
Chapter 3
{Marvelous Grace Appeal - Analogy of RM/RW for God/Israel}
1~~They {teachers of the law on divorce in Deuteronomy 24:1-4},
say {correctly} 'If a {right} man shall divorce
his wife/'{right} woman' {'ishshah - woman},
because she has become another man's
and she go from him,
may he {RM/God} yet return to her {RW/Israel}?
  {Per Deuteronomy, in category II this is prohibited -
  but not for God under grace}
Shall not that land greatly suffer?
  {under category II - yes, it destabilizes society}
But you {Israel} have fornicated over and over
  {sexual adultery used in analogy for spiritual adultery - idolatry}
with MANY lovers {false gods};
Yet return again to Me,'
  {unlike humans, the grace of God permits Him
  to constantly forgive Israel}
'said in a soft low voice of love' {n@'um} Jehovah/God.

{Note: N@'um is a rarely used verb that means to speak in a low, loving voice. That is grace!}

2~~Lift up your eyes
unto the bare top hills
and show me one of those hills
where you have not been ravaged/
'most violently and savagely sexually taken'?
Along the ways {highways returning from the hills}
have you 'laid down' for them,
  {still sexually frustrated so wanted more}
like an Arab in the desert
  {A Jew speaking to Jews about their traditional enemies!
  They see the Arabs as thieves who make their living
  robbing travelers along the travel routes};
and you have 'polluted the land' {caused apostasy}
with your fornication
and with your wickedness/evil {immorality , human sacrifice,
  fornication, idolatry}.

{Note: The top of the hills was where they worshiped Baal by fornication, masturbating with a Phallic symbol, bestiality, and ultimately sacrificing their children in a furnace - all under the Phallic Cult.}

{Divine Discipline HAS Started}
3~~Therefore the showers have been restrained {recession},
and there has been no latter rain
  {under agricultural society this means economic depression};
and you have the forehead of a prostitute . . .
  {a sexually satisfied woman gets a series of ridges
  in her forehead - you can not fake this! A prostitute was
  trained to fake orgasms so their foreheads remained smooth!
  Faked it!},
you refuse to 'show frustration'/'suffer disappointment'!
  {they are frustrated in idolatry but refuse to admit it
  so they fake it! They go to temple, observe the feasts,
  but then go to the hills and fornicate!}

{Note: To have a 'whore's forehead' is to fake it. Ritual without reality. Not having the right motivation. No real love for the Lord. You are faking it! Oh I love the Lord! But don't really love doctrine - that is "having a whore's forehead" - greatest professional fakers in history!}

{All Prayer is to the Father! And Confess Your Sins - A Rebound Verse}
4~~Will you not at this time call to Me {prayer to the Father},
  {perfect tense - only have to do this ONCE-
  no begging the Lord is necessary! Grace! Rebound and it is
  forgiven and forgotten! That is the love of God for YOU!},
'My Father, you are the husband/'right man' of my youth?'

5~~{Jews murmur}
Will He {God} keep on bearing a grudge and carry it forever?
Will He guard/keep it to the end?
  {blasphemous suggestion! God forgives and forgets
  immediately once rebounded}
Behold, you always say this
and you manufacture the evil as you are overcome.

{Verse 6 through Chapter 6:30 : Second Oracle/Dissertation -
  Destruction of the Land Under the 5th Cycle of Discipline}
{Verses 6-11: Warning to Southern Kingdom about the Northern Kingdom}
6~~Jehovah/God said also unto me {2nd Oracle begins}
in the days of Josiah the king,
"Have you been caused to see {from study}
what apostate/faithless {m@shuwbah}
Israel has done? {book of Hosea, Isaiah 28 etc.}
She {Israel - Northern Kingdom - capital Samaria - led by tribe
  of Ephraim - the 10 tribes revolted against authority}
is gone up upon every high mountain
and under every green tree,
and there she 'fornicated like a prostitute' {zanah - no 'fun' in it}
  {fornication, idolatry - Phallic Cult to Baal}

{Note: On the high mountains and in the shaded valleys, the idolaters mixed heavy and/or perverted sex in with the worship of Baal. It was called the 'Phallic Cult', they had:
  1) statue of a naked woman {group orgies}
  2) a Phallus {individual masturbation}
  3) idol of fat man 'Baal' with a furnace for children human sacrifice. Fornication is sex in connection with idolatry. Here we go to the maximum killing your own children and reaching orgasm as they scream.}

7~~And I {God quoted by Jeremiah} said {what He was thinking}
after she had manufactured
  {'asah- something out of something - negative volition}
all these things,
return to Me {Right Man/God wanted His right woman/Israel back}.
But she returned not.
And her faithless/treacherous sister Judah {Southern Kingdom}
saw/studied it {but did not learn from what they saw!}.

