
Chapter 15
{Verses 1:9: Approach of National Disaster}
{Certainty of 5th Cycle}
1~~Then said {'amar - to utter what you think}
Jehovah/God unto me {jilted and blue Jeremiah},
"If Moses {represents strong national leadership}
and Samuel {last leader of the Theocracy of the Jewish history}
kept on standing before My face
  {introducing themselves to Jeremiah},
yet My {God} soul {nephesh} . . .
{has} nothing toward this people {Judea}.
Cast/send {them - Judea} out from My face!
Because they keep on going away
  {for 40 years Judea will continue to practice idolatry -
  of their own free will - without God's blessing - 5th cycle of

{Note: The background for this verse is that Jeremiah had found his right woman when he was about 20 years old. But she has jilted him. She has been unfaithful and he is discouraged. God is saying 'I know how you feel!' Judea is My 'right woman'/'right people' and they are unfaithful to Me - idolatry in the Phallic Cult. If Jeremiah, Moses and Samuel ALL got down in front of God and prayed for Judea, it would not help - they are so negative to God and His Word. . . they are nearly out of chances.}

{Note: Interesting that Moses was mentioned first. Moses was probably greatest man in Old Testament and greatest national leader of all time. See also Psalms 99.}

{Jeremiah Told Her Where to Go - 4 Places}
2~~ "And it shall come to pass {somewhere around 586 BC},
if they keep on saying unto you {as they will},
'Where are we to go?
Then you shall tell them,
'Thus said Jehovah/God,
'Such as are for death to death {all kinds of diseases}.
And such as are for the sword to the sword {military disaster}.
And such as are for the famine to the famine.
And such as are for the captivity to the captivity.

{Note: The diseases can be venereal diseases, alcoholic aliments.}

{Annihilation of Male Population - Verses 3 and 8}
3~~"And I will attack/strike them {the bodies of the men only} . . . four kinds {of bodily attacks}."
said the Jehovah/God,
"The sword to slay
  {killed by weapons - The Chaldeans were known to
  develop a 'killer mania' in war. Kill everything
  and everyone very brutally},
and the dogs to tear
  {vicious half-starved scavengers that feed on the fallen},
and the fowls of the heaven {vultures/buzzards},
and the wild animals of the earth {other scavenger types} . . .
to devour/feast and mutilated {no burial}.

{Note: The analogy here is that the men putting their body into the fornication of the Phallic Cult destroys it the same as scavenger creatures eat and mutilate a dead body.}

{Verses 4-5: Character of the 5th Cycle of Discipline - What about those left behind?}
4~~"And I {God} will give them up to oppression/terror/'ill use'
to all kingdoms of the earth,
because of Manasseh the son of Hezekiah king of Judah,
for that which he manufactured
 {`asah - made evil out of negative volition}
in Jerusalem."

{Note: Manasseh reigned nearly 50 years. He was one of the evilest of Judea's kings. II Kings 21:1-2, II Chronicles 33:1. Fanatical idolater developed a killer lust - even killing the prophet Isaiah. In captivity, he turned back to the Lord, became saved, and went back into doctrine - he abolished idolatry and restored the military - but the trend among the people did not change mentally.}

5~~"For who shall have compassion
{chamal - compassion from the RM or RG}
upon you, O Jerusalem?
Or who shall console you?
Or who shall turn around to ask 'how are you doing?'
  {only the RM/RG asks the RW/RPeople how she is doing}

{Why all of this?}
6~~"You have forsaken {reject from your own free will} Me",
said Jehovah/God,
"you have 'set a pattern' backward {reversionism}.
Therefore will I 'stretch out to strike' My hand against you,
and cause you to be destroyed {5th cycle of discipline}.
I have received a weariness {of soul}
with grieving/'love sickness' {from Judea's unfaithfulness}."

{Execution of Judgment}
7~~" And I will scatter them with the desert wind {strong wind}
to the remote regions of the earth.
I will 'intensely grieve' {love sickness feeling like when RW leaves RM}
I will ruin My people,
since they return not from their {evil} ways
  {unfaithfulness - spiritual and physical - Phallic Cult}."

