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Chapter 20
{Chapters 15-21: The Second Debate}
{Chapters 20-21: Second Debate with Zophar}

1-2~~Then Zophar the Naamathite, responded and said, 2~~
"My troubled thoughts prompt me to answer . . .
because I am greatly disturbed."

{Note: Zophar is a self-righteous phony. He is the worst of these three and this will be his last debate.}

{Arrogant People Always Make an Issue Out of Themselves}
3~~"I hear a rebuke that dishonors me
  {some people who talk about honor have no idea what honor is -
  honor is NOT morality - this man was probably 'moral' but a judger
  of others and therefore a great sinner. Morality is a code of living
  for the entire human race. Honor is HIGHER. Honor is the virtue
  that comes from Walking in the Righteous Way of God and, in the
  Church Age, Walking in the More Excellent Way}.

And, my understanding inspires me to reply
  {arrogant believers think they know it all, when really they know
  very little - Zophar's arrogance cancels what he does know!}.

{The Old 'Lets rely on the Teaching of the Long Dead Human Philosophers}
4-5~~Surely you know how it has been from of old . . .
ever since man was placed upon earth . . . 5~~
that the mirth of the wicked is brief,
and the joy of the godless lasts but a moment.

{Note: Zophar is saying Job is wicked. He had a good time, but that good time was brief.}

6-7~~Though his {referring to Job} pride reaches up to the heavens,
and his head touches the clouds, 7~~
he shall perish forever like his own dung/excrement.

Those who have seen him, will say 'Where is he {now}?"
  {'look where that big shot is now' type thing}

8~~Like a dream, he flies away . . .
no more to be found.

Vanished . . . like a vision in the night.

{Note: This also is the sin of 'gloating' but using a spiritual 'front'}

9~~The eye that saw him will see him no more.

His place will look on him no more.

{Job's Children Were Still Alive What Would Happen}
10~~His children must make amends to the poor.

His own hands will give back his wealth.

{Note: Sinners in arrogance or pride or guilt believe in the concept of 're-distribution of wealth'. This is not a doctrine of the word. Charity to specific groups yes, but not a 'welfare state'. These are typical stupid arrogant liberal attitudes even seen today.}

11~~The youthful vigor that fills his bones
will lie with him in the dust.

{Note: Means Job was a vigorous animated person who was the 'life of the party'. Zophar now lets out that, in his self-righteous piety, he did not really like Job's actions at these parties. More judging of others.}

{Zophar Again Accuses Job of Being a 'Secret Sinner' - But He really describes himself}
12~~Though evil is sweet in his mouth,
he hides it under his tongue.

13-14~~Though he can not bear to let it go,
and keeps it in his mouth
  {means he is crafty about his secret evil} 14~~
yet his food will turn sour in his stomach.

It will become the venom of serpents within him.

15~~He will spit out the riches he swallowed.

God/'El will make his stomach vomit them up!

{Note: Another doctrine we learn. Those less privileged are often very arrogant. They assume that the more privileged did 'something wrong' to get rich. And, if you are too wealthy, there is something wrong with you!}

16``He will drink the poison of serpents.

The viper's tongue shall slay him {a cobra shoots out venom}.

17~~He will not enjoy the streams . . .
the rivers flowing with honey and cream
  {idiom: for prosperity and the good parties}.

18~~What he toiled for, he must give back uneaten.
  {Job was an honest and hardworking person. This is the mixed up
  'tax the rich to feed the poor' philosophy of today}

He will not enjoy the profit from his business enterprises
  {Zophar is gloating over this statement - as most liberals do when
  they can take tax dollars from the more prosperous rich people of
  a country}.

19~~For he has oppressed the poor and left them destitute.
  {how did Job do this? There is no evidence that Job was nothing
  but generous to all those around him. Only a person desiring
  approbation lust gives to the poor in a showy manner. Job's giving
  or not giving to the poor is the private business of Job and it not
  at all the business of Zophar!}

He has seized houses that he did not build
  {Zophar is probably critiquing the business practices of Job. Job
  may have financed a house being built and had to foreclose for
  non-payment. Zophar is saying Job took a house he did not build
  and it is wrong to do so. But it is not. The bible says capitalism is
  part of divine viewpoint. Zophar is a bleeding heart liberal and is
  divorced from reality.}

20~~Surely he will have no respites from his lusts.

He can not save himself with his money
  {Zophar is so happy that Job is broke he can hardly stand it}.

21~~Nothing is left for him to devour.

His prosperity will not endure
  {little does Zophar know that God will DOUBLE Job's prosperity -
  that is God's attitude! God is just waiting for men to become so
  spiritually mature they have the capacity to handle great

22~~In the midst of his plenty,
distress will overtake him.

The full force of misery will come upon him.

23~~When he has filled his belly,
He {God} will vent His burning anger against him.

And the rain shall down-blow upon him.

24~~And, though he shall flee from an iron weapon,
a bronze tipped spear pierces him
  {runs away from one dangerous weapon, but another weapon will
  get him}.

25~~He pulls it out of his back . . .
the gleaming point out of his liver.

Terrors will come over him.

26~~Total darkness lies in wait for his 'treasures'
  {RBT says treasures is emphasized in the Hebrew - means Zophar is
  jealous of all that Job had}.

A fire un-fanned will consume him
and devour what is left of his tent.

27-29~~The heavens will expose his guilt . . .

and the earth shall rise up against him . . . 28~~

a flood will carry off his house . . .

rushing waters on the day of His {God's} wrath; 29~~

such is the fate that 'Elohiym/Godhead allots to the wicked . . .

the heritage appointed to them by God/'El."