
Chapter 13 (Continued)
{First Recorded Case of Possession by the Devil Himself}
27~~ And after Judas took the psomion
Satan entered into him {Judas}.
Jesus said to him {the Satan indwelled Judas},
"What you keep on doing, do it more swiftly/quickly."

{Jesus Respects Judas' Privacy from the Rest of the Group}
28-29~~ (Now no one of those present at the table
understood {ginosko} why Jesus said this to Judas. 29~~
For some {of them} thought {it was}
because Judas had the money box,
that Jesus was telling him
buy . . . {whatever} they needed for the feast,
or to give something to the poor.)

{Note: Only Jesus, Peter, and most likely John, were aware of who the traitor was. But Jesus did not confront Judas in front of the group. Instead, He permitted Judas to leave taking Satan with him! So then Jesus could announce the mysteries of the Church Age without Satan being present. Satan would have to wait a bit and learn as we learn! From the New Testament teachings, mainly of Paul.}

{Note: Judas was apparently educated and good with numbers so he was the treasurer of the Group. Earlier we learned that he also stole from the treasury!}

30~~He {Judas}
- having received the 'psomion'/'special piece of bread/meat' -
and went out immediately.
(Now it was night.)

{Note: In perfect continuing hypocrisy, Judas accepted the high honor from Jesus, but still rejected Him as his savior.}

31~~Therefore, when He {Judas}
had gone out {presumably taking Satan with him},
Jesus said, "Now the Son of Man {emphasis on His humanity}
receives glorification,
and God {the Father} receives glorification
by Him {Jesus Christ}.

{Note: Jesus will now talk about the intensification of the Angelic Conflict presumably waiting until Satan was out of the room. Jesus making it to the cross, the sin bearing, the resurrection and being seated at the right hand of the Father, fulfilled this part of God the Father's plan. Now the humanity of Jesus Christ is also glorified. Fulfilling God's perfect plan thereby also brought glory to the creator of the plan - God the Father.}

32~~"If God receives glorification by Him
- and He does receive glorification -
God will also glorify Him {Jesus} by Himself {God the Father},
and He {God the Father} will glorify Him {Jesus Christ} forthwith."

33~~"Little children/'dear students'  { teknion - term of endearment
  - parent to child; teacher to students},
yet a little which longer,
I {Jesus in His humanity} keep on being with you.
You will 'look for'/seek Me,
and just as I said to the Jews/'Jewish authorities',
'Where I am going you cannot come,'
now I tell you the same."

34~~ "A new commandment/mandate
I keep on giving to you - to your advantage -
'to love {agapao} one another
of the same kind {allelon - subjunctive mood}.
- maybe you will, maybe you will not.
{Just} as I have loved {agapao} you {all His sheep},
you also are to love {agapao} one another of the same kind."

35~~"By means of this,
shall all {believers and unbelievers alike}
understand/know {ginosko}
that you keep on being My disciples . . .
if you have love {agape} for one another of the same kind."

36~~ {Chapter 14 Starts Here in Context - the rest of the chapter
was moved to the beginning of Chapter 14. Verse 36.}


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