
Chapter 4
{Warning to Non-positive believers - get your ACT together!}
{Chapter 4 and 5 to Verse 10 go together ; Chapter 5 Verse 11 and Chapter 6 is an Interruption in the Dialog}
{Challenge to SuperGrace - Verses 1-14}
1~~Let us therefore begin to receive fear
{that you might follow the Exodus Generation into Reversionism}
lest at any time a promised blessing {SuperGrace blessings}
'being unclaimed'/ 'being left behind'
of entering into His rest {Canaan/ SuperGrace - katapausis}
any one out from around you {if others around fail, you do NOT have to fail}
should think subjectively {dokeo} to the point of default {from emotional let down - fall into reversionism and lose blessings}.

{Note: Dokeo is the thinking of the emotional revolt of the soul - subjectivity not objective. If you do not continue the intake of objective bible teaching, then you fall into subjectivity and self-pity and go into reversionism.}

{Note: Chapter of 4 Hortatory (to exhort) Subjunctives (a verb form - a possibility stated with emotion!) -
  1) Verse 01: Let us begin to fear
  2) Verse 11: Let us be diligent
  3) Verse 14: Let us hold fast
  4) Verse 16: Let us come boldly
The thought of this fourth chapter of Hebrews can be traced with these hortatory subjunctives.}

{Note: Katapausis - does mean the 'act of resting' from the human viewpoint - in time. See verse 9 for a different Greek word for 'rest'.}

{Secondary Negative Volition - 'Hearers but not Doers'}
2a~~ For we also have been permanently evangelized
even as they {Exodus Generation} also.

2b~~But the word of hearing
  {doctrine taught by Moses and angels}
did not profit/benefit THEM
  {Exodus Generation}
not having been blended with the faith
  {failure of doctrine to be cycled in the soul}
on the part of the ones having heard.

{Note: See also James 1:19. Primary negative volition is the refusal to sit and listen to the word. In this verse is 'secondary negative volition'. Here the person sits and listens to the teaching and 'hears the word', but they reject the doctrine taught and do not transfer it to the human spirit where it can be used/applied to experience.}

3~~Now you see,
the ones having believed do enter into rest
  {kata - 'according to a norm or standard'-
  refers to SuperGrace/Canaan}
as He communicated {Psalms 95:11},
"As {in keeping with the facts}
I promised with a solemn oath in My disgust
I am Not God if they shall enter into My rest
  {because of reversionism}
and yet THE WORKS
  {all the blessings you could ever desire in time -
  and MORE! Very strong here!}
have been brought into existence
from the ultimate source
of before the foundation of the world.

{Note: 'The foundation of the world' is an idiom meaning 'in eternity past'. In eternity past, all your potential SuperGrace blessings were set aside by God for YOU}."

{Note: God is disgusted with believers in reversionism because He set aside the capability for all possible blessings for all believers in eternity past. These blessing are potential . . . and are available for you in time and in eternity future. All you have to do is have FAITH! The object of which is first Christ . . . then in Doctrine! Grow to SuperGrace! Take and HOLD the high ground of SuperGrace maturity. And, along the way and forever . . . reap what God has sown!}

4~~For he {Moses} had communicated in the past with results that continue forever somewhere concerning the seventh {day} in the following manner {Genesis 2:2},

"And on the seventh {seventh day - Saturday}, the God did cease to work according to His own perfect standard {katapauo} from the ultimate source of all His works."

{Note: Katapauo. Kata means 'from a norm or standard'. Pauo means to cease or desist from all work (with kata - according to the standard of His own perfect standard). Here it is from the standard of God's own essence He rested. God is still resting today. From His Omniscience, He knew all your needs in eternity past . . . and provided for those needs in eternity past.}

{Note: In the Jewish dispensation, they used symbols and rituals to demonstrate the doctrines of God. The Sabbath was a tool for Jews to remember the Grace of God. By their not working, they could be taught that only the work of God is important - they rest! Now, in this dispensation, Christians no longer need rituals and symbols. We have the Word of God - the completed and perfect Canon of Scripture. Our new commandment is to 'live EVERY day . . . as unto the Lord'. Take in doctrine every day. The need for rituals and symbols has diminished. The Eucharist is the only ritual we were specifically commanded to continue to follow in the Church Age. All other rituals are no longer authorized for the Church Age.}

5~~And in this place again {Psalms 95:11}, " 'My Name is not God'/'I am not God', if they shall enter into My rest {Canaan/SuperGrace}."

{Note: The repetition of this quote indicates the importance the writer of Hebrews places on this solemn oath by God. God is
saying His very essence is on the line. If He allows ONE person SuperGrace blessings without the capacity to enjoy the
SuperGrace blessings . . . well He would not be God if this were permitted . . . and it will NOT be permitted.}

{The Potentialities of SuperGrace - Verses 6-9}
6~~Since therefore, it {SuperGrace} remains/'is left over'
for some {Caleb & Joshua/all SuperGrace believers} to enter into it
and they {Exodus Generation/all reversionists}
to whom it {doctrinal good} was first communicated
did not enter in because of non-compliance/mule-headedness/
stubbornness/'non-obedience in the sense of rejecting authority'.

He {God} decrees a certain day
  {day you reach SuperGrace}
constantly communicating
  {Word of God is alive today and forever}
by means of David {writer of Psalms 95: 7-8},
"TODAY, after such a long time {between the Exodus Generation and David's Generation - 400ish years}
as it has been previously cited, 'TODAY,
if you will hear and concentrate on His voice
  {consistent intake of  doctrine with positive volition
  to the teaching}
STOP hardening your right lobes {hearts}.

