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II Samuel

Chapter 14
{David's 4th Installments of 4 Installments of Discipline -
  Absalom Revolution (David Rebelled against the Authority of God - His Son Will Revolt Against His Authority)}

{Verses 1-20: A Three Act Drama: The Woman from Tekoah}
1~~Now Joab, the son of Zeruiah {David's sister}
perceived/knew that the king's {David's} heart . . .
{was} against/toward Absalom.

{Note: RBT says that this is a change of feelings for David. In the last chapter David longed to see Absalom. David is now unstable - back in his arrogance complex. But Joab now knows that none of David's adult sons are capable of ruling Israle once David passes away. So, he is going to scheme to bring back Absalom. And, he is going to set up a scenario where 1) Absalom can return 2) Absalom will not be stoned to death when he returns, and 3) Absalom will be given over to Joab as his personal responsibility when he does return. So, we will see Joab will be given the 'responsibility' for Absalom when he is permitted to return to Jerusalem. That is why when David will order in the revolution that no one kill Absalom. Joab will violate this order - because HE was responsible for Joab and it was his right and responsibility to kill him when he revolted against David.}

{Verses 2-3: Joab Stages a Drama - A 3 Act Scenario}
2~~And Joab sent {shalach} {someone}
to {the town of} Tekoah {T@qowa`}
  {means Joab did not go himself - apparently he knew this woman
  and she owes him a big favor - Tekoah is a town 6 miles south of
and he brought from there
a 'technically skilled' {chakam} woman
  {from the context, apparently she was a skilled actress},
and he {Joab}said to her, please/'I pray you',
pretend that you are in mourning {the actress' role},
and please dress in mourning clothes {the costuming/wardrobe},
but do not put on any cosmetics/'cosmetic oils or lotions'
  {will make her look really bad and to be pitied -
  wearing cosmetics is normally very acceptable - is a volitional
  choice of the woman},
and instead act like a woman who has for many days
been mourning for the dead {Joab is the producer of this play}.

{The Full Rehearsal}
3~~And when you have gone to the king,
you will speak to him 'in this manner'/
'words like these' {the scenario}.

Consequently, Joab put in her mouth these words {the script}.

{Note: Joab is not only the producer, he is also the director. He is not only giving her the script, but also the scenario - meaning not only what to say, but how to say it - the inflection . . . how to look when saying it - posture . . . going over all the possible responses of his Uncle David and how to respond to each.}

{Woman's Acting Before Supreme Court Judge King David}
4~~Now when the woman of Tekoah
'received an audience before'/'went before' the king,
she fell with her face to the ground,
and 'did homage'/'prostrated herself',
and said, "Help/Deliver, O king".

{Note: She had to practice falling to the ground just right. They she had to prostrate herself before David to look like the true damsel in distress. Finally, she does not lift her eyes to him or he might be able to tell she was faking. She is a very talented actress here, playing her role well! All real men desire to help a woman in need. This Act is intended to play on the emotions of King David.}

5~~And the king said unto her,
"What is your grievance?"
Then she {the plaintiff} replied,
"Truly, I am a 'widow woman' . . .
and my husband is dead.

{Note: This is setting up the Law of Posterity - a civil law to ensure that a man's name would pass from generation to generation. It only applies to 'true widows' where the husband has died. It does not apply to 'grass widows' - those who are divorced from their husbands (making their husband's 'dead' to them under the law). Joab is setting up non-pertinent civil law where the case between Absalom and Amnon was a criminal matter.}

{Basis for the Supposed Grievance}
6a~~And {your Honor} your 'female subject/citizen'
  {setting up the principal that Supreme Court Judge David
  had jurisdiction over this case and this woman}
had two sons.
  {of course these will turn out to be Amnon and Absalom}

6b~~Now the two of them were fighting each other in the field,
and there was no one to separate and pull them apart.

Consequently, the one stuck and killed the other.

