
Chapter 4
{Pharisees try to cause rift between Jesus and John and Jesus Departs}
1-3~~Therefore, when the Lord knew
that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus made
and baptized more disciples than John . . . 2~~
(though Jesus Himself did not baptize . . .
but His disciples {did baptize} ) . . . 3~~
He {Jesus} left Judea and departed again for Galilee.

4~~But it was necessary
for Him to go through Samaria.

{Note: Samaria was in the central portion of Palestine with Galilee to the north and Judah to the south. Most Jews went the long way to avoid the Samaritans whom they hated. Jesus had no racial prejudices.}

5~~So He {Jesus} came to a city of Samaria
which is called Sychar {meaning 'town of the drunks'}
near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.

{Note: This is the spot of Joseph's bones. Where Joseph's bones were finally buried. At Jacob's well is where Jesus wrestled with Jacob . . . and Jacob limped the rest of his life!}

6~~Now Jacob's well was there.
Jesus therefore, having become wearied from His journey
He kept on sitting thus by the well.
It was about the sixth hour {Jewish time - 12 Noon}.

{Verses 7-30: Great Revival in Samaria with Help from this Woman}
7~~A woman of Samaria was coming {erchomai}
to draw water.
Jesus said to her, "Right now/'at this point in time',
give me a drink."

{Note: Erchomai here does mean 'Was coming'. This is a dramatic present.}

{Note: The Jews and the Samaritans hated one another because of racial prejudice. The Samaritans were half Jew and half gentile, brought over by the Assyrians. They intermarried with the Jews. For a Jew, like Jesus, to speak to a Samaritan, floored the woman. Jesus asked for a drink from her. From human viewpoint, Jesus appeared to be helpless. He had nothing to draw water, was tired, thirsty and hungry. Only the woman could help Jesus get the water he needed to drink . . . so He says, "Give me a drink". Jesus uses a grace word, 'GIVE'. Give means He doesn't earn or deserve this, but that He asks her, right now to give him a drink 'didomi'. Jesus' purpose was to get water from the woman SO that He could GIVE the water of life to the woman. Isaiah 55:1}

8~~ For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.

{Note: Jesus had sent them away. He needed to speak to this woman by Himself. It was the beginning of His greatest spiritual revival during His earthly ministry.}

9~~Then the woman of Samaria said to Him,
"How is it that You,
Who keep on being a Jew
  {recognized this from His clothing and features},
ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?
For the Jews have no dealings with Samaritans."

{Note: The racial prejudice on BOTH sides is wrong! But it is NOT the important issue so Jesus ignores the question. The issue for ALL unbelievers is what think ye of Christ?}

10~~Jesus received an answer - in a point of time
divorced from time and perpetuated forever -
  {in eternity past - He received it aorist passive participle}
and said to her.
"If - and it is not true {2nd class condition}-
you had known the gift of God {you would understand} . . .
but you do not know the gift of God {Jesus Himself is the gift} . . .
and Who says to you,
"Give me a drink." . . .
you would have asked Him . . .
and He would have given you . . .
the 'always living water and water that never stops living'."

{Note: See the 'always living water that never stops' - Revelation 22:19. This intrigues the woman. In the last chapter, Jesus talked about the 'water of the Word'. Here he talks about the 'water of eternal salvation' - faith in Jesus Christ. The Pharisee of the previous chapter knew the Word, but was negative to Christ. The woman's problem is ignorance. Jesus will enlighten her. The principal is witnessing/evangelism takes different shapes depending on the audience.}

{The Human Viewpoint of an Unbeliever}
11~~The woman said to Him,
You have nothing to draw with,
and the well is deep.
Where then do You get that
'always living water and water that never stops living'?"

{Note: She calls Jesus 'Lord', not because she is a believer as of yet, but that she recognizes that Jesus is 'handling her'. Being a woman married 5 times, she could probably handle just about any man, but now she recognizes that Jesus is handling HER, while at the same time He is very courteous and gentle with her, and she respects that. This brings out her femininity.}

{Woman Uses Debater's Technique}
12~~"Are You {Jesus}
greater than our father Jacob {red flag for a Jew!},
who gave us the well,
and drank from it himself,
as well as his sons and his livestock?
Of course not!" {in Greek syntax demands a negative response}

{Note: The woman is being very sarcastic here. She is saying Jacob is HER father also! Racial prejudice of the Samaritans and Jews is again in view. She is comparing Jesus' claim to always living water to the history that surrounds the well. Of course Jesus is probably chuckling to Himself at this remark, as Jesus Christ as the pre-incarnate Christ wrestled with Jacob at this very well. Jesus does not get into a theological debate with her, or get sidetracked into an argument with her.}

{Jesus Handles Ignorant Unbeliever Gently (Religious Man He Slammed)}
13-14~~Jesus answered
and said to her,
"Whoever keeps on drinking of this water will thirst again. 14~~
But whoever drinks - at ONE point in time, divorced from time,
and perpetuated forever
  {aorist tense - drink ONE time - eternal security} -
of the water that I shall give him will never thirst -
at that point in time, divorced from time
and perpetuated forever {aorist tense}.
But the water that I shall give him
will become in him
a fountain of water
springing up into everlasting life."

