}
regarding his success/prosperity {shalowm}
  {They asked questions like, "Did you find our women and children???
  Are they safe? How about our goods? Were they recovered?}.

{Should the Stragglers Reap What They Sowed? Or should the Entire Battalion Reap what God Sowed? Legalism Verses Grace - Attempt to Set Aside Grace Group of Reversionists Try to Dictate to David}
22~~Then answered all the reversionists/'wicked men'
even {the sons}of Belial
  {Belial - means wickedness - is used for those out of fellowship
  - SOB is pretty appropriate even today - technical for men in
from the ones who went with David
 {and fought - not all the 400 said this, but some from the 400 did},
and said, "Because they did not with me {each one said this},
he {David} shall not give them
of the plunder/spoil that we have recovered,
except to every man his wife and his children
  {fairness from a reversionistic human viewpoint},
that they may lead them away, and depart."

{David Contradicts them and Exerts His Authority}
23~~Then said/interrupted David,
"You shall not do/manufacture {'asah - out of reversionism}
so, my brethren,
with that which Jehovah/God has given us (!) . . .
Who {God} has preserved us {ALL of them - all 600!},
and given into our hand
the raiding party that came against us."

{Success Never Spoils a SuperGrace Believer - David Stays in God's Policy of Grace}
24~~"Therefore who will 'hear, listen, and obey' {shama'}
you in this {false} assertion/doctrine?
For as his share is that goes down to the battle,
so shall his share be who stays by the baggage/supplies.
They shall share equally."

25~~And it was so from that day forward {established policy},
that he made it a statute and an 'army regulation'/ordinance
for Israel unto this day.

{Verses 26-31: David Rewards Those Who Helped Him Flee Saul - True Friends Grace Giving - No 'Strings' Attached!}
26-31~~And when David came to Ziklag,
he sent {some} of the plunder/spoil unto the elders of Judah
  {these were the business leaders - RBT says David wanted to
  recover the economy of the land - David gave in grace - with no
  strings attached},
even to his friends
 {many people protected and supplied David while he ran from Saul -
  a list follows in verse 27 and following},
saying, "Behold a blessing {B@rakah} for you
of the plunder/spoil
of the enemies of Jehovah/God: 27~~
to them who were in Bethel,
and to them who were in south Ramoth,
and to them who were in Jattir
  {all mountain areas - cities on sides of hills}, 28~~
And to them who were in Aroer,
and to them who were in Siphmoth,
and to them who were in Eshtemoa
  {desert towns scattered all over Palestine}, 29~~
And to them who were in Rachal,
and to them who were in the cities of the Jerahmeelites
  {David even picked up a wife here},
and to them who were in the cities of the Kenites
  {Kenites were Arabs who were friends of Israel}, 30~~
And to them who were in Hormah
  {farther north and dangerous place},
and to them who were in Chorashan,
and to them who were in Athach, 31~~
and to them who were in Hebron;
and to all the places where David himself
and his men were accustomed to going {halak}.

{Note: RBT says David's Psalm 112 on SuperGrace blessings should be reviewed at this point.}