{Rough Hebrew! Description of 5th Cycle to Women and Children}
8~~{The number of}
Their widows {men die in battle - defenseless women - see verse 3}
are increased to Me above the sand of the seas
  {major slaughter of the men}.
I will cause to be brought upon them {defenseless widows} . . .
against the mother of the young men {who died in battle}
violent attackers at noonday
  {when the sun is high, rape is uncommon - not this time}.
I have caused . . . {them} to fall upon her suddenly,
and 'horrors of these activities' upon the city.

{Note: These women have been involved in the Phallic Cult fornicating with strangers of their own free will. Part of their judgment will be violent sex with strangers - against their will!}

9~~"She who has borne seven {children}
becomes weaker and weaker {as she is raped over and over}
she 'breaths out her soul'/dies {naphach nephesh}.
Her sun is gone down while it was yet day
  {idiom - she dies young and ugly - and death at noontime}.
She has been ashamed {in her soul}
and confounded/'to the point of giving up'
  {dies from the shame of it all}.
And the residue of them {some women will survive}
I {God} will deliver to the sword before their enemies
  {Chaldeans will murder the survivors},"
said Jehovah/God.

{Note: The example her is a very strong woman who is the mother of seven. Obviously she has had sex before, but with the violent continual rape, she dies.}

{Verses 10:14: Prophet Apostrophe and Complaint to His Mother}
10~~"WOE IS ME, mother! {Rhetorical break in Jeremiah's sermon}
That you have bore me {Jeremiah} . . .
a man of controversy/contention {controversial figure in Judea}
and a man of strife to the entire land!
I have neither lent on 'high interest'/usury
  {never been a loan shark!},
nor men have lent to me on usury
  {nor went to any - also a way to be disliked!};
yet every one of them does despise me!

{Note: Jeremiah was thoroughly despised by the people he preached to. No one is more unpopular then a doctrinal teacher in the time of apostasy.}

{Note: Apostrophe means 'the addressing of a usually absent person or a usually personified thing rhetorically Carlyle's "O Liberty, what things are done in thy name!"}

{Note: Mark Twain said, 'a friendship is a relationship that is so strong it would last a lifetime . . . if not asked to lend or borrow money! Jeremiah asked a related question! Why do they hate me? I neither lent them money at a high interest, or borrowed money and did not repay it! Yet they hate me!}

11~~Jehovah/God answered dogmatically,
"I shall set you free for your own good {away from his right woman}.
Dogmatically, I will cause your enemies/
'ones who always hate you' {antagonistic Jews}
to come to you for help . . .
in the time of evil . . .
  {Coniah's generation - period of great apostasy 597BC - 586BC}
and in the time of 'maximum pressure'/affliction
  {586BC - final siege and fall of Jerusalem}."

{Note: You shall know bible doctrine, and bible doctrine shall set you free! Here is Jeremiah being free from his adulterous right woman.}

12~~"Can Northern iron and brass break/shatter ordinary iron?"
  {Never! Is the required response}

{Note: Iron and Brass refers to the Chaldean empire under Nebuchadnezzar. Jeremiah has 'iron in his soul' - edification complex of the soul. The Chaldean invasion will never break Jeremiah!}

{Verses 13-14: The Coming Crisis}
13~~"Your substance {normal details of life - clothes, food, shelter}
and your treasures
  {more valuable details - wife, children, money, jewelry}
I will give as plunder/spoil {booty in conquest}
without price/'no charge',
and that for all your sins
  {negative volition to God and Doctrine and all that leads to},
even in all your borders/'territory boarding the land'
  {where Phallic Cult was practiced - 3 mountain ranges}.

14~~"And I will make . . . {you/'apostate Jews'}
to 'pass over' with your enemies {into slavery}
into a land {Chaldea} which you do not know.
For a fire is kindled in My anger {fire = divine judgment},
which shall be caused to burn upon you {national disaster}."

{Note: Jeremiah does not go into slavery. The apostate Jews do. God makes a pun here. The Jews rejected God's Passover, so God will 'pass them over' to the enemy. See the death march of Psalm 119 as a part of this.}

{Note: God's tears in the empty jug are finally replaced with the fire of God's judgment. It burns everyone and everything except Jeremiah and the others who have 'iron in their souls' - doctrine resident in their souls.}

{Verses 15:21: Prophet Apostrophe and Complaint to God}
15~~O Jehovah/God {here refers to God the Father},
You always know.
Remember me
  {a command - an appeal to the grace of God - he knows
  he is on firm praying ground here - category I love},
and 'visit to bless' {paqad} me,
and revenge {naqam} me of my persecutors;
do not take me away violently
{but handle me} in the sphere of your patience/
longsuffering/'slow to anger'.
Know that 'because of You'/'for Your sake'
I 'carry too big a burden'/'bear more reproach then I can handle'.

