
Chapter 24 (Continued)
24:35~~"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass away."

{Note: The world WILL end, but the Bible will always be here.}

24:36~~ "Now concerning that day and hour {of the 2nd advent} no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, except the Father {author of the Divine Plan - Jesus is speaking from His humanity - His own Deity did also know as did God the Holy Spirit - because of Their functions at the time of the passage they are not mentioned} alone."

{Note: We are never commanded to know the date! If anyone says he does know you can be sure he is a false teacher!}

24:37~~"For just like the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be."

24:38~~"For in those days before the flood, people were enjoying eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark {judgment for the unbelievers}."

{Note: Enjoying life without positive volition or thought for the future. Negative volition to God results in not sharing the happiness of God. Therefore the frantic search for happiness goes on in an unbelieving world. Love of life . . . indifference to eternity.}

24:39~~"And they knew nothing {from the experience of learning doctrine} until the flood came and took them all away {removal from the Earth}. It will be the same at the coming of the Son of Man."

{Note: In the flood, all unbelievers were taken away (water). The same will happen at the 2nd Advent (fire). In contrast, at the Rapture, the believers are removed and the unbelievers stay.}

24:40~~"Then {at the 2nd Advent} there will be two in the field . . . one {unbeliever} will be taken {and identified with fire} and one {believer} left {to go into the millennium}."

24:41~~"Two {women} will be grinding with a mill . . . one will be taken {unbeliever} and one left."

{Jesus tells Jews of the Tribulation to be Alert for His 2nd Advent}
24:42~~"Keep on being alert {from knowledge of the Word of God}, because you all do not know the hour {on what day} your Lord is coming."

{Note: 'Ye' in the KJV is plural, 'you' would be the singular in Old English. So it should be 'you all' here.}

{Verses 43-51 A few parables to help them be alert}
24:43~~"But keep on knowing this . . . if the 'good man'/master of the house {the father} had known - but he didn't know {2nd class conditional if clause} - at what time of night the thief was coming he would have been alert and would not have let his house be raided."

{Note: This 'good man' is a believer in the Tribulation ignorant of doctrine. And, the catastrophe was a result of not knowing what to do when the sign (to run to the hills) is finally given. And, a 'thief' comes suddenly by stealth. A 'robber' comes in loudly with great violence. Here is a thief coming by surprise and this guys house is not prepared and his house suffers.}

24:44~~"Therefore keep on becoming {what you were not before} prepared {bible doctrine in the frontal lobe - and this is an order!}, because the Son of Man will come at a time {hour} when you least expect Him."

{In Contrast now a Believer who understands the Word - The Faithful and Wise Slave}
24:45~~"Who then is the wise {has doctrine and applies it correctly} and faithful {stable and stays the course} slave/servant, whom the master has put in charge of {evangelizing} His household {Israel in the Tribulation}, to give the other servants their food at the proper time?"

{Note: Two characteristics of the prepared believer: 1) wise - he has doctrine resident in his soul and 2) faithful - is stable and stays the course to the end. The food is the message of salvation and the Word of God.}

24:46~~"That servant whom His master finds doing this {having and applying doctrine to daily situations} when He {the Master - refers to Jesus} returns will be blessed."

24:47~~"I say to you a point of truth/doctrine for your benefit, He {Jesus} will put him {the prepared believer} in charge of all His possessions {will rule with Jesus in the Millennium}."

24:48-50~~"But, in contrast, if that evil slave/servant {unbelieving Jew} says to himself {in his heart}, 'My lord/master is staying away a long time,' 24:49~~"and he begins to beat his fellow slaves {bullies others - the Jews killing other Jews} . . . and to eat and drink with the drunken {to live it up}, 24:50~~that slave's master {Jesus} will come on a day when he does not expect Him and at an hour he does not foresee."

{Note: No salvation = Baptism of Fire. And, the Jewish unbelievers in the Tribulation will be the most susceptible to this because he didn't even believe He came the first time}."

{Baptism of Fire at the end of the Tribulation}
24:51~~"The master {Jesus} will inflict extreme punishment {cut him assunder} and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping {too late} and gnashing of teeth {because of missed opportunity to be saved}."

{Note: 7 major judgments in history: 1) at the cross - Christ's judgment for us at the cross, 2) in time - rebound for cleansing-judging ourselves (1Corinthians11: 31), 3) After the Rapture - judgment seat of Christ, efficiency rating of believer's works and production in Phase II while the Tribulation is going on - wood, hay and stubble burned . . . gold, silver and precious stones go through, 4) Next, Christ returns to earth - judgment of living Gentiles in the Tribulation - (Matthew 24) and 5) The judgement of living Jews (Ezekiel 20) in the baptism of fire at the end of the tribulation (#4 and #5 constitute the Baptism of Fire), 6) the judgement of the fallen angels at the end of the millennium, and 7) the last judgment of ALL unbelievers at the Great White Throne.}


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