{Note: You can be negative in two ways. First, negative volition to the hearing of doctrine. Second, or the negative to the doctrine being taught.}

8~~For if Joshua had caused them rest - but he did not -
then concerning another day of the same kind {of SuperGrace opportunity}
He {God the Holy Spirit through David's Psalm} would not be speaking
after these things {about the failures of past generations to enter SuperGrace}.

{Note: This is Joshua here NOT Jesus which is the Greek translation of Joshua. This refers to the generation AFTER the Exodus Generation. The Exodus Generation failed and could not enter the 'rest'/Canaan/SuperGrace. The next generation called the Joshua Generation entered the land but did not conquer it all as they were supposed to (about 1400-1375 B.C.). They also failed. And, for 400 years until David's Generation (1000-970 B.C., Canaan was not the Jews land . . . though God had promised it to them.}

{Conclusion -God is waiting to pour if YOU have a 'cup' - Capacity for SuperGrace blessings}
9~~ Therefore there remains/'is left over' {potential for SuperGrace capacity} a sabbatical rest {sabbatismos} {SuperGrace blessings} with reference to the people belonging to the God.

{Note: RBT brought out that the usual Greek word for 'rest' being used in this chapter was 'katapausis'. But when referring to 'rest' here, the word 'sabbatismos' was used so we translated 'rest' this time 'sabbatical rest'. This is the potential rest/SuperGrace blessings God provided for us BEFORE time - and we can only earn them through FAITH . . . first in Christ, thereafter FAITH in studying His Word and growing in spiritual maturity by grace.}

{Principal of SuperGrace - Verses 10-12}
10~~For you see {from the teachings in the first 9 verses}
the one having entered into his rest {katapausis}
also himself has rested from his works
even as God rested from His work.

{Note: Katapausis is the act of resting. You did not earn or deserve anything, God provides all from His grace.}

{Note: Before SuperGrace, you reap what you sow - from your own 'works'. In SuperGrace, you reap what God sows! His 'works' . . . divine good production.}

11~~ Let us begin to be diligent {right mental attitude toward the intake of doctrine - ingressive aorist}
therefore to enter into {result of GAP - cumulative aorist}
that specific rest {katapausis/SuperGrace}
that no one begin to fall {into reversionism}
after the same example of obstinacy.

{Note: The ingressive aorist means to diligently take the Word in and in again and in again. The cumulative aorist indicates a result of being diligent in the intake of the Word - occupation with Christ, SuperGrace capacity (a cup), and God will pour to you SuperGrace Blessings. Now you reap what God sows.}

{Solution to the Problem of Obstinacy}
12~~For the Word of God
keeps on being alive {pertinent to all generations-gives capacity to enjoy life} and
effectual/powerful/energetic {energes}
and more cutting than every two-edged sword {machaira}
for it penetrates as to separate soul and spirit
both joints and marrow
and is a critic/judge of the thoughts {act of thinking}
and intents of the right lobe {heart}.

{Note: 'Energes' . . . which is transliterated 'energetic' . . . also means to be effective. Here it is saying the Word of God is effective in accomplishing its objective - to teach us divine viewpoint from earthly/fleshly viewpoint.}

{Note: A machaira was a very short two-edged Roman sword. Many large barbarians laughed as they saw the shorter Romans with short swords against their huge size and big broad swords. Then the Romans working together efficiently sliced up the larger barbarians! The machaira was the most effective cutting weapon in the ancient world - in the hands of a well-trained soldier. The Bible cuts ALL of
us . . .we all have an Old Sin Nature. Not just one point of the Bible is important. All of the Bible is important and will cut all of our Old Sin Natures.}

{Note: RBT's original is used so often and is so beautiful:
'The Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow; And, is a critic of the thoughts and intents of the heart.' }

{Why is Bible doctrine so important? God Vindicates his Word in the Believers Soul}

13~~And there is not a created thing
that is hidden/invisible from His sight {every thought you ever had,  every action you ever took - He knew in eternity past!}.
But all things are naked and having been exposed to the eyes of Him face to face with Whom
we have to give our account/Word/Doctrine {logos}.

{SuperGrace related to the Priesthood - Verses 14-16}
{The Great Meaning of this chapter - Jesus Christ our Great High Priest - in the Third Heaven}
14~~We keep on having therefore a great high priest,
Who having traveled through the heavens . . . Jesus, the Son of God,
let us take possession of the acknowledgment.

{Note: This is setting up the fact that Jesus is now our high priest and is seated in heaven today representing us before God the Father. We are to now acknowledge this fact . . . (and coming up . . . the fact that believers are all priests in the Church Age.}

{The Compassion of our Great High Priest - Jesus Christ}
15~~ For we have not and hold not . . .
a High Priest {Jesus} unable to sympathize with our weaknesses
but having been tempted in all things/points
in quite the same way {as we} . . . yet apart from sin.

{Note: In the areas of temptation, Jesus never succumbed to sin. So even though He had all the temptations we had, the one thing Jesus can NOT say is 'I know what it is like to sin!' - He never did sin.}

{A Conclusion about the SuperGrace life - Knowledge of Prayer and Proper Use of the Same}
16~~Therefore, let us be approacing with confidence/boldly
unto the throne of the grace {indicating for SuperGrace believers only here}
for the purpose that we can receive grace in action {mercy}
and discover grace
with reference to seasonable help {periods of time as little as hour
by hour 'seasons' if needed}.

{Note: Once you are in SuperGrace, prayer becomes a fantastic weapon for you. Until this time, Jesus Christ makes intercessory prayer on your behalf. Now you know HOW to pray effectively and have the right mental attitude to come to the Lord humbly (understanding Grace).}


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