I Timothy

Chapter 6
{Christianity and the Business World} {Verses 1-8 - Labor}
{Dealing with Management who are UNBELIEVERS}
1~~ As many as are workers/slaves {doulos} and
under the yoke {principal of authority in business}
must consider their own management/ masters worthy of all honor
in order that the essence/person/name of The GOD . . .
and DOCTRINE may not be maligned.

{Note: Doulos is the Greek word for slaves. The bible must be interpreted with reference to the time it was written. Slaves were prisoners of war brought back to the empire to work. After the slave revolt of Sparticus a few hundred years earlier, few risked torture and crucifixion if they tried to escape and were caught. They were usually paid a little and were given freedoms such as being allowed to go to town or church. So, in application, today the word would refer to 'blue collar laborers' or anyone under authority of management. YOU represent God before unbelievers! Don't malign Him! When you don't honor your bosses, you malign God!}

{Dealing with Management who are BELIEVERS}
2~~Now, on the other hand,
those who have believers as their management/masters
should not be disrespectful toward them . . .
because they are fellow members of the family of God {don't use this as an excuse to be a lousy worker!} . . .
but 'even more so'/'to a greater degree'
be serving with respect {obedience} to them . . .
because they are believers and beloved . . .
because these same ones are recipients
of the same benefits {in time (SG2) and eternity future (SG3)}.
Be teaching and be encouraging {encourage to apply}
these things {doctrines}.

{Verses 3 -5 - A First Class Conditional Clause (if this, then that . . . and it is true)}
3-5~~ If -and it is true -
any one teaches/advocates a different doctrine and
does not concur with sound doctrine - to their disadvantage -
namely those doctrines of the Lord Jesus . . .
even to that doctrine pertaining to {norm or standard of} godliness,
4~~he has received BLIND ARROGANCE . . .
but, he keeps having a morbid obsession about controversies and verbal conflicts from which originates:
  jealousy {mental attitude sin and a motivator for
  discourse - a 'cocked gun'},
  discourse/strife {the 'end result of jealousy'},
  malignings/gossip/abusive language {blasphemia - sins
  of the tongue - the 'bullet'}
  evil speculations/conjectures/suspicions {violates
  doctrine of privacy} . . . 5~~and
  incessant quarrellings between people who have
  become distorted in their minds,
  having become devoid of that doctrine . . . {therefore}
  constantly presuming that 'godliness' {spiritual maturity - fulfilling
  your duty to God} is prosperity {worldly gains}.

{Note: There are two categories of evil here - First is evil teaching and the other is evil rejection of correct doctrine.}

{Note: Eusebeia and Theosebeia are the two Greek words meaning godliness. Godliness is the word meaning 'YOUR duty to God'. This is the doctrine of Balance of Residency of your soul and is a synonym for spiritual maturity.}

{Note: There are many reasons why a person might be prosperous. One is because of spiritual maturity. A second is 'grace by association' with someone else who is mature. But there is also at least a third reason. This is a reward from the Ruler of this World - Satan. Satan rewards those who follow his evil policies also. But there is no capacity for happiness within the recipient. This is one reason why many 'rich people' are so unhappy in life.}

6~~But godliness
associated with contentment/capacity for life {autarkeia}
keeps on being a great means of prosperity {gain - true prosperity is an attitude of soul}.

{Note: Godliness is your duty to God. It refers to a spiritually mature believer who has maximum doctrine resident in the soul. Occupation with Christ. Sharing the happiness of God. Being content with what you have or do not have.}

{Note: Autarkeia means to have a mental attitude capacity for life/love/happiness/blessing. Ask yourself this question," Are you happy right now - with what you have or do not have?" If the answer is not always, YES, then you have not arrived. Remember 'Money is a great slave but a cruel master'. See Hebrews 13: 5-6 on 'the love of money' problem. And, there is more on contentment in Philippians Chapter 4: 11-12 and II Corinthians Chapter 9:8.}

7~~For, you see, we have brought nothing into this world,
and it is obvious/certain that we can take nothing out.

{Note: Nothing here pertains to material things. What we can take with us to heaven is bible doctrine resident in our souls and our capacity for life.}

{Minimum Standard for Contentment (concerning material things) - Food and Clothing}
8~~Now, having nourishing foods {taste of no consequence}
and a change of clothes {fashion not considered},
let us have our capacity for life {an idiom meaning 'we shall be content with these things'}.

