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I Samuel

Chapter 19

{David's First Bout of Reversionism}
{Verses 1-10: Fear and Flight}
1^~And Saul communicated categorically {dabar}
to Jonathan his son,
and to all his ministers/servants,
that they should 'put out the order cause the death of' David
  {muwth Hiphil stem - to cause the death of David}.

{Verses 2-5: Jonathan Rejects Order from Saul}
2^~ But Jonathan, Saul's son,
'had tremendous rapport' with David
  {chaphets m@`od - indicates category III friendship type love}
and Jonathan informed David, saying,
"Saul my father intensely keeps striving
to cause your death {a general order from the King}.
Now therefore, I pray you,
guard yourself {against this death decree} until the morning,
and 'stay out of his way'
in a secret place,
and {I advise you to} hide yourself
  {not an imperative - recognizes David's free will. A good friend
  never forces his opinion on his friend}."

{Note: Jonathan was such a good friend to David that his name has become a synonym for 'being a terrific true friend'.}

3^~And I will go out
and stand beside my father in the field
where you are,
and I will discuss with my father about you.
And what I see, that I will tell you.

{Note: Jonathan will check out if his father means what he commanded and tell David.}

4^~And Jonathan communicated categorically {dabar}
well of David unto Saul his father,
and said unto him,
"Let not the king {formal addressing the authority of his father}
'miss the mark'/sinned {chata'}
against his servant - against David
because he has not 'missed the mark'/sinned against you,
and because his works {military conduct of David}
have been exceptionally good."

5^~"For he did put his life in his hand
  {endangered his life - over and above the call of duty},
and slew the Philistine,
and Jehovah/God has manufactured
a great deliverance for all Israel.
You saw it and did rejoice.
Why then will you 'miss the mark'/sin against innocent blood . . .
to 'order the death of' David without a cause?"

6^~And Saul listened carefully { shama` }to the voice of Jonathan
and Saul swore,
"As the Jehovah/God lives {a 'solemn oath'},
he {David} shall not be slain.

{Note: This is an example of what is meant by 'taking the Lord's name in vain' - to take an oath in the name of God if you do not intend to keep the vow. But the word of a reversionist is not worth the 'paper' his verbal vow is (not) written on! Saul intends to keep his word right here but it won't be long until he is back in reversionism!}

7^~And Jonathan called David,
and Jonathan related him of all these words {dabar}
  {told him he was restored to his Generalship of his brigade and was
  safe again}.
And Jonathan brought David to Saul,
and he was in his presence . . . as in times past.

8^~And when the war intensified,
David went out
  {David's brigade was the trouble shooting brigade - they led the
and kept on fighting with the Philistines,
and caused them to die violently
with a great slaughter
and they fled from his face/presence
  {the enemy saw it was David and said let's get the heck out of

{Note: Point of Doctrine: If you are a Christian and in the military, this is the objective of the Christian soldier - be the best killer of the enemy in your unit!}

9^~And 'the intensity of Saul's reversionistic discipline
  from God increased by demon influence'
  {idiom: literally the evil spirit (ra' ruwach) from Jehovah/God}
was upon Saul {back in reversionism},
as he {Saul} was living in his with his javelin in his hand
and David played with his hand {a musical instrument}.

{Note: RBT says this is an idiom for entering into the intensified stage of reversionist discipline. First stage was just knocking warning. Now more intense.}

{Another Murder Attempt by Saul on David - 2nd Flight of David}
10^~And Saul intensively sought to execute/kill/impale David . . .
even to the wall . . .
with the javelin
but he {David} 'suddenly and quickly bursting with energy' {patar}
kept on going out of Saul's presence,
and he {Saul} 'threw the javelin'/'caused the javelin to strike'
into the wall
and David fled,
and escaped that night.

{Verses 11-18: The High Point of the Marriage - Still a Low Point}
11~~Saul also kept on sending assassins/messengers {mal'ak}
unto David's house,
to guard/watch him
 {make sure he does not get away - watch him until they kill him},
and to cause his death in the morning.

And Michal - David's wife {being motivated by her emotional love}
kept on informing him,
saying, "If your soul {nephesh} does not escape tonight,
tomorrow you will be 'caused to be slain'/assassinated
  {muwth - Hophal tense}."

{Note: High point is Michal helps David escape. Low point is the manner in which Michal operated.}

12~~So Michal let down David through a window
  {she really 'lets him down later' here she is lowering him down!}.
And he went, and fled undetected {barach}, and escaped.