{Note: Now under the Jewish law, Amnon should have been tried
for the rape of Tamar. As Tamar's closest male relative, Absalom would have been the rightful 'avenger of blood' - the Jewish form of executioner - whose duty it would have been to put Amnon to death. But since love blinded David, there was no justice (no one to separate the two brothers) so there was no justice in the land for Tamar. Because of David's failure Absalom's murder was individual vengeance and also illegal punishable by death. The only ones here under David who are forgotten are the victims! But, two wrongs do not make a right!},

7a~~Now, behold, the entire clan/family
has risen up against your 'female subject',
and they said/'have demanded',
"'Hand over'/Deliver up' the one who killed his brother,
in order that we may put him to death,
for the life of his brother whom he murdered.

{Note: In Israel there were no public executioners. These close relatives would have been obligated to enforce the law and be 'avengers of blood'. And, this would also be the right of Amnon's 50ish brothers. This tells us that David has 'tried Absalom in abstentia' an Absalom would be executed by his brothers if he returned.}

7b~~Furthermore, we will destroy {shamad} the heir.

{Note: Joab through this actress is introducing a false issue. That of the law of posterity - see Genesis 38:8. All the names of the families who escaped Egypt via the Exodus were to be perpetuated through the male heir. This is a very important civil law particularly since all lands were to return to the original families every 50 years - unless the line of posterity had been broken.}

{Note: Now shamad here in the Hiphil stem indicates the false motivation of the supposed avengers of blood. Really, Joab is telling us the motivation of Amnon's 50 brothers in wanting Absalom now dead also - they all think then they would be the heir apparent. Their motivation is evil. Human good plus arrogance = evil (same as sin plus arrogance = evil)}

7c~~Therefore, they {the avengers of blood}
will extinguish my spark/'burning coal'/posterity
which is left {introducing the false issue of the law of posterity}
and cause my {dead} husband
to be without a name nor posterity on the face of the earth.

{Note: When a law is not pertinent, a person has to appeal to the emotion of the judge. And, since David is emotionally charged, he will fall for the trap. Therefore, again with Absalom as with Amnon, the punishment for his crime will not be imposed. When laws are not enforced, revolution will follow.}

{Note: See Psalm 38:28. David probably wrote this psalm afterward this event to remind all of us that the prosperity of the evil SHOULD be cut off!}

8~~So the king said to the woman,
  {David is allowing social action law to bury the relevant criminal law
  - his decision will 'manufacture criminals' since law is not
  respected - and revolution will result}

"Go home {an order} . . . and I will 'issue an order' . . . on your behalf
  {protecting her son from the legitimate 'avengers of blood' - no

{Note: This will set a legal precedent that will be used in Absalom's case to distort justice.}

{Verses 9-11: Act 1 Beginning of Dialog by which Absalom's Freedom will be Obtained}
9a~~But the woman of Tekoah said to the king,
"Oh my lord the king . . . let the guilt be on me . . .
and on my father's family'
  {literally: "Upon me . . . my lord king, be the iniquity . . . and on
  the house of my father}.

{Note: This is strange. David ruled incorrectly in her favor. Why this? What is SHE guilty of? Principal: when a woman in distress changes something and it does not make sense . . . BEWARE . . . you are about to be had!}

9b~~But let both the king and his throne/government
be free from guilt.

{Note: Now the woman saying to David 'it is NOT your fault' and David can not know HOW it ever could have been his fault!!! He has to be spinning mentally!}

10~~Then the king replied,
"If anyone 'threatens'/'tries to intimidate' you,
then you will cause him {the offender} to be brought me,
and he will not bother/annoy/harass/disturb you any more.

{Note: This is David's second bad decision. Not only did he allow his sympathy for this woman to allow a criminal to be pardoned and therefore no justice for the victim, but now, his second decision is to completely protect the criminal from society (so now who protects society? No one.)}

{Note: Principals coming up: Crusaders plus criminals = revolution. Crusader arrogance plus human good = evil. Human good + evil = revolution.}

{David's Solemn Oath Before the 'Higher Court'}
11a~~Then she said, please/'I pray you',
let the king remember this decision
before the Jehovah/God your 'Elohiym/Godhead . . .
  {a request for David's solemn oath}
to restrain the 'public executioner'/'avengers of blood'
from adding to the destruction
  {principal of forget the victim and forgive the criminal - if you
  protect the criminal from society there is no way to protect
  society from the criminal},
so that my son will not be destroyed.

11b~~Consequently, he replied, "By the life/essence of Jehovah/God,
not one hair of your son's head shall fall to the ground."