{Note: These are necessary to be ALIVE! Shelter is not! If you are missing food and clothing, then you do not have to be content - otherwise, be happy! This is a command that will only be accomplished by the spiritually mature person - the one with 'godliness'.}

{Management - Verses 9-19}
9~~But those {believers}
that desire to be rich {apart from SuperGrace}
fall into temptation and a trap . . .
also into numerous stupid and injurious desires/lusts . . .
which {lusts} drown those men in ruin and
useless/wasteful destruction {reversionists dying the sin unto death}.

{Note: It is all right to be wealthy. But to make a lot of money the wrong way - cheating, stealing, dishonesty, misleading, extortion, coercion, etc - is evil. And, even if you are in spiritual maturity and are blessed with wealth, there is still a tendency to fall into reversionism and forget the SOURCE of their wealth. Reversionism unchecked leads to a loss of rewards in time and eternity - not a loss of salvation. But, the end of the road is the sin unto death and a loss of the rewards in heaven God has reserved for you.}

{Occupational hazard for People in Management - Monetary Lust}
10~~For, you see,
the love of money {monetary lust form of reversion}
keeps on being A root of all different kinds/categories of evil . . . through which love of money certain ones . . .
{reversionists} by intensely desiring it {number one priority} . . . have swerved from doctrine {what is believed} and
have skewered/impaled themselves
with many types of pain {intense stage of divine discipline}.

{Note: The love of money is ONE of many roots of the 'tree' called Evil. And the tree has many branches or categories - religion, legalism, all systems of salvation or spiritual growth by works, and politics in Government that do not line up with God's Laws of Establishment - the purpose of which laws is to protect your life, liberty and personal freedoms.}

{Paul is telling Timothy to 'Get Back Into the Game!' Verses 11-14} 11~~ BUT YOU, O MAN OF GOD! {Sarcasm here}
KEEP AVOIDING these things {roots of evil - love of money in context} . . . instead KEEP PURSUING:

  righteousness {dikaiosune - mental attitude of
  maturity - SuperGrace},

  godliness {eusebeia - maturity -emphasis on filling
  of the Spirit and doctrine in the soul},

  doctrine resident in the soul {pistis - faith},

  love {agape - relaxed mental attitude in your
  edification complex of the soul},

  perseverance {hupomone - self-discipline and
  consistency - daily intake of doctrine},

  mental attitude of humility {praupatheia - grace
  orientation . . . teach-ability}.

{Note: Paul is still talking to the reversionist and telling him to get back on the track to spiritual maturity.}

12~~BE COMPETING {agonizomai}
in that noble contest of the same doctrine.
SEIZE NOW {the blessings/rewards of} eternal life {SG2, Dying Grace, SG3} . . .
into which {eternal life} you have been elected . . . and
you have declared the honorable declaration {being a pastor}
in the presence of many witnesses . . .

{Note: Agonizomai from which we get the word agony refers to exercise. It is a word used in connection with the Olympic type games of the day. It gives great stress to self-discipline and hard work - and the 'game' in view here is the study and teaching of doctrine.}

{Note: This verse is similar to verses in Philippians. Once you enter SuperGrace you receive your SuperGrace blessings in time (SG2). However, you need to keep moving forward to the Ultimate goal of UltraSuperGrace. Reaching SuperGrace is one thing . . . keeping moving forward and HOLDING SuperGrace status all your life will bring you to UltraSuperGrace. In UltraSuperGrace, all attacks on you by Satan and everyone else in evil will be handled by you with each and brings you great additional blessings. And, when you die you will have dying blessings . . . and SuperGrace blessings in eternity future {SG3}. The sign of reaching UltraSuperGrace is when you die you have dying blessings.}

{Verses 13-14 New paragraph - Importance of Bible Teaching in Problem Solving}
{Paul under his authority as Apostle gives a strong message to pastor Timothy}

13~~ . . . I ORDER YOU BEFORE THE GOD . . .
Who preserves alive The All Things {living grace} . . .
and before Christ Jesus,
Who has testified an honorable deposition before Pontus Pilate . . .

{Note: Living Grace recognizes the fact that God gives us the Air we breathe and the food we eat. All of us are given life and kept alive by the Grace of God - living grace.}

{Paul is really Exhorting Timothy!}
14~~ . . . I ORDER YOU . . . REPEAT . . . I ORDER YOU . . .
unsullied {not grieving the Holy Spirit} . . .
irreproachable {not quenching the Spirit} . . .
until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ {rapture of the Church} . . .