13~~And Michal took
a 'doll sized image of the goddess of love' {t@raphiym},
and laid it in the bed,
and put a pillow of goats' hair for his pillow,
and covered it with a cloth.

{Note: The assassins are not due to look for David until the morning and she knows this. Why is she doing all of this unnecessary deception? Because a person in reversionism can get to the point of lying just out of habit. Being emotional, she likes to lie! She is being deceptive for no real purpose - is the picture here.}

14~~And when Saul sent messengers to take David,
she said, "He is sick."

{Note: David has been gone for hours. Does this really help David or is she lying because a reversionism likes to lie out of the emotional thrill of it?}

15~~And Saul sent the assassins/messengers
again to see David, saying,
"Cause him to be lifted up to me {Saul} in the bed,
that I {Saul} may cause him to die."

{Note: Picture here is of 'sick' reversionist Saul, going to kill supposedly 'sick' SuperGrace believer David.}

16~~And when the assassins/ messengers kept on entering in,
behold, there was an idol in the bed,
with a pillow of goats' hair for his pillow.

17~~And Saul said unto Michal,
"Why have you deceived me so,
and sent away my enemy {her husband David},
that he is escaped?"
And Michal kept on saying to Saul,
"He {David} said unto me intensely, 'Let me go or I will kill you.'
  {Michal lying to Daddy about her discussion with David}

18~~So David fled {barach},
and escaped/'received a deliverance'
{one he did not even know about right then}
  {malat - Niphal tense - means God was delivering him from a
  reversionistic mess},
and kept coming to Samuel to Ramah,
and related to him all
that Saul had done/'manufactured out of evil' {`asah} to him
  {operation tattletale - David sliding into reversionism}.
And he and Samuel went
and dwelt in blessing and happiness {yashab}
in Naioth {prophets had a theological school there}.

19~~And it was reported to Saul, saying,
"Behold, David is at Naioth in Ramah."

20~~And Saul sent soldiers/messengers to take David.
And when they saw the company of the prophets
being taught {naba' -Niphal stem}
  {Samuel is the distinguished guest professor - greatest teacher of
  his day},
and Samuel standing with authority over them
  {Samuel was teaching with authority - as is the example for all bible
the Spirit of 'Elohiym/Godhead {ruwach 'Elohiym -
  Restraining ministry of God the Holy Spirit}
was upon the assassins/messengers of Saul,
and they also 'listened respectfully
to what was being taught' {naba' -Hithpa'el stem}.

{Note: Hithpa'el stem is used for those who are listening and means to intensely concentrate. So, under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, they were mesmerized by the teaching of the Word and they forgot their mission.}

21~~And when it was related back to Saul,
he "sent other soldiers/messengers
'with very vigorous instructions' " {shalach mal'ak},
and they also 'listened respectfully
to what was being taught' {naba' -Hithpa'el stem}.
And Saul sent soldiers/messengers
again the third time,
and they also 'listened respectfully
to what was being taught' {naba' -Hithpa'el stem}.

{Note: Three companies of Saul's best men are now listening to the teaching.}

22~~Then he {Saul} went also to Ramah,
and came to a great well that is in Sechu.
And he asked and said,
"Where are Samuel and David?
And one said, "Behold, they be at Naioth in Ramah."

23-24~~And he went quickly there to Naioth in Ramah
and the Spirit of 'Elohiym/Godhead was upon him also
  {direct influence on Saul by God so David could escape},
and he went on,
and also 'listened to what was being taught' {naba' -Hithpa'el stem}
  {he was listening until he even got there! He was receiving
  information directly and will arrive in an ecstatic condition},
until he came to Naioth in Ramah. 24~~
And he {Saul} stripped naked {pashat} . . .
{all of} his clothes after he got there,
and he himself also 'listened
to what was being taught' {naba' -Hithpa'el stem}
before the face of Samuel in a similar manner,
and fell down, being naked, all that day and all that night
  {everyone else is studying and taking notes, but the king of Israel is
  laying down naked in the isle - 24 hours in this state and the class
  just went on!}.
Therefore they {Jews in 'tongue in cheek' humor} keep on remarking,
"Is Saul also among the 'theological students'/prophets {nabiy'}?"

{Note: In his ecstatic condition, Saul spent the day naked listening to doctrine being taught! Part of Saul's reversionistic divine discipline is that people will make fun of him. He became a laughing stock of his day and for all time!}