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33:40 'He' File - The Window - Refers to the Perspective of Life -
Viewpoint on Life} And I shall keep it unto the end {the end of his life}.
me understanding, Yes, I shall observe it with my whole heart {every part of his soul}.
me to go in the path of Your commandments.
therein {in the Ways of God}
my 'right lobe'/heart to Your doctrine/testimonies . . .
away my eyes from beholding 'the emptiness of it all'/vanity . . .
Your word unto Your servant . . .
away my reproach
41-48: Waw/Vau File - A Nail or Peg - Something you can Hang things
on - Doctrine is something you can hang things on}
Your deliverance be {Note: Not so much his physical deliverance here, but a spiritual deliverance which only comes from doctrine resident in the soul of the mature believer.}
I shall have something to answer him {Note: Apparently there is dissention among the slaves and Ezra's father is ridiculed for his divine viewpoint. batach is a wrestler's term. It comes to mean 'trust' but it really means to 'body slam your cares on the Lord'.}
do not let them snatch away {Note: 'Yachal' is used here for trusting under pressure conditions. 'Mishpat' is used here for Divine judgments. It is bible doctrine as it pertains to experiential principles - opposition, retaliation, forgiveness, forgetting and moving on, etc. And, the general suffering situation and dying grace.}
I will guard Your Law . . . {Note: He will not last in time forever and ever - it is the Word of God which will remain forever and ever.}
I will Walk in comprehensiveness/'depth and breath of mind' {Note: 'Rachab' means depth of mind not liberty as we think of it. He is a slave here in chains as he writes this. But his mind is free. His freedom is internal - he concentrates on Doctrine.}
On the Trip and After the March} {Note: He knows he will survive to see the Chaldean king and Persian kings. He will survive and will witness to them - he knows God uses prepared people - he is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ/God. He will be a key bible teacher of his day. And, he will bring up his son, Ezra, to be a strong and mature believer. His son will be one of the greatest believers of all time.}
Love Affair} {Note: Sha`a` - is the strongest Hebrew word for sex between man and woman. This is the strongest word for soul love turning into the actual act of physical love. This is how he describes his relationship to God and the intake of His Word. He loves God and His Word in the strongest possible terms.}
hands also will I lift up unto Your Commandments' . . . And I will 'talk to myself'/meditate in Your Statutes.
49-56: The Zayin/Zain File (z) -- A Weapon - Hebrews 4:12 The Bible
is a Sword} {Note: The Word of God is a weapon. It is an offensive weapon. When you have it, there is no pressure too great for the Word of God. It is also very refreshing to practice with a weapon - like a handgun today. The key to refreshment is the ability to recall doctrines stored in the human spirit . . . to bring them into the mentality of the soul. He is asking God to help him recall doctrine buried in his soul. He is a slave on a death march. He can not get instruction right now. He wants doctrine he has already learned that are pertinent to his current suffering situation.}
is my comfort in my affliction . . . {Note: Doctrine in the soul brings inner happiness in times of great pressure. Chayah means to take in oxygen and thereby be refreshed. Here is to take in doctrine and be refreshed by it when it is needed.}
proud have had me greatly in derision . . . {Note: The proud here are the Chaldean soldiers who are abusing and molesting and scorning the Jewish captives. Yet through it all, he will stay with God's Laws and not become bitter (mental attitude sins) - and therefore will survive.}
'brought to mind'/remember {Note: He has to rely on the doctrine already in his soul. When the disaster hits is not the time to prepare for the disaster - you have to be prepared in advance.} 52b~~I have comforted myself. {Note: This points out that he is 'spiritually self-sustaining'. He is all on his own and he is prepared.}
type suffering'
wicked {here the Chaldean soldiers} {Note: Most of the peoples of the ancient world did NOT have a moral code by which they lived. The Jews were an advanced society because of their moral code. The Chaldeans were butchers and were sadistic and did not come close to following God's code of morality for a civilized society.}
statutes {Note: He is not just literal singing here. His 'singing' is primarily the teaching of bible doctrine to the other survivors around him. The 'house of his pilgrimage' is no house at all. It is the sky in a foreign land. He is in a long chain gang of slaves. He was chained to men and women who have now died and, as he is getting closer to Babylon, only the strongest of souls survive. This writer is teaching doctrine to those around him, giving them support (his father, before his murder by Nebuchadnezzar, was the High Priest) through teaching and singing.}
for Singing Praises - What does he call to mind?}
of the Mosquito Vs. the Charge of the Elephant} {Note: In the past he had 'normal problems' - the ticky tacky things we all face in life. During those 'charges of the mosquito', he learned how to use Faith Rest to swat these mosquitoes. Now in this death march, he is facing the charge of the elephant (a much bigger crisis). He has practiced swatting the mosquito and will use the same techniques to shoot down this elephant he is now facing - again using Faith Rest.}
57-64: Cheth/Heth (sounds like 'keth') file (j) - A Fence or Enclosure} I have said that I would guard/keep Your Words.
58: Special Grace Appeal to God} {Note: The grace is always there. This special appeal recognizes the grace is already there. He wants to link up with God's grace and get maximum protection that was provided by God for him in eternity past. His whole soul must be oriented to the grace of God.}
Appeal} {Note: You better be right to order God. He has that confidence because he knows enough doctrine to understand the grace of God. He knows he is claiming an unconditional promise from God - as His Written Word informed him.}
- Taking Stock of Things - Like his Relationship with God} {Note: Same principle as I John 1:9 - rebound - confession of his sins and recovery of fellowship with God.}
Positive Volition to God and His Word}
He knows God has a purpose for his life and he wants to fulfil that purpose.} {Note: His first demand for grace and he looks around and there are lots of the drunken Chaldean soldiers standing around. His abuse this time is not mentioned, but he survived because of the doctrine in his soul.}
midnight, {Note: His abuse lasted until midnight. Whatever happened to him, he gives thanks unto God for surviving it. His body is not important, his soul is intact.}
am a companion of all those
earth, O Jehovah/God, {Note: Why does he say this? Because he carries knowledge of God's grace with him - in his own soul wherever he goes.}
65:72 Teth File (f)- Roll Together - Concept of Relationship} {Note: Teth is a letter that apparently came out of a concept - to be rolled together. In spirituality, RBT says it represents the relationship between God and man. Towb is the Hebrew word for good and will be used a lot in this Teth file (since towb begins with the letter Teth). This is analogous to Romans 8:28 - 'all things work together for good for those who LOVE HIM'.}
me with strong discipline' {Note: There are all different ways to teach. Lamad is the type where you are told to do something and get a whack on the wrist when you do it wrong - do it again! This is 'learning the hard way' and some things in life have to be taught under adversity.}
from Learning Doctrine to Discernment and Application under Pressure} {Note: This is the bridge - faith. You have to believe what is taught and then you can metabolize it in your soul for use when it is needed.}