
Chapter 16

1~~Again the word/'doctrinal communication' {dabar}
of Jehovah/God
came unto me {Ezekiel the prophet}, saying, 2~~
"Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations. 3``
  {this will be the story of Jerusalem}

And say, 'Thus said the Lord/'Adonay God/Jehovah
unto Jerusalem . . .
your birth and your nativity is of the land of Canaan.

Your father was an Amorite . . .
and your mother an Hittite.
  {means you did not have much going for you there boy!}

{Rugged Birth of City of Jerusalem compared to a Physical Baby Birth}
4~~And as for your birth,
on the day you was born,
your navel was not cut.
  {birth cord was not cut - indicating probable death of the mother}.

Nor were you washed in water for cleansing.
  {an unwashed baby is a pretty gruesome thought}

Nor were you rubbed down with salt
 {salt was used as an antiseptic in these days}
or wrapped in swaddling clothes at all.
  {means you were an ugly and gruesome baby}

{Hopeless and Helpless Birth of Jerusalem - No Help from Any Human}
5~~Not one eye pitied you . . .
to do any of these unto you all . . .
to have compassion upon you.

But you were cast out in the open field . . .
to the loathing of your person . . .
in the day that you were born.

6~~ And when I {the Lord} passed by you . . .
and saw you drowning in your own blood . . .
I said unto you in your blood, "Live!

Yes, I said unto you in your blood . . . Live!"

{Note: The dead mother is analogous to the Old Sin Nature. You were not only nothing, but you were a hideous and gruesome nothing - and that describes every human being since the fall of Adam - we are all BORN with sin and spiritually dead.}

7-8~~"I have caused you to multiply as the bud/flowers of the field,
and you have increased and grown great,
and you have come to an excellent ornament.
  {this is analogous to salvation and spiritual growth to an edification
  complex in the soul}

Your breasts have definition . . .
  {analogous now to spiritual growth}

and your hair is grown . . .
  {female child here growing to a beautiful woman}

whereas you were naked
  {`eyrom - referring to a soul without doctrine - a naked soul}

and bare.
  {`eryah - nudity - referring to the naked body working overtime to
  create scar tissue on that naked soul (before salvation and
  spiritual growth)}

8~~Now when I passed by you all,
and looked upon you all, behold,
your time was the time of love.
  {female child has now reached the age of potential sexual

And I {God} spread My cloak over you all . . .
and covered your nakedness.
  {God did all that He could to protect her without violating her own
  free will decisions}

Yes, I swore unto you all . . .
and entered into a covenant with you,"
said the Lord/'Adonay God/Jehovah,
"and you became Mine."

9-14~~"Then I {God} washed you with water.

Yes, I thoroughly washed away your blood from you.
  {the blood this time is sin and guilt}

And I anointed you with oil.
  {Ministry of the Spirit in the life of the believer (here the

10~~I clothed you also with broidered work,
and shod you with badgers' skin,
  {one of the finer skins used for a coat in this day}
and I girded you about with fine linen,
and I covered you with silk.
  {God provided everything that would make a 'woman' happy}

11~~I decked you also with ornaments,
and I put bracelets upon your hands,
and a chain on your neck.

12~~And I put a jewel on your forehead,
  {some kind of jewelry connected with the hair}
and earrings in your ears,
and a beautiful crown upon your head.

13~~Thus you were really decked out
with gold and silver . . .
and your raiment was of fine linen, and silk, and broidered work.

You did eat fine flour, and honey, and oil.

And you were really/exceeding beautiful.

And did you ever prosper into a kingdom.
  {picture of someone functioning under GAP and prospering
  spiritually and physically}

14~~And your renown went forth among the heathen
for your beauty . . .
for it was perfect because of My Grace . . .
which I put upon you,"
said the Lord/'Adonay . . . God/Jehovah.
  {what do YOU have that YOU deserve? Nothing. It is all from the
  grace of God!}

15-19~~"But you did trust in your own beauty . . .
and played the harlot because of your renown,
  {adultery - spiritual and physical -
  Phallic Cult idol worship mixed with orgies and human sacrifice}

and poured out your fornications
on every one that passed by . . .
it was his.
  {God gave her the beauty and His love. She wallowed in
  approbation lust and gave her 'love' (attention, worship) to
  everyone around her (ignoring God)}

16~~And you took of your garments
and decked yourself with bright colors,
and played the harlot
in your high places.
  {the Phallic Cult was practiced in the high groves - complete

The like things shall not come . . .
neither shall it be so.

