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1-3: Attitude of the Gentile Nations in the last half of the
Tribulation - Generally Nations Adhering to Ecumenical Religion} {Note: The empty/meaningless thing is the idea that man can solve man's problems. The imagination of an empty/vain thing is basically the concept of internationalism-international religion solving man's problems. This verse starts a prophesy of the way things will be in the Tribulation. The gentile nations will have a great anger against the Jews and raise up mobs and armies to kill them.}
kings of the earth take their stands, {Note: In this case the rulers of the world oppose the plan of God as delineated in the Tribulation. They oppose salvation by faith in Christ; they oppose the principle of regeneration. Not only are they antagonistic to God's plan, which begins at the cross, but they are opposed to God's means of keeping order in the human race. They are opposed to: a) human volition; b) marriage; c) the family; d) nationalism. This is a part of their modus operandi. They are antagonistic to these things and therefore focus their attention on the great international religion, which will exist under the beast in the Tribulation. This, very briefly, is an eschatological description of man's attitudes and opposition to Bible doctrine in the future. }
4-8: Plan of God the Father}
{God the Father},
Lord/'Adonay {'Adonay - God the Son} {Note: Sachaq is a word meaning to laugh that has the concept of cackling or laughing vigorously, it means to look at something and to respond to it with great vigor from a sense of humor. In other words, people getting off on the wrong track, thinking that they can outdo God, and in His omnipotence God watches this and has a great sense of humor.}
the Father Speaks through Wrath - See Revelation Chapter 15} {Note: After the seven years of the Tribulation has run its course. "Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath" refers to the seven vial judgments, which occur at the end of the Tribulation, Revelation chapters 15 and 16.}
the Father Speaks through His 'King' (Picture of Grace)} {Note: Many Old Testament verses had dual meanings. This refers to both David and his Greater Son - Jesus Christ.}
7-9: Jesus Christ Controls History} {Note: The Lord Jesus Christ had something to say the day He came into the world. He said, "I will declare the decree." The piel stem indicates that this is an intensive declaration, a declaration with great feeling. In Hebrews 10:5-14 and Psalm 2:7 we actually have the statement of the Lord Jesus Christ.} {Note: This verse is quoted three times in the New Testament: Acts 13:32-33; Hebrews 1:5; 5:5. In Acts 13:33 we have the baby in the manger as the eternal Son of God. In Hebrews 1:5 we have the humanity of Christ being superior to all angelic beings. In Hebrews 5:5 we have the priesthood of Christ being superior to all priesthoods, including the Levitical priesthood. }
8-9: God says to Jesus After His Death, Burial and Resurrection} {Note: In this verse, we see the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of the incarnation dying for the sins of the world, and we have the Father's reply to this at the cross. We are a party of that inheritance. Jesus Christ is the heir of God the Father - Romans 8:16,17 - as the God-Man. Every person in the Church Age who is a believer enters into union with Christ and share His heirship. In the Tribulation Jesus Christ does something that is fantastic, He asks God the Father for an inheritance in the Tribulation. Jesus Christ has a heritage in the Old Testament -Gentiles and Jews. He has a heritage in the Church Age. He will have a heritage in the Millennium. But He asks God the Father for a heritage in the Tribulation}
10-12: Divine Advice to the Nations of the Tribulation} {Note: The greatest thing that ever happens to a nation is when a ruler and administrators have a desire for doctrine and actually have doctrine in their soul. To be wise means to look at life from the doctrinal viewpoint.
Jehovah/God with reverence {occupation with Christ}, {Note: This means to serve God and have inner happiness. Some of the believers in the Tribulation will only have inner happiness and great opportunities for service.}
the Son {Note: The word kiss in the piel stem [intensive], piel imperative. A kiss is non-meritorious. A kiss involves the lips, the eyes, and the mind. The ability to kiss depends upon having a mind, having eyes, and having lips. All normal members of the human race have mind. So kissing involves mental attitude, positive volition. And everyone has lips, and everyone has eyes. The ability to kiss is non-meritorious.} {Note: 'esher is a plural word usually translated in the KJV as 'blessed'. But it is a plural word. In the plural it means 'happinesses'. It refers to many categories of happiness - love for God, wife, family, friends, details of life, on and on. With faith in Christ is salvation. With the intake of His Word is the capacity to be happy. When your cup is completed (edification complex of the soul), then God can pour and pour and pour His blessings.}