
Chapter 18

{Travesty of Justice}
{Verses 1-9: Opposition of the Unbeliever}
{Verses 1-3: Scene of Judas Iscariot's Betrayal of the Lord}
1~~ Having said {lego - emphasis on content}
these things {doctrines of Gethsemane discourse and Lord's True Prayer},
He {Jesus} 'went out from/left' {exerchomai - out of Gethsemane}
with His disciples/students/'ones being inculcated with doctrine' {mathetes}
across the brook of Kidron
  {in the Valley of Jehoshaphat - flows by the foot of the Mount of Olives}
where kept on being a garden {Gethsemane},
into which He and His disciples had {previously} entered it.

2~~ (And Judas also,
who having betrayed Him {mentally first in the past, and not overtly},
had had inherent knowledge
  {eido - in pluperfect tense - really knew it - 'had had'}
the place too, because Jesus had met there many times
with His disciples/students.)

{Long time Enemies come Together to Arrest Jesus}
3~~Judas then having been provided
with a 'Roman detachment'/'squad of soldiers' {speira}
and 'temple guards' {Jewish military body} of the chief priests and Pharisees, They came forth with torches {phanos - Roman's used these in night fighting}
and lamps/lanterns
  {lampas - the Jews used these' wick and oil burners' in night fighting}
and weapons {hoplon - all carried weapons}.

{Verses 4-9: The Confrontation}
4~~Jesus therefore, 'inherently knowing' {oida - in His human soul}
all things that were going to happen to Him,
went forth and said {lego} unto them,
"Whom do you seek?"

5~~ They 'had an answer'/'gave a discerning answer
from the ultimate source of themselves' {apokrinomai},
"Jesus of Nazareth."
He {Jesus} said to them, "I am/keep on being {ego eimi}."
(Moreover Judas, the one having betrayed Him,
stood/'took a stand' {histemi - pluperfect}
with them {in his posture and attitude toward Jesus.)

{Note: The word answered is 'apokrinomai'. It is a compound verb . . . a preposition from the ultimate source . . . giving a discerning answer based on knowledge. Krino means: 'to judge'. Krinomai means: 'to be discerning in an answer'. Thus, the full meaning of 'apokrinomai' is: "to give a discerning answer from the ultimate source of ones self."}

{Note: Ego Eimi - means I AM. 'Jehovah' in the Hebrew is literally "I AM THE I AM'. When Jesus just says 'I AM', it could have killed them right there had that been part of the Plan of God. Instead it just knocks them flat.}

{The Power of His Word - Knocks the Troops to the Ground}
6~~Then as soon as He {Jesus} had said {lego} unto them, "I am,"
in that point of time, they 'lost their balance backwards'
  {'aperchomai eis ta opiso' - idiom literally is 'depart toward the back'}
and fell to the ground.

[Note: This is very important. At Exodus 3:14a we have the Holy Name by which the Jews were to know their One Invisible God. The Name was too holy to be spoken aloud. It is called the Tetragrammaton. It has no vowel points and is the English letters JHVH or YHVH. The Israelites just said "Adonay" when they came across it in the scriptures. Literally it means "I am . . . [THE] I am" or "I am the always existing One". When spoken by God, it has great power as was demonstrated by Jesus here when He said only the first half of His Holy Name! Jesus will destroy armies by the "breath of His Mouth" in the Tribulation (II Thessalonians 2:8a). My guess is He will mearly say His full Holy Name!]

{Note: It takes a lot of real power to knock an entire military group backward on their cans. Jesus did this merely by saying, 'I AM'. No power in heaven or earth could have seized Jesus Christ without His permission. He went to the cross of His own free will.}

7~~ Then Jesus interrogated {eperotao} them again,
"Who are you looking for?"
And they said, "Jesus of Nazareth."

8~~Jesus 'had an answer'/'gave a discerning answer
from the ultimate source of Himself' {apokrinomai},
"I have told {lego} you that 'I am'.
If you seek Me
- and you do {1st class condition} -
Dismiss these {aphiemi - military word - Jesus commands the soldiers} . . .
on their way
 {the disciples are protected by the Word of Jesus and they obeyed}."

9~~That the Word {Logos} {John 17:12 paraphrased and Leviticus 16:17}
might receive fulfillment {pleroo} which He said {lego},
"Of them whom You {God the Father} gave Me {Jesus},
I have not lost a single one."

{Verses 10-18: Opposition of the Believer}
{Defection of Simon Peter}
10~~ Then Simon Peter,
having a machaira/sword,
pulled it out and struck the high priest's slave/servant,
cutting off his right ear.
(Now the slave/servant's name was Malchus.)

{Note: A machaira was the short Roman sword 18 to 20 inches long. Either the soldiers were fast enough to get out of Peter's way, or the slave was the closest to Peter. Had one of the professional soldiers been attacked, Peter would have been the one Jesus had to 'fix'. And, Caiaphas was the high priest right now and John knew him personally. He probably knew his doulos by name also.}

{Peter is Rebuked by Jesus}
11~~Then said {lego} Jesus to Peter,
"Throw away {ballo} your sword/machaira {an order} . . .
back into its sheath!
The cup that My Father has given Me,
Am I not {me} to drink? Yes, I shall drink of it!"