{Note: The Phallic cult - particularly the child sacrifice during the sexual activity - was so horrible, that God destroys the people who practice it to protect the rest of the human race.}

17~~You have also taken your fair jewels of my gold
and of my silver,
which I had given you,
and made to yourself images of men {idols},
  {images of Baal, etc and the male sex organ}
and did commit whoredom with them.
  {a form of famine masturbation with the phallic symbols}

18~~And took your broidered garments,
and covered them.

And you have set My oil and My incense before them.
  {what should have been sacrificed to God under the Levitical
  Offerings was offered to Baal instead}

19~~My meat also which I gave you . . .
fine flour, and oil, and honey,
wherewith I fed you . . .
you have even set it before them for a sweet savor.

And thus it was," said the Lord/'Adonay God/Jehovah.

{Child Sacrifice of the Phallic Cult}
20-23~~"Moreover you have taken your sons and your daughters,
whom you have borne unto Me,
and these have you sacrificed unto them to be devoured.

Is this of your whoredoms a small matter?

21~~That you have slain My children . . .
and delivered them . . .
to cause them to pass through the fire
for them?
  {Baal and the other false idols worshiped}

22~~And in all your abominations
and your whoredoms
you have not remembered the days of your youth . . .
when you were naked and bare . . .
and was drowning in your blood.

23~~And it came to pass
after all your wickedness . . .
woe, woe unto you!"
said the Lord/'Adonay God/Jehovah.

24-29~~"That you have also built for yourself
'an eminent place'/''a house of prostitution' . . .
and have made you an high place in every street.
  {declined further from the house of prostitution to being a street

25~~You have built your high place
at every head of the way,
  {she had a stall on every corner to solicit}

and have made your beauty despised,
  {she has become grotesque and someone must be drunk to
  fornicate with her}

and have opened your feet to every one that passed by,
  {reduced to giving a free peep show to entice business}

and multiplied your whoredoms.

26~~You have also committed fornication
with the Egyptians your neighbors . . .
great of flesh.
  {referring to the 'woe to those who go down to Egypt' - trying to
  rely on the military strength of Egypt for Jerusalem's protection
  type of thing}

And have increased your whoredoms,
to provoke Me to anger.

27~~Behold, therefore I have stretched out My hand over you,
and have diminished your ordinary food,
and delivered you unto the will of them who hate you . . .
the daughters of the Philistines,
who are ashamed of your lewd way.
  {the Philistines are crude Greek peoples - yet even they are
  ashamed of what the people of Jerusalem are practicing!
  'Shocking the Unshockable'}

28~~You have played the whore also with the Assyrians,
because you were not satisfied.
  {referring to the Jews sending protection money to the Assyrians}

Yes, you have played the harlot with them,
and yet could not be satisfied.
  {principle here is promiscuity always ruins a woman - if she is free
  with her sex to a number of men, she will never recognize and
  respond to her right man - the one designed for her by God}

29~~You have moreover multiplied your fornication
in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea.
  {from when the Jews entered the promised land to going out under
  the 5th cycle of discipline never were they satisfied}

And yet you were not satisfied herewith."

{Note: Believers can not take God's love and worship false idols and find happiness. Neither can women pass around their physical favors and find happiness.}

30-31~~"How weak is your 'right lobe'/heart {thinking}",
said the Lord/'Adonay God/Jehovah,
"seeing you do all these things . . .
the work of an imperious/dominating whorish woman . . . 31~~
  {this is a woman who takes the roll of a man - tries to run
in that you build 'your eminent place'/'house of prostituion'
in the head of every way,
and make your high place in every street . . .
and {finally} have not been as an harlot,
in that you 'scoff hire'/'scorn wages'."
  {now she becomes a complete nymphomaniac - sex with anyone
  and everyone and no longer even cares to be paid}

32-35 "But as a wife who commits adultery . . .
who takes strangers instead of her husband!

33 They give gifts to all whores.

But you give your gifts to all your lovers . . .
and hire them . . .
that they may come unto you on every side
for your whoredom.

34 And the contrary is in you
from other women in your whoredoms,
whereas none followed you to commit whoredoms . . .
and in that you give a reward,
and no reward is given unto you all,
therefore you are contrary.