{Note: See also Jeremiah 17:13. God is the source of the fountain of ever living waters. And this doctrine is IN Christ Jesus. Doctrine is the Mind of Christ.}

{Positive Volition Expressed}
15~~The woman said to Him,
give me this water {the always living waters},
with the result that I thirst not,
and neither do I have to come back here to draw {water}."

16~~Jesus said to her {a command},
"Keep going,
call your husband,
and come here."

{Note: Woman is thinking she needs a husband to drink this 'always living waters'. Problem!}

17~~The woman answered and said,
"I have no husband."
Jesus said to her,
"You have well said, 'I have no husband.' "

18~~"For you have had five husbands,
and the one whom you now have is not your husband.
In that you spoke truly."

{Woman keeps her cool}
19~~The woman said to Him,
I am beginning to see
that You are a prophet."

{Note: Once a woman knows the "type" of man she is dealing with, she knows how to handle him. Women 'type' men - here the woman has 'typed' Jesus. She thinks He is a 'religious man' and so, she is saying, "Oh, so you are a preacher huh?" Jesus is very relaxed and gentle with her, not as He was with Nicodemus in the previous chapter.}

{Her Best Religious Dissertation - Curse of all Pastors!}
20~~"Our fathers {religious heritage of the Samaritans}
worshipped on this mountain,
and you Jews say that in Jerusalem
is the place where one ought to worship."

{Note: Trying to draw Him into a 'religious argument'. As most pastors can attest . . . when introduced as a 'preacher', the person wants to ask an 'interesting question' or show how much 'religion' they do know! Now here she is trying to impress Jesus with her great knowledge of religion. Jesus doesn't bite.}

{A 400 year old Agrument is settled by Jesus - There will be NO right 'place' of Worship!}
21~~Jesus said to her {most likely a YELL},
Keep on believing Me {and stop trying to impress Me} . . .
the hour is coming {beginning of Church Age}
when you will neither on this mountain,
nor in Jerusalem
worship the Father."

{Note: Jesus sticks with the issue, telling her you believe Me . . . keep on believing Me . . . stay relaxed. Where do you worship in the Church Age? In a banquet hall, in the streets, in private homes, fields, catacombs, caves, churches . . . ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE!}

{Time for Jesus to Get down to the Direct Point}
22~~"You worship what you do not know {Jesus insults the Woman}. We know what we worship
  {Old Testament Scriptures - not Jewish legalism} . . .
for salvation is from the source of the Jews
  {Jesus is from the line of David}."

{Note: Now Jesus is getting down to business. He is being very direct and blunt, even offensive . . . to tell her she does not know what she is talking about.}

{Filling of the Spirit + Knowledge of Doctrine = True Worship}
23~~"But the hour is coming . . .
and now is about to come . . .
when the true worshipers
will worship the Father
in Spirit {filling of the Holy Spirit}
and Truth/Doctrine {'that which is believed'} . . .
for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."

24~~God {in essence} . . . {is} a Spirit
and those who worship Him,
must worship in Spirit {the filling of the Holy Spirit}
and in Truth/Doctrine {'that which is believed '- bible doctrine}."

25~~The woman said to Him,
"I know that Messiah {Hebrew for Anointed One}
is coming -
  who is called the Christ - {Greek for Anointed One}.
When He comes,
He will tell us all things."

26~~Jesus said to her,
"I AM/'keep on being' He {the Messiah} . . .
the One speaking to you {is Messiah}."

{Note: Jehovah in the Hebrew actually means 'I am . . . the I am' - referring to the eternally existing One - always was and always will be THE eternal God. In the Old Testament Jehovah is used for any member of the Godhead.}

{12 Disciples Return (with 13 Hamburgers hehe)}
27~~And at that point
His disciples came
and they kept on being shocked
that He kept on talking to 'that' woman.
Yet no one said, "What do you seek?
or 'Why do you talk . . . with HER?
  {they correctly minded their own business}"

{Note: The disciples were shocked that Jesus kept talking to that woman with 5 past husbands! They however did not show their shock. They did not intrude. They minded their own business. Your business = Gospel
Your business = Freedom given in Love and Fellowship
NOT your business = intruding in the lives of others}

{Verses 28-29: Salvation and then Evangelism of the Woman}
28~~The woman then left her water-pot,
  {quickly -point in time - later we find she is now saved}
and she took off toward the city,
and she kept on talking to the men of the city
  {first this man, then that man on and on}.

{Note: She left suddenly because she is so excited about Messiah. She talked to the men probably because the other women ostracized her - five husbands remember!}

{Note: When the woman went down the hill she was spiritually dead, but going back up the hill, she was born again. Jesus took one woman, a Samaritan to catch other Samaritans, a whole town comes to see Jesus because of one woman. She was the key. She did what 12 Jewish disciples could not do. This is a principle of Missions - people teach their own people the Truth.}

29~~"Come . . . see {a command here} . . .
a Man {Jesus}
Who told me all the things that I ever did.
Could this be the Christ?
  {It seems to me like this is the Christ, think it is?}"

{Note: She motivates them to come by making them curious. Then she stays neutral. She worded it so that she knew that their curiosity was aroused. This woman tapped into the curiosity of the man + his ego -- in essence saying, "Hey guys, this is a MAN'S JOB, you guys better come down and check this guy out, don't you think?" All the men take the bait!}



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