{Note: This verse is a great picture of God's true love for Israel no matter how horrible to Him she had been. The discipline to the Northern Kingdom should have been a good negative example to the Southern Kingdom, yet they also will not learn.}

8~~ And I {God} kept on seeing/studying
what were all the causes
whereby apostate/faithless {m@shuwbah} Israel
committed 'fornication for a good time' {na'aph - party girl word}.
I 'kicked her out'/'put her away',
and give her
a 'writing of cutoff'/'bill of divorce' {5th cycle of discipline}.
  {analogy continues - RM divorces RW/Israel}.
But, her faithless/treacherous {tried to fake out God}
sister Judah 'was not occupied with'/'did not concentrate on' {God},
but 'lived a manner of life'/went
and 'fornicated like a prostitute' {zanah} also.

{Note: Na'aph is the Hebrew word used for a 'party girl' activity. She has sex for the enjoyment of it. In the analogy, when starting the practice of idolatry, it is for fun at first. But the frustration of unsatisfactory sex/worship with 'wrong men'/idols leads to removal of all 'enjoyment' from the activities. Then she is similar to a prostitute - having Phallic Cult sex literally unsatisfactorily and 'zanah' is the word describing sex with no enjoyment - like for a prostitute. At the end, Judah saw the discipline given to Israel so tried to deceive God. They would go to the temple and go through the rituals like they meant something - and then went to the Phallic Cult in the evening - like God would not know!}

9~~And it came to pass
through the 'crying aloud'/shouting
  {qowl - make noises faking an organism}
of her fornication {z@nuwth},
that she seduced the land {fooled the men/ though she fooled God},
and she 'fornicated for fun'
  {na'aph again - this second use of na'aph means
  they tried something new - phalluses}
with stones {represents wrong man}
and with 'the wood'.

{Note: To impress the fast crowd the 'party girl'/prostitute 'fakes noises' as if in orgasm - similar to speaking in tongues today - phony. They are making noises like they are satisfied, but they are not. Only Bible doctrine gives you the capacity for happiness. No greater faker in the world then a woman using her voice to fake out a man in sex. The tongues movement today is the greatest group of fakers in 'religion' today.}

{Note: The wooden phalluses they used for masturbation under the Phallic Cult was used in analogy for those who 'wear and worship' a cross! It was the MAN on the cross that was important! Not the cross! The wood never takes the place of the person.}

{Southern Kingdom Not Even Honest in what She is Doing to God -
See also Ezekiel 23:11}
10~~And yet because of all this
  {self-inflicted misery of the Northern Kingdom}
her faithless/treacherous sister
Judah {Southern Kingdom under Josiah}
has not returned to Me {mentally already out of line}
with her whole 'right lobe'/heart
  {from doctrine in their souls - have the maximum capacity
  to love God},
but, instead, with deceit," {returns to RM/RG when she WANTS
  something - otherwise she is unfaithful and heads
  for the Phallic Cult}
said Jehovah/God.

{Note: Under the rule of Josiah, overt idolatry was prohibited. But mentally, Judah was wanting to practice it. Later, when Josiah dies they go back into the overt practice again.

So here they are going through the motions of ritual - 'honoring' all the feasts on and on, but mentally they are really being unfaithful to God. Ritual without reality is meaningless - vanity upon vanities as Solomon put it - meaninglessness upon meaninglessnesses.}

{Tragedy of the Two Adulterous Sisters}
11~~ And Jehovah/God said unto me, {communication of doctrine}
"The apostate/faithless Israel {Northern Kingdom}
has vindicated her soul {nephesh}
more than faithless/treacherous Judah {Southern Kingdom}."

