I Timothy

Chapter 5
{Doctrine of the Royal Family of God}
{Royal Family relationships - verses 1-7}
{Relationship between MALE members of the Royal Family of God}
1~~Do not reprimand an older man {presbuteros},
but appeal to him as a father {principle of respect for age} . . .
and the younger men as brothers {members of your family} . . .

{Note: Presbuteros again here means elder. But here RBT says it is the non-technical use of the word to include any man one-day-older than you. In application, Paul is telling each of us how to treat other members of the Royal Family of God. A second application is in how a young pastor-teacher is to deal with his congregation. As their pastor-teacher, Timothy must exercise his authority over all men and women 'when teaching the word'. Otherwise, he is to treat these men with respect due to older people and the younger members as his biological brother.}

{Relationship between FEMALE members of the Royal Family of God}
2~~ . . . older women as mothers {respect} . . .
younger women as sisters . . .
with all purity of mind {as a gentleman having integrity}.

{Note: The absence of the definite article in front of older and younger women places emphasis on the high quality of the women. Look at women as God looks at them, not from the 'human viewpoint'. God says all women are due respect . . . treat them that way!}

{Relationship with WIDOWS in the local church - verses 3-6}
3~~Honor {give respect and support if necessary and warranted} widows . . . who are really {ontos} widows.

{Note: Ontos means really and clearly indicates that not ALL widows are widows! Explanation will follow - verses 6 and 11 in particular. Widows are 'female survivors of a marriage'. This includes 'some' divorced women but not all. Principle of the protection of the helpless - widows and orphans.}

4~~But if any widow {by 'special category'}
has children or grandchildren -and they do -
let them learn above all 'assume responsibility for'/'show respect to' {eusebeo} their own family and
to provide monetary support to their parents/grandparents . . .
for this function/deed is pleasing in the sight of God.

{Note: Eusebeo is the godliness term. It means to have character because of your occupation with Christ. A family should take care of their own family members.}

5~~But {in contrast} the one that is really a widow . . .
even the one who has been left alone {no help - desolate} . . . demonstrates strong confidence in God and
persists in the sphere of petitions {prayers for her legitimate needs} and intercessions {intercessory prayers for others} night and day.

{Note: {Both types of prayers are examples of an effective prayer ministry. It appears she is a hindrance to the congregation, but in reality her high spiritual maturity makes her a tremendous help to others through her great prayer ministry! So she does not receive much recognition from the church - if any - nor does she NEED it! BUT, since she is a spiritually mature person, she is a great prayer warrior and an invisible hero!}

6~~But {in contrast to the spiritually mature widow}
the widow that constantly indulges in wanton pleasure
has died {reversionist death} while she is still alive.

{Pastor's Responsibility in the Field of Human Relationships}
7~~ Also {Timothy} command these things,
in order that they {deacons with responsibility over the support of widows} may be irreproachable.

{Note: Paul is commanding Timothy to command! This is strong support that Timothy has the authority over his congregation but is not using it. As a result, some believers are shirking their responsibilities for their own families and the deacons are confused as what to do but is TIMOTHY who is at fault! The pastor sets the church policy and the deacons administer!}

{Royal Family Responsibility - verses 8-16}
8~~If, however, any one does not provide for his own,
and especially for the members of his own family - and they do -
he has denied the doctrine
with the result that he has repudiated bible doctrine {that which is believed} . . .
also he keeps on being MORE EVIL than an unbeliever.

9~~ Widows may be enrolled {on the church charity list}
having become not less than 60 years old . . .
the wife of one man {husband} {a stability factor} . . . 10~~
well certified/endorsed by honorable accomplishments {spiritually mature generating divine good}:

IF she has reared {training, teaching, influencing - physical and spiritually}children well,

if she has demonstrated hospitality to strangers {implies RMA to unbelievers},

if she has washed the saints' feet {implies RMA to believers also - grace oriented},

if she has assisted/helped those being afflicted,

if she has diligently followed/devoted herself to every intrinsic good production.

{Note: This is a reversed format where the prodosis (sp) comes last and the conclusion (apothosis (sp) comes first. These are first class conditions - "and if it is true."}

{Note: These are guidelines NOT fixed in stone. A woman without children still may qualify for example.}

11-12~~But keep rejecting
the younger widows {as not qualified for the charity list} . . .
for you see when they have maximum libido {strong sexual impulses}
which separates them from Christ {being 'man crazy'} . . .
they keep desiring to marry . . . 12~~
constantly having divine discipline
because they have rejected/set aside/swerved from {negative volition in reversionism} their previous doctrine {resident in their souls}.

{Note: In some cases desires for category 2 love can interfere with category 1 love for God.}

13~~And at the same time, also
they learn from someone else {by association with bad company}
to be idle/useless {they WERE spiritually mature now in reversionism}
having wandered around from house to house {with no objective}
and not only idle {idle hands get into mischief}, but also {one thing leads to another}:

gossips/malingers and,

'invaders of privacy'/meddlesome {busybodies - big noses} . . .

constantly speaking those things which ought not to be mentioned.

14~~Therefore, it is my decision
that the younger widows marry,
have children,
be mistress {administrator} of the home . . .
give 'not one'/no opportunity to the enemy {Satan}
to reproach/abuse grace.

