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Chapter 13
{Chapters 4-14: The First Debate}
{Chapters 11-14: Debate with Zophar - Job's response Continues}
{Job Tells of Three Worthless Medical Doctors
  (Alluding to His Three Friends)}

1~~My eyes have seen all this.

My ears have heard and understood it.

2~~What you {Zophar} know, I also know.

I {Job} am not inferior unto you
  {spiritual self-esteem}.

3~~But I desire to speak to the Almighty,
and to 'argue my case' with God/'El.

4~~You however smear me with lies.

You {Job's three friends} are worthless doctors/physicians.

5~~O if only you all had been all together silent
/'held your peace' (!) . . .
for you all, that would be wisdom.

6``Hear,listen and obey {shama`} now my argument/reasoning.

Pay attention {an order} 'to the case I state' from my mouth.

{Dissertation on the 3 Worthless Doctors}
7~~Will you speak wickedly on behalf of God/'El?

And talk deceitfully for Him?

8~~Will you show for Him partiality?

Will you argue the case for God/'El ?

9~~Will it turn out well if He examines you?
  {as the Lord said 'let him who is without sin, cast the first stone'}

Could you deceive Him as you might deceive men?

10~~He {God} would surely reprove you,
if you secretly show partiality.

11~~Would not His splendor terrify you?

Would not the dread of Him fall upon you?

12~~Your maxims are proverbs of ashes!
  {meaning they stated true doctrines, but they do NOT apply to this
  situation with Job}

Your defenses are defenses of clay.

13~~'Keep silent'/'Hold your peace' and let me speak
  {the 3 men must have tried to break in and protest all at once}.

Then let come to me what may.

14~~Why do I put myself in jeopardy and take my life in my hands?

{Job Starts to Pass Part 3 of Evidence Testing}
15~~Though He kills me, yet will I trust in Him.

I will surely defend my ways . . . face to face with Him

16~~Indeed this might turn out for my deliverance.

For no Godless man would dare come before Him.

{Note: Job is saying to them, if they were face to face with God, these friends would not dare to say what they have been saying. SuperGrace Job is confident in his Ways, and is anxious to take his case directly to God.}

17~~Listen carefully to by words.

Let your ears take in what I say.

18~~Now that I have prepared my case,

I know that I will be vindicated.

19~~Can anyone of you bring charges against me?

If so, I will be silent, and die/'take my medicine'.

{Verses 20-28: Job's Direct Appeal to the Supreme Court of Heaven}
20~~Only grant me these two things {O God}.

Then I will not hide from You.

21~~Withdraw Your hand far from me

and stop frightening me with Your terrors.

22~~Then summon me and I will answer.

Or let me speak, and You reply.

23~~How many wrongs and sins have I committed?

Show me my offense and my sin.

24~~Why do You hide Your face and consider me your enemy?

25~~Will You torment a wind-blown leaf?
  {a profound statement - it refers to a person who recognizes he
  can not solve his problems through human ability - true humility -
  'I am nothing, You are everything'}

Will You pursue/'chase after' dry chaff
  {chaff is the unusable part of wheat plant}?

26~~For You write down bitter things against me,
and make me inherit the sins of my youth
  {here he is talking to God but is really referring to what his friends
  are saying}.

27~~You fasten my feet in shackles,
and keep close watch on all my ways/paths
by putting marks on the soles of my feet
  {idiom for tracking a person - keeping an eye on them - really still
  referring to his 'judging friends'}.

28~~So man wastes away like something rotten,
like a garment that is eaten my moths.