{Note: Paqad means to visit for the purpose of blessing or judgment. Here blessing is in view.}

{Note: Actually this is grace here. Jeremiah refuses to take vengeance in his own hands. Naqam means God, You apply your perfect judgment as You see fit - the battle is the Lord's!}

{Key to Life of Jeremiah and the Key to the Life of Any Believer}
16~~ Your doctrines/Words were 'discovered and acquired'/found,
and I ate/devoured them {metabolizing doctrine}.
And, as a result,
Your doctrines became 'inner happiness'/joy to me
and the {overt expression of the}
delight/celebration/happinesses of my 'right lobe'/heart.
For I have been called
by Your Name/Person/Reputation {salvation - Faith in Christ},
O Jehovah/God . . . Elohiym/Godhead of the armies/hosts.

{Note: 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God!' (Deuteronomy 8:3) He gobbled up like a starving man, the doctrines taught to him - very positive volition to God and His Word.}

{Jeremiah With the 'Fast Crowd'}
17~~ I did not socialize/'sit in happiness' {yashab}
with the party crowd {cowd sachaq}
nor live it up {'alaz}.
I sat alone in happiness {yashab}
because of Your Hand {God's doctrine in his soul sustained Jeremiah}
For You have filled me to over flowing with terrible anger
  {toward the superficialities of their social life -
  it conflicts with the divine viewpoint in his soul}.

{Note: Cowd is a wild party word. REAL social intercourse! Anything goes. Sachaq is similar. It means to really raise the roof! Wild drinking, strip tease, dancing on tables type stuff. Jeremiah attended these parties with the 'fast crowd' but was not the 'life of these parties'. Probably went to them with his wild promiscuous 'right woman' who was very unfaithful to him - and was one of the lives of the parties! She had sex with any interesting man at the party! 'Alaz means the 'dancing on tables type of 'rejoicing'.}

{Note: Yashab means to sit/dwell in happiness or judgment. Happiness is in view here. SideNote: The party crowd ahs short term fun and long-term payment - in misery.}

18~~"Why is my pain {love sickness} perpetual?
And {why is} my wound/blow {every act of unfaithfulness}
constantly being opened?.
Why is she {singular - Jeremiah's right woman (RW)}
unwilling to be cured {reconciled with her Right Man}?
Being . . . will you keep on being . . . unfaithful to me,
like a deceitful brook whose waters do not endure?"

{Note: This means a brook that you anticipate being very enjoyable, but when you get there, it is a dried up mud pit. The waters have receded and have not endured. This is a picture of Jeremiah finding his right woman. But she is very unfaithful to him in body and soul. She is heavily involved with the fast crowd and the Phallic Cult. Analogy also used in Job 6:15 for Category III (friendship) love.}

{Recovery of the Prophet - Rebound of the Love Sick Prophet}
19~~Therefore {in view of what you just said Jeremiah},
thus says Jehovah/God,
"If you {Jeremiah} 'turn back'/return {rebound concept},
then I will cause to turn My face back to you;
and you shall stand before Me {fellowship with God}.
If you cause the 'honorable crowd'/precious {yaqar}
to come out from the 'negative crowd of believers'/vile {zalal},
then you shall become . . . as My Mouth.
It is they who will turn to you
 {when you teach the Truth, listeners will find you!},
not you who will turn to them
  {don't go and chase them down to listen to you}."

{Note: God tells Jeremiah if he will rebound and get right with Him, and his ministry separates the positive crowd from the negative crowd, he will be God's Mouth on Earth - His representative!}

{Verses 20-21: Prophet's Double Portion/Protection}
20~~ "I have given you {Jeremiah}
to this people . . . a strong wall of brass.
And they shall forces to fight against you,
but they shall not prevail against you!
For I am with you . . .
to cause you 'in principal to be delivered' {yasha`}
and to cause you 'in practice to be delivered'/
to be rescued' {natsal}," said Jehovah/God.

21~~And I will 'cause you to be delivered'/'rescue you'
out of the hand of the wicked/evil/bad/worthless,
and I will set you free
out of the hand of the violent ones {Chaldeans}."