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Chapter 129

1a~~{Title}'A Psalm Going up the Steps of the Temple'
  {shiyr ma`alah - referring 'meditation for going into Church/Temple'
  on each step, the Psalmist would quote a verse, then move up to
  the next step - a step at a time
  it is literally translated 'A Song of Degrees'}

1b-2``Since my youth, they have often assailed me . . .
let Israel now declare, 2``
"since my youth they have often assailed me . . .
but they have never overcome me.

3``Plowmen plowed across my back . . .
they made long furrows.

4~~Jehovah/God is righteous.

He has cut in two the cords of the wicked.

5~~Let all who hate Zion be put to shame and turned backwards.

{Note: God never overlooks Anti-Semitism and always punishes it.}

6-8``Let them be like the grass on the roofs . . .
that fades before it can be pulled up . . . 7``
that affords no handful for the reaper . . .
no armful for the gatherer of sheaves . . .8``
no exchange with passerby:
"The blessing of Jehovah/God be upon you."

We bless you by the Name of Jehovah/God.