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Psalm of the Gentiles in the Jewish Age - There were Saved Gentiles
and those who also Cracked the Maturity Barrier} {Note: Paul quotes this verse in Romans 15:11. halal in the Hebrew and aineo in the Greek means to praise. For this form of praise you need to know little besides the event that happened, for example praise a runner for making a 99-yard touchdown. Shabach in the Hebrew and epaineo in the Greek mean to laud someone. To laud, you need to know the history of the runner, his family background, his training. It is a word of praise with knowledge of the object of the praise. So here it starts with all believers, then moves to mature believers who KNOW and understand God for the study of His Word.}
His grace increases over us {Note: This is a psalm of praise that indicates that there were gentiles saved in the time of David and the Age of Israel. The increase of grace indicates spiritual growth and maturity among the gentiles also.}