
Chapter 20
{The Resurrection}
1~~Now very early on the first {day} of the week,
while it was still dark {RBT says between 3 am and 6am},
Mary Magdalene came to the monument/tomb {mnemeion}
and glancing and seeing {blepo}the stone
having been picked up and moved away {airo}
from the monument/tomb {mnemeion}.

2~~So she kept on running {maybe a 3 to 4 mile run}
and came {erchomai} to Simon Peter
and the other of the same kind {allos} disciple {John}
whom Jesus loved {phileo - rapport love} and said to them,
"They have lifted up and taken away {airo}
the Lord out from the monument/tomb {mnemeion},
and we do not have inherent knowledge {oida}
of where they put Him!"

{Note: This is the failure of a great grace woman. She allowed her emotions to over-rule the doctrine in her soul. She ignores the doctrine of resurrection and assumes His body has been stolen.}

{Verses 3-4: Race to the Empty Tomb}
3~~Then Peter went out {exerchomai}
and the other disciple
and closed in on {erchomai} to the monument/tomb {mnemeion}.

{Note Mary erchomai'ed and Peter and John excechomai'ed! She went FAST! They went out FASTER!}

4~~So they kept on moving/running together,
but the other disciple {John} ran faster than Peter
  {protrecho - literally: ran out in front of him}
and reached the monument/tomb {mnemeion} first.

{Note: Peter is a big man. He was the full back type and John the faster half back type. John got there first. John got there first, but did not enter the tomb.}

5~~And he {John}
having stooped down and concentrated/'stared intently' {parakupto}
glanced and saw {blepo}
the 'strips of linen cloth'/'grave clothes' {othonion}
lying {keimai} there,
but he absolutely did not {ouk} go in.

{Note: In His resurrection, He went right through the grave clothes. If they stole the body, they most likely would have taken the clothes also! RBT says keimai here indicates that the grave clothes were not just lying here, but they kept on being in the same state they were in when there was a body in them. So it would be like an inflated 'shell' of linen strips with only air inside (like a balloon).}

6~~Then Simon Peter came/'closed in' {erchomai},
having followed him {John},
and went right into {eiserchomai} the monument/tomb {mnemeion}.
and 'observed, reflected and came to conclusions' {theoreo}
that the grave clothes {othonion} lying {keimai} there.

{Note: Typical of Peter, he just stormed right in! No holding back Peter - a typical full back personality.}

7~~And the 'face cloth'/'head piece for a corpse' {soudarion},
that had been around Jesus' head,
absolutely not {ouk} lying with the strips of linen cloth
but 'folded up'/'rolled up'
- in the past with results that last forever -
with reference to one place apart
  {set apart in the Word of God forever}.

{Note: Question: Why did Jesus not come through all the burial clothes? Because the resurrected Christ must remove the crown of death and roll it up forever - the grave has been robbed of its victory.}

8~~Then entered into {eiserchomai} also the other disciple
who had come first to monument/tomb {mnemeion}
and he took a panoramic view {horao}
and believed.

{Note: Why did John have to 'see' to believe? Lack of epignosko doctrine in his soul (next verse). He was the first disciple to believe in the resurrection - but by a weak foundation - empiricism (observation) instead of faith (Grace Apparatus for Perception (GAP) is the only basis for faith - daily intake of the Word).}

9~~(For not yet,
did they have inherent knowledge {oida - in the intensive pluperfect}
of the scripture
that Jesus must 'rise again'/'stand up again' {anistemi}
out from the dead.)

{Jesus' Appearance to Mary Magdalene}
10~~Then the disciples
went back {aperchomai}
face to face with their own
  {refers to a person whom you love - 'your own'}.

{Note: This means they went back to their families. Peter would have returned to his wife and mother-in-law. John would be returning to his mother and Jesus' mother Mary whom he has now taken into his home. But, in the next verse, Mary Magdalene returns to HER OWN - she returns to the One SHE loves - the empty tomb.}

11~~But, in contrast, Mary -
having stood { histemi - in the pluperfect} outside
face to face with the monument/tomb {mnemeion} weeping -
and as she was weeping,
she bent over and concentrated {parakupto}
and looked into the monument/tomb {mnemeion}.

12~~And, observing
  {reflecting and coming to a conclusion - theoreo}
two angels in white constantly sitting {kathezomai}
where Jesus' body had been lying,
one at the head and one at the feet.

{Note: The present active participle of kathezomai means they were constantly sitting there all the time, but were not visible until now. RBT supposes that their bodies were most likely composed of light. So, the light can be shaded a certain way and become visible. RBT goes farther and supposes these were Cherubs to 'handle' Satan and protect the body of Jesus until resurrection and were most likely the Cherubs portrayed over the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies.}

13~~They said to her,
"Woman, why are you weeping?"
Mary replied,
"They have picked up and carried away {airo} my Lord,
and I absolutely do not {ouk} have inherent knowledge {oida}
where they have put Him!"

