
Chapter 5
{Introducing the Unique High Priest - Verses 1-10}
{History of the High Priesthood Prior to Jesus Christ - Verses 1-4}
1~~For every high priest
being taken from the source of mankind {a priest must be a true human} is ordained on behalf of men
with reference to things {doctrine} 'pertaining to'/'face to face with' The God
that he may offer both gifts {food offerings - represents Royalty of Christ} and sacrifices {animal sacrifice in the Jewish Age rebound}
'on behalf of'/'for the sake of' sins.

{Note: There are 3 types of priesthood and 3 types of high priesthoods recognized by the Word of God:
  1. Family priesthood - illustrated by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - head of the family,
  2. Royal priesthood - both King and High Priest - illustrated by Melchisedec,
  3. Levitical priesthood - in the Jewish dispensation beginning with Aaron.}

2~~ Able to be compassionate to the ignorant ones {agnoeo}
and {compassionate towards a worse category}
on the ones being deceived {deceived by religion/legalism/reversionists}
in as much as he himself also is encumbered
with weakness/frailty/imperfection {the high priest is encumbered by his own weaknesses yet is compassionate for others}.

{Note: It was possible for the High Priests before Jesus to be compassionate. But compassion is less than 'grace' . . . under which our current High Priest operates. Compassion here is giving 'food' to the hungry. In this context, it is spiritual food - Bible doctrine - that the High Priest offers. Specifically, in the context are the doctrines concerning rebounding and recovering fellowship with God.}

{Note: Agnoeo is the Greek word from which we get 'agnostic'. It does mean to be ignorant and here is referring to those ignorant of Bible doctrine. Our ignorance does not end until you reach SuperGrace.}

{High Priests (Pastor-teachers today) Obligated to Feed the People while in Fellowship}
3~~ And because of it {because all High Priests before Christ had Old Sin Natures}
he {the high priest before Christ} is under obligation
as concerning the people
so also concerning himself
to offer concerning sins.

{Note: This means the congregation must be positive toward the Word. And, the high priest (and pastor-teacher by extension) should also be positive toward the Word. And, in order to take in the Word, the congregation and the pastor-teacher must use I John 1:9 and be in fellowship when giving or receiving the teaching of the Word. Then it was the High Priests obligation to offer sacrifices to God on behalf of those Jews rebounding. The ritual was like the Pastor-teacher's role in the Eucharist today.}

{All High Priests (and Pastor-Teachers by Application) were Appointed by God}
4~~And NO ONE seizes/takes this state of honor unto himself
but {in contrast} the one being called by {the agency of} The God
just as even Aaron was.

{Verses 5-10 - History of Christ as the High Priest}
{God the Father Appointed Jesus Christ Our High Priest Today}
5~~In this manner also
The Christ DID NOT GLORIFY HIMSELF to become a High Priest
but The One {God the Father} having communicated
face to face with Him {Christ},
"My Son . . . You keep on being . . . I today {day of the virgin birth} have begotten You {Psalms 2:7} ."

{Note: The office of High Priest has now been permanently and uniquely filled by the Lord Jesus Christ - as appointed by God the Father. Jesus is from the tribe of Judah. All the other High Priests came from the tribe of Levi - this also makes him unique.}

6~~Even as also in also in another place He communicates {Psalms 110:4},
"You {Jesus} . . . a priest forever . . . 'according to the battalion  of Melchizedek'/'in the same classification as Melchizedek' {Royal Priesthood}."

{Note: Melchisedec/Melchizedek was priest and king. The 'classification of Melchisedec' was the battalion of Royal Priesthood. Being in union with Christ, we share that same battalion in time. We are a family of Royal Priests.}

7~~Who {Jesus} in the days of His flesh {Incarnation/1st Advent}
having offered up both intense prayers {Christ's prayer on the cross in view}
and strong supplications {carrying an 'olive branch'/'white flag' to  God the Father again on the cross - prayer for resurrection}
associated with a loud scream and many tears  {3 hours of great agony on the cross} face to face with the One {God the Father}
Who has always been and continues to be able
to deliver/save He Himself {Jesus} out from death {physical death}
and having 'been heard/'received acceptance of His petition'
because of His 'respect for divine authority'/'SuperGrace status' {eulabeia}.

