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Chapter 31
{Chapters 22-31: The Third Debate}

{Chapters 25-31: Third Debate with Bildad -
  Job Restates His Position - Job Is Not Under Punitive Suffering -
  No Secret Sins - Here are Job's Policies}

{Verses 1-4: Job's Dealing with Category - Lust for Opposite Sex}
1-2~~"I {Job} made a covenant with my eyes . . .
not to look lustfully upon a girl . . . 2~~
for what is man's lot from God/'Elowahh above (?) . . .
his heritage of the Almighty from on high?

3~~Is it not ruin for the wicked (?) . . .
disaster for those who do wrong?

4~~Does He {God} not see my Ways, and count my every step?

{Verses 5-6: Job's Dealing with Category - Lying/Deceit}
5-6~~If I have Walked in falsehood,
or if my foot has hurried after deceit; 6~~
let God/'Elowahh weigh me on honest scales,
so that He will know that I am blameless.

{Verses 7-8: Job's Dealing with Category - Honest Dealing with People}
7-8~~If my steps have 'turned from the path'/
'have turned out of the Way'
and if my heart/'right lobe' has been lead by my eyes,
or if my hands have been defiled, 8~~
then may others eat what I have sown
and may my crops be uprooted.

{Verses 9-12: Job's Dealing with Category - Adultery}
9-11~~If my heart/'right lobe' has been enticed by a woman,
or if I have lurked at my neighbor's door; 10~~
then may my wife grind another man's grain,
and may other men sleep with her
  {meaning that if he is committing adultery, then others could
  commit adultery with his wife - just an idiom of denial not a true
  offer!} 11``
for this is an heinous crime.

Yes, it is a 'consequence of the guilt'/iniquity {`avon}
to be punished by the judges.

12~~It is a fire that burns to destruction . . .
it would have uprooted my harvest.

{Verses 13-15: Job's Dealing with Category - Good Leadership}
13-14~~If I have denied justice
to my 'servants - male or female'/'manservant or of my maidservant',
when they had a grievance against me; 14~~
what then will I do when God/'El confronts me?

What will I answer when I am called to account?

15~~Did not He Who made me in the womb . . . make them?

Did not the same One form us both in 'our Mothers'/'the womb'?

{Verses 13-23: Job's Dealing with Category -
  Needy and Widows and Orphans}
16-22~~If I have denied the desires of the poor,
or let the eyes of the widow grow weary, 17~~
of if I kept my wealth/food to myself,
and 'not sharing with the orphans/
'the fatherless have not eaten thereof' . . . 18~~
but from my youth, I reared him like a father,
and from my birth I guided the widow . . . 19~~
if I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing,
or a needy man without a garment 20~~
and his heart/'right lobe' did not bless me
for warming him with the fleece of my sheep . . . 21~~
if I have raised my hand against the orphan
knowing that I had influence in court/'in the gate' . . . 22~~
then let my arm fall from my shoulder . . .
let it be broken off at the joint.

23~~I {Job} dreaded destruction from God/'El
and for fear of His splendor/magnificence, I could not do such things
  {Job's integrity is the only kind that counts - it comes from the
  bible doctrine in his soul His love/fear/respect for God requires that
  he do not do these things}.

{Verses 24-28: Job's Dealing with Category -
  Love of Money (Details of Life)}
24-28~~If I put my trust in gold . . .
or said to pure gold , 'You are my security' . . .25~~
or if I had rejoiced over my great wealth . . .
the fortune my hands have gained . . . 26~~
if I had regarded the sun and its radiance
or the moon 'moving in splendor'/'walking in brightness' . . .27~~
so that my heart/'right lobe' was secretly enticed,
and my hands offering them/'their mouths' a kiss of homage 28~~
this these also would be sins to be judged . . .
for I would have been unfaithful to God/'El Who is on high.

{Verses 29-30: Job's Dealing with Category - 'Those who Hate You'}
29-30~~If I rejoiced at 'my enemies misfortune'/
'the destruction of him who hated me',
or gloated over trouble that came to him . . . 30~~
but I have not allowed my mouth to sin
by evoking a curse against his life/soul.

{Verse 31: Job's Dealing with Category - 'Employees'}
31~~If the men of my household/tent have never said,
" 'Who has not been well paid?'
  {idiom: literally 'Who has not had his fill of Job's food? We can not
  be satisfied'} . . .

{Verses 32: Job's Dealing with Category - Travelers/Guests}
32~~And no stranger had to spend the night in the street.

My door has always been open to the traveler.

{Verses 33-38: Job's Conclusion}
33~~If I had concealed my sins . . . as men do . . .
by hiding my guilt in my bosom/heart 34~~
because I feared the crowd/mob
and so dreaded the contempt of the clans
that I kept silence,
and would not go outside . . . 35~~
Oh that I had someone to hear me!

Let the Almighty answer me!

I sign now my defense
  {meaning let my accusers put my indictment in writing}.

36~~Surely I would wear it (my indictment) on my shoulder.

I would put it on like a crown.

37~~I would give Him
an account of my every step . . .
like a prince, I would approach Him.

38~~If my country cries out against me,
and all of its furrows are wet with tears . . . 39~~
if I have devoured its yields without payment . . .
or 'broken the spirits of its tenants'/
'caused the tenants to lose their lives/souls' . . .40~~
then let the briars come up instead of wheat . . .
and weeds instead of barley."

The declaration/words {dabar} of Job {'Iyowb} are ended.

{Note: This would be the point Zophar would speak up. But note the silence of Zophar. He does not take his turn. Now we will meet Elihu in the next chapter (RBT says Elihu might be the human author of the book of Job). Either Zophar is sulking with the remarks Job made to him, or maybe he is finally seeing the Light.}