{Note: This permits her to use her thinking and also to allow her to not be afraid of the angels she is now seeing.}

14~~And, having said this,
she turned herself around {strepho}
and perceived/observed
  {reflecting and coming to a conclusion - theoreo - she only sees
  the form of a person not the details that would tell her who it was
  - she is still under sever emotional grief}
Jesus keeping on standing there,
but she kept on absolutely not {oida}
having inherent knowledge {oida}
that it was Jesus.

{Note: Mary Magdalene was the first human to see Jesus in His resurrected body. The former prostitute is now a wonderful trophy of Grace! But she believes a lie. She believes Jesus is dead so she can not identify a live person as being Jesus. He is in the garden, so in the next verse, she thinks He is the gardener.}

15~~Jesus said to her - to her advantage,
"Woman, why are you weeping?
Whom are you seeking/'looking for'?"
She - imagining/'assuming truth based on her emotions' {dokeo}
Him to be the gardener -
said to Him,
"Sir/lord {kurios - locative of respect - not deity recognized},
if you have roughly/violently carried Him away {bastazo},
tell me where you have put Him {a command!},
and I will lift Him up and carry Him away {airo - tenderly in context}."

{Note: Mary assumes a 'bad thing' was done to Jesus' body, thereby making the person who did it bad. So she uses bastazo meaning that she accused the gardener of roughly picking up the body and taking it somewhere. She will gently lift up and carry the body if she gets the chance. Also interesting is her emotions are so heavy that she does not even recognize the tone of Jesus' voice as being Jesus Himself. She loves Him deeply and normally would immediately recognize His voice!}

{One Word Makes Mary Recognize Jesus}
16~~Jesus said to her, "Mary {Mariam - Aramaic form of Mary}."
She turned {toward Him} and said to Him,
 "'My Teacher'/Rabboni"
  {rhabboni - Aramaic of Rabbi with a possessive suffix}
(which is to say Master/Teacher
  {didaskalos - public,categorical teaching}).

17~~Jesus kept on saying to her,
"Stop {'me'} {doing what you are doing}
clinging/hugging {haptomai} to Me {action already in progress}.
Because I have not yet ascended {anabaino}
face to face with My Father.
But, 'go from where you are {clinging to Him}
to another location' {poreuomai}
face to face with My brethren {adelphos} and say to them,
'I am not yet ascended face to face with My Father
and your Father {The Father of all believers in Union with Christ},
{to} My God and your God.'"

{Note: As soon as she heard 'Mary', she turned and physically hugged Jesus. She did touch Him which is one of the proofs of the physical resurrection of Jesus. She would not have ever let go of Him! So, He orders her to do so for the Plan of God to continue. She has doctrine in her soul and recognizes this and obeys.}

{Obedience of Mary Magdalene}
18~~ Mary Magdalene came {erchomai}
and kept on 'proclaiming an important message to' {apaggello}
the disciples, that she had 'a panoramic view' {horao} of the Lord
- with the result that what she had seen would last forever -
and He had spoken these things to her - to her advantage.

{Verses 19-23: Jesus' Appearance to the Disciples}
19~~On the evening of that day
  {Sunday night of the Day of Resurrection}
- being the first day of the week -
and the doors kept on being shut {shut and locked tight},
where the disciples 'kept on being'
because of fear of the Jews {religious leaders}.
Came Jesus {erchomai} and stood among them
and said to them,
"Tranquility/'inner happiness' {eirene} . . . {be} with you!"

{Note: The disciples were afraid of the Jews and were huddled in this locked room doing nothing! No prayers, no discussions, just where they 'existed' or 'kept on being'.}

{Note: Eirene means 'inner happiness', tranquility, peace, prosperity. Here it is a form of a greeting where Jesus is telling them to stop being afraid without scolding them.}

{Note: This time eirene pertains to the doctrine of reconciliation - Jesus' work on the cross created peace between the Father and all mankind.}

20~~And when He had so said,
He exhibited/showed {deiknuo} them
His hands and His side {showing the scars}.
Then having seen/'a panoramic view of' {horao} the Lord,
the disciples 'received rejoicing'/'received inner happiness' {chairo}.

21~~Then said {lego} Jesus to them again,
"Tranquility/'inner happiness' {eirene} . . . {be} with you!
Even as the Father
'has sent Me on a mission under His authority' {apostello},
I also send {pempo} you {as His representative}."

{Note: Apostello is the verb from which we get Apostle. It means to send someone under your authority on a specific mission. When Jesus said He was sending the disciples out, He switched to 'pempo'. Pempo means to send a representative - no commission or high authority is implied. As a group they are an 'advance guard'. Later some will become 'Apostles'.}

22~~And when He {Jesus} said this
  {His sending them as His representatives},
He breathed/'inhaled, exhaled and inflated' {emphusao} {on them}
and said,
"Receive - at this point in time - the Holy Spirit {hagios pneuma}.

{Note: The disciples would not have survived the 50 days until the Church Age (particularly the 10 days after His ascension} had Jesus not given them the Holy Spirit. They are now the emphasis of the devil's wrath with Jesus now making it to the cross. In the Church Age, all mature believers are the object of the wrath of Satan and his fallen angels and the cosmic system he established.}



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