But, in contrast, {the minor child/heir}
so we {Paul and the Galatians} {Note: In Paul's analogy, as unbelievers, we were under the restraining influences of the things like the Mosaic Law . . . just as the minor children are controlled by 'slave overseers'.}
of the Hypostatic Union -100% Human AND 100% Deity in one Unique Person} {Note: This verse refers to the Hypostatic Union. 100% Deity - the Son of God. 100% humanity as born of a human mother. And, as a Jew from the ruling tribe of Juda and the line of David, Christ was born a Jew and under the time of the Mosaic Law - which Law He fulfilled.} {Note: Colonel Thieme says that God the Father picked the perfect time for Christ to come. When all the religions of the world had proved themselves bankrupt in providing salvation - the last to do so was Judaism - since then all 'new religions' were no more than recreations of an old theme.} {SideNote: 'Fullness' is the Greek word 'Pleroma' which is another name for our current dispensation - the Church Age - 'Pleroma tu Theo' -'All the fullness from God'.}
To, once and for all,
And because you are habitually and absolutely adult sons {Note: RBT says 'Spirit of his Son' is a functional title for God the Holy Spirit. He was sent to glorify Christ in this dispensation. And, in the original manuscripts the verse ended with "Abba Pater". Abba is Aramaic for Father, Paul's first language, and pater is Greek for father, the Galatians were Greek . . . so here is 'Father, Father' in two languages - Aramaic and Greek}
of Union with Christ - Share His Adult Son Heirship Status} {Note: This is the Doctrine of Heir-ship. When saved, we are in union with Christ. And one of the 39 irrevocable things that we receive at the point of salvation is to share in His Heir-ship.}
8-20: Permanence of Grace} {Note: The Galatians were Greeks. The non-Christians and non-Jews in the area were worshiping the Greek heathen false gods . . . their first false trap of religion.}
But, now in contrast, {Note: The new 'slave-owner' for these Greeks is the ritualism/legalism of the Mosaic Law.}
from Bondage of One Religion to the Bondage of Another Religion -
Here the Sabboths are in View} {Note: Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law and we are no longer under 'bondage' to it. We are under a higher law now to live EVERY DAY as unto the Lord, not just special set aside days.}
I am afraid for you all {and you aren't afraid!} {Note: This is a communicator of doctrine who labors to the point of exhaustion in the study and teaching of the Word . . . and fearing all his teaching was useless/vain/void of effect.}
Brethren, I keep on begging you {Note: Paul is saying . . . for his benefit as a communicator of doctrine . . . they should become what they are NOT now . . . serious about the intake of the Word. And if they do become serious students, then they will be like HIM . . . and HE will be like them! The last part is an idiom in the Greek. Paul is saying he is not the issue at all. The legalistic Jews were attacking Paul personally and since Paul is in SuperGrace, the attacks only brought him blessings not injury.}
know {from previous study} {Note: RBT says that at the time Paul first met the Galatians he had chronic eye troubles - see verse 15. It made it difficult for him to see and also ugly to look at. This was quite a handicap when doing public speaking.}
viewpoint hinders grace} {Note: RBT says they originally thought Paul was Hermes/ Mercury the messenger god and one of the least good looking of the heathen gods. 'Angel' actually translates into 'messenger'.}
Where therefore is your blessing? {Note: Under grace they would have done anything for Paul and now they despise Paul.}
Have I therefore now become your enemy? {Note: Paul is getting tough with them. Paul is sarcastically leveling with them!}
17-18 Flattery Hinders Grace}
But, good to be properly courted {Note: When Paul is away, they should recognize and appreciate the truth . . . and therefore, be 'properly courted' . . . by the Truth of Grace.}
My little children {little born again ones - babies in Christ} {Note: It is God's purpose for Christ to be formed in every believer. Paul is using a birthing analogy. They are his spiritual children. He is still 'hurting from the birth' because the baby is not growing! When they take in doctrine and grow spiritually, then they will build a set of norms and standards in the soul that create an altar of the soul/edifidation complex of the soul. With doctrine resident in your soul, you LEARN to be 'Occupied with Christ' and Christ will be 'formed in them'. Then you imitate Christ by allowing His divine good production to be produced through you. Bible doctrine is His divine viewpoint. He receives the glory/honor from His thoughts being exercised on earth. For the glory you bring to Him, there are rewards in time and in eternity future.}
of desires - Paul's desires are in verse 20. Galatians' desire in
verse 21} {Note: Paul wishes he could change from the harshness in this epistle to soft and pleasant teachings to those straightened out. The spiritual maturity of the audience depends on the tone of the message. Mature believers have accepted the authority of the teacher and absorb the message easily. Therefore the communicator can deliver the message in a much more pleasant manner . . . for communicator and student alike.}
Keep on telling me!
of Ishmael - representing the Mosaic Law and Isaac- Salvation by
Faith in Christ} {Note: In the Bible there are 'Parables' which are characterized by phrases such as 'there was a certain man'. Parables never use a real person's name. Next, there are also allegories in the bible. In general, allegories do not always have to refer to real events. However, in the Bible, the allegories are always 'historical analogies' that relate events that really took place - and use real names and real events.}
But he {Ishmael} of the bondwoman
In the allegory Ishmael represents human viewpoint . . . following
the Mosaic Law to be saved and therefore under the authority of the
law and in slavery to the law . . . born only
Which qualitative class of things are the allegorized?
The Mosaic Law was given to Moses - outside of the promised land -
in the land of cursing . . . in the land of
Jerusalems - 1st - the Legalistic One of the Day and the 2nd - Based
on Grace} {Note: The physical city of Jerusalem was in bondage to the Mosaic Law, in bondage to religious leaders, and in bondage to the Roman Empire.}
But, in contrast, the 'above Jerusalem' - FREE - {Note: The 2nd Jerusalem refers to the Church and the New Jerusalem is the mother city of all believers.}
For it is written {Isaiah 54:1}, {Note: Grace produces what legalism can not. Sarah at 90 can not humanly deliver, but through grace she has many more children then there are legalistic people.}
Now we - and only we - brethren {believers}
But - as then - {Note: Just as Ishmael persecuted and tormented Isaac, still today the legalistic Jews persecute the Grace believers}
Nevertheless {Note: Means to get far away from legalism. Legalism and grace can not co-exist.}
Now - in conclusion - brethren {believers} ************************************************ This page is sponsored by Kenneth Sidley, CPA, an Orange County California CPA (949) 706-3133. This page also sponsored by Moxxor For Pain Free Living. Moxxor is a highly concentrated Omega 3 product that has reduced inflammation in this writer. Please go to this website to read more about Moxxor.