I Corinthians
12 {Note: If you do not know doctrine, you are spiritually stupid. An ignorant person does not know bible exists. A stupid person knows it is there but ignores it.}
You know that you were Gentiles,
Therefore, I cause you to understand . . . {Note: This means that while a believer is in fellowship and filled with the Spirit and under the control of the Holy Spirit . . . it is impossible to sin or call Jesus accursed. It also means that only believers in fellowhisp can truly call Jesus Christ - Lord.}
. . . and the Holy Spirit} {Note: The Holy Spirit gives everyone at least one spiritual gift at the point of salvation, but each gift is mixed with that person's personality and makes it a little different.}
. . . and the Lord} {Note: We are still discussing spiritual gifts and how they are different. This time we are discussing areas of service. We do different things but have the same Lord.}
. . . and God the Father} {Note: We all operate under the Plan of God the Father that we are to follow. Administration, teaching, praying, giving, etc. These are all different for each believer, we all have the same God.}
But the manifestation of the Spirit {filling of the Spirit
of the Spiritual Gifts are listed in verses 8 - 12}
But all these are energized by the One . . .
of Christ} {Note: With the definite article 'The', it refers to Christ and all members in union with him Positional Truth, union with Christ. 'Christ', without the definite article, refers to the person of Jesus.}
of Positional Truth - Union with Christ}
of the Spiritual inferiority complex - all parts are important -
Verses 14-31}
If the foot shall say - maybe it will, maybe it won't -
And if the ear shall say, {Note: This is the same principal as verse 15.Brother ear, for example, may have a non-obvious gift such as helps or administration. Maybe brother eye's gift was an obvious gift of the day- tongues or miracles. Brother ear feels maybe he is not saved because he can not speak in tongues. Paul gives analog in next verse. All members are important.}
If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?
But now has God set the members {Note: God the Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gift, at least one to each believer, as He wills. No one ever earns or deserves the gift he receives. Strictly a Grace process - based on Who and What God is - all the merit and Glory then goes to God, not to us- similar to salvation itself - by faith - it is a Gift of God, not of works lest any one should boast.} 19~~ And if they were all one member, where is the body? {Note: Say we were all a 'bunch of eyes', where would the body be? If everyone had the gift of healing, but no teachers or administrators where would we be? Balance is needed. Teamwork.} 20~~ But now are they many members but one body. 21~~And the eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you." Nor again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you."
No, much more those members of the body
of Invisible Hero's in the Body of Christ} {Note: Think how important is the digestive tract, yet if you got to chose the part you would be, who would be the intestines? But they are important.}
For our comely parts have no need {to be publicly displayed}
the purpose that
whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it. 27~~ Now you all are the body of Christ and members in it.
Gifts listed in order of merit}
Type Gifts}
Gifts Used in a Spectacular Fashion to Evangelize before the Canon
was Complete}
More Excellent Way} {Note: The Corinthians all wanted the spectacular spiritual gifts. Paul will now explain to the 'more excellent way in Chapter 13 -the filling of the Holy Spirit . . . Agape love.} ************************************************** Joshua_Sozo and Syndein are the Trademarks of Syndein a California DBA of Kenneth Sidley & Associates, Inc., a California Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright© Syndein 1982-2010. All rights reserved. This page is sponsored by Kenneth Sidley, CPA, an Orange County California CPA (949) 706-3133. Please call Ken for high quality, low cost CPA services in Orange County California. This includes audit, review, compilation, tax returns, Quickbooks, and business consulting services. This page is sponsored by Moxxor For Pain Free Living. Moxxor is a highly concentrated Omega 3 product that has reduced inflammation in this writer. Please go to this website to read more about Moxxor.