5 {Note: Eirene means peace, prosperity and security. Here is it in the 'hortatory subjunctive' where the writer, Paul, is inviting you to join him in this prosperity - 'won't you join me in my prosperity'.} {Note: RBT says that Justification means that 'God is justified'. That means vindicated in His blessing believers. He is free from His righteousness to bless believers because we share His perfect righteousness. God is justified by our faith in Him. He then is 'free'/justified in His blessing us.}
in Hope - Paul is saying, 'Won't you join me?} {Note: Kauchaomai is in the middle voice and is reflexive. As Royal Priests, we are in the family of God and share the camaraderie/'esprit de corps' of the Godhead to Whom we are related.}
3-5 Boast/Glory in Adversity and Boast/Glory in God} {Note: Love is maximum concentration. It is a soul function that excludes the object from the masses. It is therefore the most 'separatist' system in the universe. There are three basic categories of the object of love: 1) God 2) People and 3) Things. The love for people is broken into three areas: 1) right man's love for his right woman and vice versa 2) right friends 3) impersonal mental attitude love for all mankind (free of mental attitude sins, no judging, maligning, etc.- impersonal love based on your own integrity, not theirs). In each of these areas, when you genuinely love, you 'set them apart' from all others. NO other Gods. No other women in your thoughts. Your personal friends are 'set apart' from mere associates. Capacity to love comes from doctrine in your soul. The range of levels of love can run from 0 to 1000. As you get closer to 1000, that is where integrity is involved in your love. 1000 would be the perfect love that God has for His own righteousness.} {Note: These verses emphasize the ministry of God the Holy Spirit through Whom all true doctrine in made clear to us. We study doctrine under a prepared man with the gift of pastor-teacher. We accept as Truth what is taught. If it IS Truth, God the Holy Spirit metabolizes it as useable doctrine in our spirit and soul. Once useable, we can then apply 'divine viewpoint' to our experiences in life. God the Holy Spirit causes the doctrine to be real to you AND to 'bring to remembrance' when you need to apply it. This is the function of the 'breathing of the soul' - inhale of doctrine, exhale of divine viewpoint.}
6-9: The 'Much More' of Justification} {Note: Asthenes means weak in inherent power - no ability with which to enter into a relationship with the integrity of God.}
only rarely someone may die in behalf of a righteous person.
the God demonstrates His Own agape/love toward us, {Note: This is 'substitutionary judgment'. Our sins were judged and punished on the Cross - with our Savior Jesus Christ carrying the punishment for us -- see I Peter 2:24}.
Fortiori logic - If He gave the 'Greater' Surely He will also give
the 'Lessor'} {Note: This verse is an example of 'A Fortiori' Logic (A Fortiori is Latin meaning 'with stronger reason'). A Fortiori is a system of logic and a principal of debate. Here a movement from the principal of justification to the RESULT of justification. Salvation was the MOST God could do for us. Everything else is LESS than the MOST! So, if He would do the most, of course He will do the lesser! It is like God gave us by grace the most beautiful ring from Tiffany. Do you want a paper bag to put it in?} {Note: Justification is a judicial function of God. Without compromising the principal of fairness in His justice, God is able to impute His righteousness into those who put their personal faith in Christ. Forgiveness subtracts sin. Justification adds righteousness.}
10-12: The 'Much More' of Reconciliation}
if while we were enemies {Note: If God can do the 'greater' while we were unsaved 'enemies', then how much more will He do for us after we have been saved? The 'much more' will be for eternity - a resurrection body similar to that of Jesus Christ. If He can do the greater, it follows, using 'A Fortiori' logic, that He can and will do the less.}
'Much More' In Time After Salvation (Phase II)}
for Reconciliation} {And, the Origin of Sin - Adam} {Note: Sometimes our leaders make decisions that affect all of us. When Adam sinned, this affected all of us. We all then were born with the 'sin of the father' and an old sin nature - except for the second Adam Who was born without a human father - Jesus Christ.}
13-17: The Parenthetical 'Much Mores'} {Note: All the human race sinned when Adam sinned. The basis of condemnation from God is the imputation of Adam's sin at birth (and can then be forgiven if we die before the age of accountability). Our own personal sins were never imputed to us. Instead they were all imputed to Christ on the cross and judged.}
5:14~~Nevertheless, {Note: Adam was created perfect. The 'Last Adam' - Jesus - was born perfect. For the likenesses of Adam and Christ could only be carried so far, then they become the antithesis of each other. So in the next verse, Adam is the 'type' and Jesus was the 'anti-type'. The first Adam put us into the jam and the Second Adam got us out of the jam.}
and Anti-Type} {Note: The 'much more' is by means of the Grace of God and is also by means of the work of the One Man. If the grace/justice of God did the 'greater' on the cross, than 'A Fortiori logic says, the grace/justice of God will not withhold the 'lesser' in blessing us.}
as the Basis for the A Fortiori Logic}
Fortiori of the Eternal Blessings from the Justice of God}
18-21: The 'Much More' of Grace} {Note: This verse is an example of apodosis -the rapidity of thought excluding verbs etc. Which is a system where a genius mentality in an excited state, gives just enough of the sentence that you can piece together the rest of the meaning of the sentence from previous words in the message. This is very elliptical in nature because Paul is very excited himself.}
as through one man's {Adam's} disobedience, {Note: RBT says there are two types of imputations: 1) Actual imputations, and 2) Judicial imputations. In our actual imputation of the 'sin of the father' (Adam's sin in the garden), the imputation already has a home - the genetically prepared Old Sin Nature. On the other hand, Jesus' imputation was a judicial imputation of all the sins of the world. It had nothing to do with His deserving this imputation - as perfection, He did not deserve this imputation. The similar thing is true with the imputation of God's righteousness in us. We did not deserve this imputation, but by the grace of God, we are imputed with His righteousness and are therefore saved.}
Now the law {Mosaic Law} 'came in as a side issue'/ {Note: To differentiate between Adam's original sin and all future sins, paraptoma is used for Adam's original sin and hamartia is used for the personal sins of all mankind. Paraptoma means we are born spiritually dead not hamartia. All hamartia was imputed to Christ on the cross and judged.}
as 'personal sin'/'the sin nature' {hamartia} {Note: All humans are sustained by logistical grace from God. But for those believers who grow to spiritual maturity, grace not only sustains you, but 'rules' in your life - thereby allowing for maximum blessings in time and for eternity - through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - this is only a potential and it depends on your attitude toward doctrine.} ************************************************** This page is sponsored by Kenneth Sidley, CPA, an Orange County California CPA (949) 706-3133. Please call Ken for high quality, low cost CPA services in Orange County California. This includes audit, review, compilation, tax returns, Quickbooks, and business consulting services. This page is sponsored by Moxxor For Pain Free Living.