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Chapter 17
{Chapters 15-21: The Second Debate}
{Chapters 15-17: Second Debate with Eliphaz - Job continues -
He is at the end of 'Human Solutions'}

1~~My spirit {ruwach} is broken.

My days are cut short.

The grave is waiting for me.

2~Surely mockers surround me.

My eyes must dwell on their hostility
  {we would say 'I can not even die in peace'}

{Verses 3-4: Job sees Daylight Ahead Since He is Represented in Heaven}
3~~Give me {o God} the pledge You demand.

Who else will put up security for me?

4~~You have closed their minds/heart/'right lobe' to understanding.

Therefore You will not let them triumph
  {meaning Job knows he is just in all this and they are wrong - his
  sufferings are not punitive}.

5-6~~If a man denounces his friend for reward,
the eyes of his children will fail. 6~~

He {God} has made me a byword of everyone
and in whose face, people spit
  {this means 'my friends are worse than someone who betrayed me
  for money'}.

7~~My eyes have grown dim with grief.

My whole frame is but a shadow.

8~~Upright men were appalled at this.

The innocent are aroused against the ungodly
  {apparently there are still some in the city who are on Job's side -
  probably in the minority though}.

9~~Nevertheless, the righteous will hold to their Ways,
and those with clean hands shall grow stronger.

10~~But come on, all of you try again.

I will not find a wise man among you
  {today we would say 'ok you jerks,
  keep on snipping away at me . . .'}.

11~~My {Job's} days have passed.

My plans are shattered.

And so are all the desires my heart/'right lobe'
  {Job says he has had it}.

12~~They turn night into day.

In the face of darkness, they say light is near.

13-14~~If the only home I hope for is the grave . . .

if I spread out my bed in the darkness . . . 14~~

if I admit to corruption . . .

you are my father.

And to the worm . . . you are my mother or my sister

  {Job is saying to these three, the only thing that would make you
  happy is if I say to a worm you are my mother - that would make
  you happy' - this incenses self-righteous Bildad}.

15~~Where then is my hope?

Who can see any hope for me?

16~~Will it go down to the gates of death?

Will we descend into the dust together?"