{Note: Grieving the Holy Spirit is the believer in reversionism not confessing his sin and falling deeper and deeper into reversionism and evil - he rejects rebound as well as other doctrines. Quenching the Holy Spirit emphasizes evil or bleeding heart 'goodism'- 'works'.}

{Note: Paul in verses 11-14 is Exhorting Timothy to keep on advancing to the final goal. Keep concentrating on the things that advance us to spiritual maturity. The study and teaching of doctrine to his congregation.}

{Occupation with the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ}
15~~Which {appearance /rapture} . . .
the happy and only Sovereign . . .
the King of all who reign as kings, and
Lord of all who exercise lordship {King of kings and Lord of lords} . . . will bring to pass in His very own proper/convenient times {plural- separates 2 dispensations} . . .

{Note: The 'King of kings and Lord of lords' is the battle field title of Royalty of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the Royalty in which all Church Age believer's share. We can not share in His Deity Royalty or in his Jewish Royalty (family of David), but we can share in His battlefield Royalty in the Angelic Conflict.}

{Additional description of the Lord Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union}
16~~ . . . the Unique {only} One . . .
constantly having immortality {literally - not subject to death} . . . dwelling in unapproachable light . . .
Whom {Jesus} not one person of all mankind has seen {invisibility of His deity} . . . nor can see . . .
to Whom belongs honor {highest possible honor} and
everlasting ruling power.
Amen {I believe it}.

{Note: Jesus in the hypostatic Union is the 'Unique One' BOTH deity and humanity in ONE!}

{Note: Doctrine of Light. Man's existence on earth depends on light. Light also illustrates the essence of God (I John 1:5 and here). As the manifest person of the Godhead, Jesus is called light {John 8:12). The gospel is called light because it deals with Jesus Christ. Salvation brings a person out of darkness into light. Edification complex of the Soul is constructed of bible doctrine and/or light (Psalm 3:3; Romans 13:12; Ephesians 5:8; I John 2:8). Light represents entrance into the SuperGrace life. You will have a protection of light in your resurrected body.}

{Note: We can see Jesus' resurrected body in this light, but we can not 'see' His Deity which remains invisible.}

{New Subject - Problems of the temporal blessings of SuperGrace in time (SG2)}
17~~Regarding those rich ones {in the congregation}
in the present dispensation {Church Age} . . .
BE COMMANDING THEM {instructing with authority}
that they be not arrogant {prideful thinking},
nor to set their confidence on the uncertainty of wealth/riches {remember the SOURCE!} . . .
but {depend} on God . . .
Who provides/furnishes us {SuperGrace believers} -
to our advantage -
all things abundantly for our pleasure and enjoyment.

{Note: Occupational hazard of receiving wealth as part of your SG2 blessings. And, don't get mixed up - we ARE to enjoy life once in SuperGrace status - just remember the source and concentrate on the source not the outer trappings of the blessings from God.}

18~~{From verse 17 continues - 'Not to be arrogant but'}
Keep on being a producer of divine good {not doing something, but by living the SuperGrace life} . . .
in order that they be rich in honorable deeds . . .
to be generous {in money, love, manners, etc - whole concept of capacity for life} . . .
liberal/generous in giving.

{Eternal future of SuperGrace believers . . . those who obtain and hold the High Ground}
19~~Accumulating treasure {for eternity future} for themselves . . . an honorable foundation for the future {phase 3- eternity future}
in order that they may take hold {of the blessings}
of what keeps on being REALLY LIFE {blessings in time and eternity}!

{Final works from Paul to Timothy Verses 20-21 - a Final Charge to the Ministry}
20~~ O Timothy, BE ON THE ALERT/GUARD your deposits {doctrine resident in his soul} . . .
keep avoiding polluted and empty discourses/messages . . .
and oppositions from philosophical knowledge/speculative gnosticism -
from falsely categorized knowledge.

{Note: Polluted is a message mixed with legalism and other false teachings. Empty means to be without any true doctrinal content. The only way to avoid empty messages/idle speculation is to teach from the bible, book by book, verse by verse, word by word, precept by precept - expository teaching.}

21~~Which {falsely categorized knowledge}
certain ones {pastors in reversionism} . . .
by proclaiming/preaching . . .
have swerved/gone astray concerning The Doctrine.
THE GRACE . . . {be} WITH YOU!

{Note: RBT says this book did not end with Amen because he was ending with 'falsely categorized knowledge' and Paul did not want to add 'I believe it'.}


This page is sponsored by Kenneth Sidley, CPA, an Orange County California CPA (949) 706-3133 and Moxxor For Pain Free Living.