{Note: Main verb is back in verse 5 - 'did not glorify' Himself.}

{Note: While on the cross, He was our High Priest, He offered a sacrifice on our behalf. The sacrifice was NOT an animal this time, but He Himself was the sacrifice. And, Jesus' prayer is recorded in Psalms 16: 9-10; Psalms 69: 13-15; and Psalms 22: 22-31 (entire 22nd Psalm is a prayer). God the Father answered the prayer in the death and resurrection of Christ - making Him our High Priest forever.}

{Note: Eulabeia means ultimate respect for the One in authority. Here it refers to Jesus giving respect to the Father and His Plan. As our High Priest, Jesus made a sacrifice on the cross on behalf of the sins of ALL mankind. This petition was heard and approved by God the Father.}

8~~Although being a Son {Deity} He {Christ} entered into a 'learning process'/'learning obedience to authority' from the things which He had suffered.

9~~ And {continuing results} having completed {the disciplinary training to learn obedience} {teleioo}

He {Jesus Christ} became The {high quality} Source {the ONLY source} of eternal salvation

unto all them - to their benefit -the ones obeying/'respect the authority of' Him {Jesus Christ our Savior}.

{Note: Teleioo means to bring to completion. On the cross, by offering Himself, Jesus fulfilled the position of High Priest and as the lamb without spot offering became the sacrifice for all sins of mankind and became our Savior. Salvation means to obey the command to BELIEVE in Jesus Christ.}

10~~ {Jesus} having been designated by The God a High Priest according to the battalion/order of Melchisedec.

{Note: The Reversion of the Jews Interrupts the Discourse - Chapter 5:11-14 and Chapter 6. A parenthetical, dramatic interruption starts here. The people are not daily intakers of doctrine and can not understand the more difficult doctrines if they never heard or had forgotten basic/baby doctrines.}

11~~(Concerning Whom {Jesus the High Priest} to us {we have} many things {doctrines} to keep on communicating
and it is difficult to explain
seeing you all have become {through a process of negative
volition to bible teaching - reversionism}
dull of hearing in the past with the result
you are dull of hearing now.

{Note: It is not that the author does not know his subject or is a poor public speaker. It is difficult to explain the meaning of W O R D to people who have not mastered the alphabet and don't know the ABC's. And, dull of hearing is a good choice - it implies that the doctrine did not get into their brains maybe because they were uninterested. Dull means dim witted as far as doctrine is concerned.}

12~~For also
because of the time {National crisis/short time until 5th cycle}
being obligated to be communicators {of divine viewpoint}
you require once more teaching of certain things
the elementary principles of the doctrines of God
and you have become ones having need of 'milk' {basic baby doctrines}
and not of 'solid food' {advanced doctrines}.

13~~For every one partaking of 'milk'
is ignorant {apeiros} of doctrine
pertaining to nobility/'royal righteousness' {dikaiosune}
because he keeps on being {spiritually}
immature/'an adult acting like a baby' {nepios}.

{Note: Apeiros means to be stupid or ignorant. It has the connotation that the knowledge was once there but now is forgotten. So, in context, is an adult who understood at least some divine viewpoint, but the reversionist now needs to start over with the basic doctrines again.}

{Note: Nepios is the Greek word for an adult acting as a child. As a baby we claim the promises of God. As we mature, we become spiritually self-sustaining and rely on bible doctrine resident in our souls . . . though we still do claim the promises of God, we just rely more on His Word and the lessons we learn.}

{Note: Dikaiosune is a strong word usually translated righteousness. But it is more than just righteousness. In the Bible, it means the 'Total fulfillment of Spiritual Maturity'. It includes both understanding Divine Viewpoint and being able to apply it to experience. But it also includes applying doctrine to experience with Nobility of Character (the antithesis of self-righteousness). Dikaiosune is 'Prosperity of the soul' - being right without being offensive. No putting others down. No jealousy. No complaining. No mental attitude sins. And, no flaunting what YOU HAVE/KNOW . . . and others do not!}

14~~But {in contrast} solid food keeps on
belonging to them who are mature,
the ones because of 'self-discipline'/'habitual use'
keep having and holding their perceptive
faculties {soul senses} 'well-trained'/exercised
with reference to differentiating between the honorable/noble and evil.

{Note: You can be right and noble. You can be right and evil. It takes doctrine in your soul to be able to discern the difference.}


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