{Note: Peter is rebuked because he is out of phase with the Plan of God. Defending the Lord is right. But is it human good if it is outside the plan of God and wood, hay and stubble.}

{Note: The negative 'me' in a question requires a positive response - 'Yes, I will drink of it. The cup of course is Jesus going to the cross here.}

{Jesus Before Annas}
12~~Then the 'Roman detachment'/'squad of soldiers' {speira}
with their Chiliarch {chiliarchos - commander of 1000 men - garrison
  commander of Jerusalem}
and 'temple guards' of the Jews {Jewish religious leaders militia}
'violently seized' {sullambano} Jesus and chained Him up.

{Note: Missing in the KJV is the fact of the violent nature of the arrest. Jesus was going to go willingly with them, but they still had to rough Him up and put Him in irons.}

{Detour for the Interrogation before The 'Political Boss' Annas}
13~~They brought him first face to face with {pros} Annas,
for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas,
who was high priest that same year.

{Note: In 7 AD Annas was made the High Priest. Now the Mafia type organization has placed his son-in-law Caiaphas as high priest. Annas, as the family 'Godfather', has been the political leader of Jerusalem and heavily involved in both the illegal gangs and religious activities of Jerusalem. This verse tells us that the Jews had made up their minds BEFORE any 'judicial' trial took place. The trials of Jesus were only to make the murder look 'legal'.}

14~~(Now Caiaphas kept on being
who had 'given a famous speech'/advised
  {sumbouleuo - in John 11:49-51}
to the Jews {Jewish leaders}
that it was expedient/advantageous {to THEM and Caiaphas himself}
that one man perish {apollumi}
on behalf of {huper} the people.)

{Note: RBT says this last part is a 'nice sounding' hypocritical statement by a career politician. It sounds nice! Great concern for the people. But what they are really interested in is not rocking the political boat. They were in good with the Roman by handling the Jews problems internally. Jesus was controversial so needed to be killed.}

{Peter's First Denial}
15~~Then, Simon Peter followed Jesus
also another of the same kind {allos} disciple {this actually was John himself}
(Now the other disciple {John himself}
kept on being 'an acquaintance'/'a known one' {gnostos} of the high priest,
and he {John} went 'in the company of' {suneiserchomai}
with Jesus into the courtyard of high priest.)

{Note: We learn here that John was operating on epignosis doctrine resident in his soul. He knew the importance of Jesus going to the cross. But, he loved the Lord so much, that he associated himself clearly with Jesus by walking into the courtyard by His side. And, John was risking his earthly future by doing so. John's family was important and he himself was an acquaintance of the high priest. By being associated with a 'criminal of the state', he now would face ostracism. }

{SideNote: So we learned early Peter had physical courage and was willing to die physically defending the Lord - and had to be rebuked by the Lord. In contrast, John does not want to leave Jesus' side. To remove John from the scene, Jesus will have to give John the responsibility over the care of His mother. Jesus had to go to the cross and bear the sins of the world alone. He had no friends around when He carried the sins in His body.}

16~~But Simon Peter stood/'took a stand'
  {histemi - pluperfect - same attitude of Judas in verse 5 above
  is being pointed out - Peter's bad mental attitude at this time}
outside the gate.
Then went the other of the same kind {allos} disciple/student {John himself}
who kept on being a friend/acquaintance {gnostos} of the high priest
came out and spoke {lego} to the female gate keeper,
and ushered Peter inside
  {grabbed him by the arm and pulled Peter in who appears to be in shock}.

17~~Then said {lego} the door-keeping female to Peter,
"Do you not {me - weak negative} keep on being
out from this man's disciples/students {mathetes} also?"
  {Yes you are is the required response - she knows he is!}
He {Peter} kept on saying,
"I absolutely am/'keep on being' NOT {ouk - strong negative}!"

{Note: 'Mathetes' which KJV translates 'disciple' really means 'a follower who studies daily under the authority and discipline of his teacher'. Before the cock crows, Peter is "ouk ouk ouking" all over the place already! No, no, no! Why is Peter denying the Lord? Because he had his own plan! To die defending the Lord. When the Lord rebuked Peter, he had no epignosis doctrine in his own soul on which to rely, so Peter right now is lost and venerable to the forces of the cosmic system.}

18~~ (Now the slaves {doulos} and the temple guard {huperetes}
stood/'took a stand'
  {histemi - pluperfect - same attitude of Judas in verse 5 above and Peter
  in verse 16 is being pointed out - all the bad mental attitudes are being
around a charcoal fire they had made,
warming themselves because it kept on being cold {psuchos}.
Peter kept on standing with them, warming himself too.)

{Note: Very interesting point. Psuchos means cold. Psuche means soul. It is the same Greek word with a different gender. Psuche is the female gender - psuchos male. Why? The soul is female because all humanity was designed to be the 'right woman' to our 'right God' and RESPOND to God in the same manner that a real woman will always respond to her right man. When your soul takes over and rejects God, it is 'cold'. Peter recognized these Temple guards as his enemy and attacked them. Now he is warming his body with them. As his body warms, his soul gets 'colder' and 'colder' to His Lord.}



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