7 (Continued) {Note: The perpetual state of the carnal or reversionistic believer is a state of confusion. They do not understand why they are not growing in spiritual maturity. They also do not understand why God is not blessing them as they think He should be.}
if I keep on doing {poieo} {Note: Paul is saying that though we are now believers and under a new 'marriage counselor' - God the Holy Spirit - the old 'marriage counselor' is still from God and is noble and 'to our advantage' to which to pay attention. In other words, when we do anything that is not motivated by the energy of the spirit and intended to bring glory to the Lord, then we are back under the authority of our 1st Husband - the trends of the Old Sin Nature. So, the Mosaic Law still tells us what sins and lusts of our nature are all about. Just because it describes evil, does not mean that it (the Law) is evil itself - it is not evil but instead noble.}
17-19: Inner Conflict Production under the Old Sin Nature Verses
Divine Good Production} {Note: This means that the sin nature is the source or motivation for Paul and the rest of us to act outside the plan of God. This verse also tells us that the Old Sin Nature is resident in the body even after salvation}.
fact, I know that there does not dwell in me {Note: This verse tells us that we are NOT divine and there is nothing divine in us (per intake of the Word). So from our selves, we cannot generate any 'good of intrinsic value'. Only by allowing God to work through us, is divine good produced no matter how honorably we try to 'do good' from our own energy of the flesh.}
the 'intrinsic good' {agathos} {Note: RBT says thelo means to will, purpose or desire from your emotions/sincerity. Boulema means to will, purpose or desire from your intellect/knowledge.}
if what I do not desire, {Note: The source of 'doing what you do not desire' remains the same in the first and second marriage. But in the first marriage (unbeliever status) the Old Sin Nature rules your life while you are spiritually dead. Once saved, it no longer has the authority over your life.} {Note: When you are saved, there are sins that you detest and really do not want to do . . . but you did do it anyway - and that was from your volitional choice. That is what Paul is addressing here. There is still sin (interaction with the 1st husband) after the 2nd marriage. After salvation we are out from under spiritual death. The Old Sin Nature can only rule over us through lust.}
a result',
'along with other believers, I delight' {sunedomai} {Note: Sunedomai - sune means with and domai means delight. RBT, says it is used for having delight with others. Here is means with other believers.}
in contrast, I see/'glace at' {blepo}
am a miserable person
belongs to the God {charis to Theo}, {Note: Paul is discussing the inner conflict of most Christians. They are saved and want to do what Jesus Christ wants them to do. But, because of the influence of the Old Sin Nature, they periodically sin because of the 'lusts' or desires of the flesh and therefore are under the authority again of the 1st husband.} {Note: RBT says Paul uses a lot of Classical Greek here. 'Men de' is classical Greek for (men) 'on the one hand' and then (de) 'on the other hand'.} ************************************************** Joshua_Sozo and Syndein are the Trademarks of Syndein a California DBA of Kenneth Sidley & Associates, Inc., a California Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright© Syndein 1982-2010. All rights reserved. This page is sponsored by Kenneth Sidley, CPA, an Orange County California CPA (949) 706-3133. Please call Ken for high quality, low cost CPA services in Orange County California. This includes audit, review, compilation, tax returns, Quickbooks, and business consulting services. This page is sponsored by Moxxor For Pain Free Living. Moxxor is a highly concentrated Omega 3 product that has reduced inflammation in this writer. Please go to this website to read more about Moxxor.