{Note: David is actually being prophetic about Absalom's death. His long hair will be caught in the trees and Joab will throw three javelins into him. No 'hair' fell to the ground. Absalom would go to the barber once a year and they would cut off about five pounds of red hair by the king's scales. He had become a 'long hair hippy type' once he decided to not respect the laws of the land.}

{Act II - the Emotional View of the Law - the Plea for 'Criminal Rights'}
12~~Then the woman said,
"Please/'I pray you' let your female subject,
speak a word to my lord the king.

And he {David} replied, "Speak."

{Note: Coming up, now the woman is going to introduce 'politics' into the court. This is 'crusader arrogance'. When the rights of the criminal take precedence over the rights of society, revolution will result. She will say, the loss of her son is a personal loss . . . but the loss of Absalom is a 'national loss' so he also should be pardoned.}

{Distortion of the Law}
13~~Then the woman expatiated/'spoke at length',
"Why then have you {David}
devised such a thing/'scheme like this'
against the people of 'Elohiym/Godhead?
  {David is now being accused of being the criminal in his case
  against Absalom. These are words designed to cause trouble.
  Joab is stirring up trouble though he is being 'sincere and patriotic'
  - but he is just being stupid - you set aside the law, and
  lawlessness will result (a revolution).}

For since the king has rendered this judicial decision
he has incriminated himself,
unless the king restores 'the fugitive'
  {everyone knows this is Absalom - David has trapped himself
  through emotion those who play God with the law destroy
  themselves AND the law!}.

{Note: So by being gallant, David has taken the bait and fell into her trap. Principal: a woman in distress is not always a woman in distress - but a carefully baited trap to catch a sucker. They are saying David has issued now a 'blanket pardon' against all 'avengers of blood' so that applies to Absalom also . . . or he is 'discriminating'. She is saying that David is guilty until he pardons Absalom!}

14a~~And we {pausing for emphasis} . . .
are like water poured out on the ground . . .
which cannot be recovered . . .
so we shall surely die.

{Note: This means 'you can not bring the victim back by killing his murderer. But you can save the life of the poor criminal who murdered him. But God says it is a very bad mistake for any society to forget the victim. Capital punishment eliminates one direct threat to society AND is a deterrent to other potential murders.}

{Ultimate of Distorting Doctrine}
14b~~However, 'Elohiym /Godhead
does not take away life {nephesh - soul}
  {this is false - God does issue the 'sin unto death' and capital
  punishment is HIS doctrine! this is the "you are not in God's will
  brother' . . . (if you do not do what I WANT you to do!)"}
but He provides Doctrines
  {chashab - to think, devise . . . + machashabah - 'thoughts,
  plans' so the idiom is 'literally 'He thinks thoughts'},
so that He will not 'drive away'/banish/expel
the one who has been 'driven away'/expelled.

{Note: Who has been 'driven away'? Absalom . . . a murder! She makes him sound like a hero! This last phrase is correct when one rebounds. But she is using 'non-pertinent doctrine' - grace is not the issue here. There is no indication that Absalom has rebounded his sin. Either way, God's law is capital punishment for 1st degree murder.}

{Act III - How Distortion is Converted to Conspiracy and Conspiracy to Revolution}
15~~And, now that I have come to speak this word
to my lord {'adown} the king,
it was because I was afraid of the people.
  {this is 'false motivation' designed to distract David from the real
  reason - it is really Joab who fears a popular uprising if Absalom is
  not brought back - the people are restless - this is also
  'Exploitive power' - power that presupposes threat or the use of
  violence }

Therefore, your female subject thought . . .
  {this actress is now probably standing . . . looking at David . . .
  and through David}
"I will now speak to the king.

Perhaps . . .
  {adverb of uncertainty - probably batting her eyelashes, and
  slumping in humility}
the king will grant the request of his female subject
  {implying that so far he has not done a thing for her! Meaning
  perhaps the king will do what SHE wants him to do!}.

16~~For the king will agree/hear, to deliver his female subject
from of the hand of the man
who would destroy both me . . . and my son together
from the inheritance of 'Elohiym/Godhead.
  {bringing up again the very important but non-pertinent civil law of