{Note: This does not refer to ALL widows only the widows who fit the 'idle type' mentioned in verse 13. These women need to be under the authority of a man to get them back on track. Having children keeps women 'busy' and out of trouble.}

15~~For you see, certain believers already
have swerved away {from 'their previous doctrine'}
following after Satan.

{Note: In context, refers to some young widows, but by application may refer to any believer in reversionism.}

16~~If any believer
has widows dependent on them {in their immediate family - even a servant} - and they do -
be assisting them financially and
do not let the church be burdened . . .
in order that it {the local church} may help financially
those who are really widows {per above - deserving widows over 59 who are destitute with no family to help}.

{Royal Family Authority - verses 17-25}
17~~ Those pastor-guardians {one for each church}
who have ruled well with the result that they keep ruling honorably -
they must be considered worthy of DOUBLE HONOR {diplous time}
most of all, those who work hard {to the point of exhaustion - study, teach, study, teach}
in the sphere of the word/doctrine {logos} and
teaching {didaskalia}.

{Note: 'Diplous time' does mean double honor. It refers to giving the pastor teacher REMUNERATION and RESPECT. See the next verse to clarify this. The first obligation of the church is to pay its pastor WELL! And, then, he can be released to study and teach and study and teach! And, also, being a pastor is an honorable occupation worthy of respect - if fulfilled correctly.}

{Note: 'Logos' means doctrine on the written page. Didaskalia means doctrine in the soul - after you learn it!}

18~~For the scripture says {Deuteronomy 25:4; I Corinthians 9:9}, "You should not muzzle the ox {really a hard working BULL}
while he is threshing."
Also {Deuteronomy 24:15; Luke 10:7},
"The laborer/worker is worthy of his wages."

{Note: So this verse clarifies verse 17. A pastor should be paid well and given respect if he 'works hard to the point of exhaustion' in his studying and teaching - respect is always earned!}

{Principle of Reprimand against a Pastor}
19~~Do not acknowledge an accusation
against 'Pastor-Teacher',
except on the basis of testimony of two or three witnesses.
{From the law of evidence in Deuteronomy 19:15}

{Note: There is no definite article in front of "Pastor-Teacher' which in the Greek places great emphasis on the high quality of the noun. So again this is stating the honorableness of the title of Pastor-Teacher.}

{Discipline of the Congregation}
20~~ Those {of the congregation} who continually sin {violation of someone's privacy in view here} . . .
be reprimanding {command to expose to discipline}
before all {in front of the congregation} . . .
in order that the rest {of the congregation} also may have RESPECT.

{Note: In context, we are talking about people in the congregation NOT giving the pastor his double honor (verse 17) . . . in this case his due respect. Maybe they are trying to undermine his authority or attaching his flock by maligning, judging, or not respecting their privacy. So, to protect his authority, he must take them down in front of the rest of the congregation.}

{Objectivity of Leadership - slight change of subject}
21~~I solemnly charge {you - Timothy}
before The God {the Father and Author of the Divine Plan},
and Christ Jesus,
and the elect angels,
that you guard {to protect and preserve or alertness}
these things {principles of leadership doctrines}
without prejudice . . .
habitually doing nothing in a spirit of partiality.
{Demands objectivity and no legalism}

{Stability of Leadership}
22~~Do not ordain {lay hands on} anyone too hastily . . .
and stop participating in the sins
belonging to others {being influenced by others and their sins} . . . keep yourself mentally pure.

{Note: This verse goes with the 'partiality' of the previous verse. Timothy apparently is ordaining others too quickly and is weak. Others are guiding him instead of following what the Word says to do!}

{Note: Inadequate people are lead to mental attitude sins. Mental attitude sins compensate for their inadequacies. They become
jealous . . . showing blind arrogance . . . and are filled with pettiness and vindictiveness. They think they can do their boss's job better than the boss can do and want to be promoted - but it is inordinate ambition.}

23~~No longer be a 'water drinker' {only drinking water},
but be making use of a small amount of wine . . .
because of your stomach's/nerves' {stomachos} sake
and your frequent illnesses.

{Note: Apparently Timothy's Old Sin Nature leaned toward asceticism. He was probably legalistic toward the social drinkers in Ephesus and was influenced/supported by his ascetic clique. This does NOT mean alcoholics should drink! Nor does it mean that those who never drink at all should start! Just don't judge those who do!}

{Note: Stomachos is transliterated stomach but is also used for 'a case of the nerves' as we say having 'butterflies in your stomach'. It refers to your central nervous system. Timothy is apparently an ascetic, influenced by others, a nervous person, and frequently ill. Apparently he is a 'weak sister' which a pastor can not be! Paul is telling him to take a glass of wine to stiffen the backbone if he must! But the pastor must be TOUGH!}

24~~The sins of certain men {pastors in view} are obvious . . . leading to judgment {divine discipline} . . .
on the other hand,
with regard to another category {of pastors -whose sins are less obvious} . . .
they follow after.

{Note: Refers to pastors but applies to all of us in application. Here the congregation wanted to follow after preachers whose sins were 'not obvious'. Other people's sins - even pastors - is not your business! The "pastor's sins" is not the issue - he should just study and teach, period!}

25~~In the same manner also their noble production . . . OBVIOUS and those deeds/that production
which is otherwise {message stinkith!} . . .
can not be concealed {from God}.

{Note: No need to 'congratulate' the pastor on a 'good message'. If it is good, God knows it!}


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