{Note: Both are guilty in their apostasy. But at least the Northern Kingdom was openly practicing idolatry. But at least they were HONEST about what they were doing. The Southern Kingdom was pretending they were not practicing idolatry but were doing it mentally. So this verse says the Northern Kingdom was wrong, but at least honest about it!}

{Verse 12-15: Grace Message to Northern Kingdom even while Out under 5th Cycle}
12~~Go from place to place {a command to Jeremiah}
and preach fervorently {with a loud voice and dogmatically}
these words toward the north {where the Northern Kingdom
  remaining Jews have been captive for a century},
and say, "Come back/return {shuwb},
you apostate/backsliding {m@shuwbah}
Israel," said the Jehovah/God,
"and I will not have overt anger with you {idiom- literally is
  'cause My face to fall upon you'}.
For I am gracious {benevolent graciousness},"
 said the Jehovah/God,
"and I will not keep/guard {anger in My Mind} forever."

{Note: A relaxed mentality shows humor. Here is a play on words/bun - shuwb m@shuwbah meaning 'come back' you 'backsliding' Israel.}

13~~"Only acknowledge your guilt {rebound - same as I John 1:9},
that you have rebelled/transgressed/'overstepped'
  {broken God's Laws}
against Jehovah/God your Elohiym/Godhead,
and have 'fornicated indiscriminately'/'scattered your favors'
with loathsome strangers
  {intimacy with people in Phallic Cult who they do not even
  know their names}
under every green tree,
and have not listened
and obeyed My Voice {means study and apply Bible Doctrine},"
says the Jehovah/God.

O rebellious/backsliding {showbab} sons,
says Jehovah/God,
for I am BA'AL
  {ba'al - means Lord/Master - their right man/God}
to you!
I will take you,
one from a city {any that will come}
and two from a family {if only 2 of the family come, fine},
and I {God thru Jeremiah}
will cause you to come to Zion".

{Note: Another humorous play on words. God says I AM YOUR ba`al (a pun with the false god named 'Baal' who they falsely worshiped under the Phallic Cult). Ba'al means Lord/Master. In the rest of the verse, God says if only ONE comes, I will take him! Doesn't mater how many return! Just return!}

15~~I will give you shepherds/pastors
  {teachers of the written Word}
after My Own 'right lobe'/heart
  {His Mind - Bible doctrine is the Mind of Christ},
who will feed you {teach with authority and dogmatism}
with knowledge {of God's Word/Doctrine}
and with understanding {epignosis type knowledge -
  ready to be applied to experience}.

{Note: God's plan calls for men to be raised to study and teach the Word to all those with positive volition. They are your right shepherd and you are their right flock. They feed you and you are to EAT! Eating is a non-meritorious act! Just like FAITH! Your job is to COME, LISTEN, CONCENTRATE, and then LATER APPLY once you are prepared and NOT before!}

16~~And it shall come to pass {new subject},
when you be multiplied {population explosion in the Millennium}
and have 'tremendous prosperity'
in the land, in those days {reference to Millennial Reign of Christ},"
said the Jehovah/God,
"they {people in the Millennium}
shall 'utter from their souls' no more,
'The Ark of the Covenant of Jehovah/God,
neither shall it 'come to mind'/ascend to the right lobe/heart' . . .
neither shall they remember it . . .
neither shall they go and visit it . . .
neither shall that be done any more.

{Note: They utter no more because the reality is there - Jesus Christ in person. So the shadows foretelling of Christ like the Ark of the Covenant will no longer be meaningful.}

{Replacement of Shadows with Reality of Jesus Christ}
17~~ At that time {Millennium}
they shall call Jerusalem
the throne of Jehovah/God {Jesus Christ};
and all the nations shall be assembled
  {nationalism will still exist in the Millennium},
- to {worship} Jehovah/God -
to Jerusalem.
Neither shall they walk {way of life} any more
after the imagination of their evil 'right lobes'/heart.

18~~ In those days {Millennium}
the house of Judah {Southern Kingdom}
shall walk {be merged into one nation again}
with the house of Israel {Northern Kingdom},
and they shall come together
out of the land of the north
to the land {re-gathering of the Jews to the Promised Land}
which I have caused you
to inherit from your fathers.

19~~"But I {God} said {in eternity past - problem is stated},
'How shall I appoint {work it out} you {Israel}
among the sons {all the nations},
and give you all a precious/desirable land,
a heritage of the chiefest splendors of the nations?
 {how do I turn an old whore into a young beauty?}
And I {God} said {in eternity past - decreed the answer},
You will call Me . . . Father
  {faith in Christ - only a saved Jew can appropriately call
  the 1st person of the Trinity Father - call upon the Name
  of the Lord};
and shall not turn away from Me."
