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Chapter 22

22:1``Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
which is called the Passover,
kept on approaching/'drawing near'.

22:2``And, the chief priests and the scribes/'experts in the law'
kept on seeking 'how they might kill Him {Jesus} . . .
for they kept on being afraid of the people.

{Note: Jesus was a treat to their livelihood. He was a treat to their lifestyles. He made them 'feel bad' about what they were doing. So, their guilt, turned to anger and turned to thoughts of murder. But they were afraid that if they just had Him killed, the people would kill them!}

22:3``Then Satan entered Judas,
having the surname Iscariot . . .
'who was one of the twelve'/'being one numbered of the twelve'.

22:4``And, having gone off,
he {Satan possessed Judas} conferred/discussed
with the chief priests and the captains/
'officers of the temple guard' {strategos}
how he might be betraying/'turning over' Jesus to them.

22:5``And, they were delighted and arranged to give him money.

22:6``So he agreed/promised
and went to seeking an opportunity to betray Him {Jesus}
to them in the absence of the crowd
  {so the crowd would not turn on them and protect Jesus}.

22:7``Then the Day of Unleavened Bread came,
on which the Passover/Paschal lamb
had to keep on being 'killed as a sacrifice' {thuo}.

{Note: The paschal lamb refers to the lamb the Israelites were accustomed to slay and eat on the fourteenth day of the month of Nisan (the first month of their year) in memory of the day on which their fathers, preparing to depart from Egypt, were bidden by God to slay and eat a lamb, and to sprinkle their door posts with its blood - so that the destroying angel, seeing the blood, might pass over their dwellings. The slain paschal lamb was a 'type' of Jesus Christ crucified - the lamb without spot.}

22:8``And, He {Jesus} sent on a mission under His authority
Peter and John, saying, " Having gone your way . ..
prepare us the Passover {feast} { pascha}
for the purpose that we may eat."

22:9``And, they {Peter and John} said to Him {Jesus},
"Where do You desire, that we may make preparations?"

22:10-11``And, He {Jesus} said to them {Peter and John},
"Behold {pay attention}, after you have entered the city,
a man carrying an 'earthenware jar' of water will meet you.
Follow him {an order}
into the house that he enters, 22:11``
and say to the 'good ruler'/owner {oikodespotes} of the house,
'The Teacher {didaskalos} says to you,
"Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover
with My students/disciples {mathetes}?"'

22:12``'And he himself' {kakeinos}
will show you a large upper room {anogeon} . . .
completely furnished in the past with results that last forever
  {stronnumi - perfect tense}.
Make it ready there."

22:13``So having gone off, they discovered { heurisko} . . . {things}
just as He {Jesus} had told them in the past
with results that last forever {lego - perfect tense}
and they prepared the Passover {feast}.

22:14``And, when the hour came/
'became what it was not before' {ginomai},
He {Jesus} 'reclined at His place at the table' {anapipto}
and the apostles {joined} with Him.

22:15``And He {Jesus} said face to face with them
  {the apostles - including remember Satan possessed Judas at this
"I have 'earnestly desired' {epithumia}
to eat this Passover {pascha} with you
before I suffer {pascho}.

{Note: Note the play on words - pascha and pascho. A paronomasia or pun if you prefer.}

22:16``For I {Jesus} say to you,
I will ABSOLUTELY NOT {ou me} anymore eat the same again
until it may be fulfilled {pleroo} in the kingdom of God."

{Note: 'Ou me' is a double negative. A double negative in the Greek is a very strong negative.}

22:17``And, having taken a cup . . . {and} having given thanks . . .
He {Jesus} said, "Take this
and divide it among yourselves {two commands}.

22:18``For I {Jesus} say to you that I ABSOLUTELY will NOT ever
  {ou me - strong double negative again - a very strong negative -
  literally 'absolutely not never'}
possibly drink of the fruit of the vine
until the kingdom of God may come."

22:19``And, having taken bread . . . {and} having given thanks,
He {Jesus} broke {it} and gave to them, saying,
"This is My body which is given
'as a substitute for'/'on behalf of' {huper} you.
Keep on doing this in remembrance {anamnesis} of Me {an order}."

22:20``And the cup likewise
He {Jesus} took after they had supper, saying,
"This cup . . . {is} the 'new in kind or quality' {kainos}
covenant/testament . . .
{constituted so} 'by means of'/in My blood . . .
which is being poured out 'on your behalf'/'for you'.

22:21`` "Nevertheless {plen} . . . behold {pay attention}
the hand of the one betraying Me . . .
{is} with Me on the table {referring to Judas Iscariot}.

22:22``And, the 'Son of Man' is goes
as it 'was determined in the past with the result
that it was determined forever' {horizo -perfect tense}.

Nevertheless {plen} . . . woe to that man
through whose intermediate agency
He {Jesus/'the Son of Man'} is being betrayed!"

22:23``And, they themselves
began to be discussing among themselves
which one of them it would be
who 'was desiring' {eimi - optative mood}
'to be intending' {mello} 'to commit/do' {prasso} this thing.

22:24``Now there began also
an 'eager contention' {philoneikia} among them
over which of them
'gave the impression'/'was to be regarded' {dokeo}
to keep on being the greatest.
  {an 'immature' discussion indicating they truly are 'students' and not
  yet 'masters' themselves}

22:25``So He {Jesus} said to them,
"The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship {kurieuo} over them;
and 'those exercising authority over' {exousiazo} them
are called 'benefactors' {euergetes}.

22:26``But it absolutely must not {ouk} be like that with you!

Instead {alla - contrast}
the he who is greatest among you
he must become {ginomai - an order}
like the 'recently born'
  {neos - a true humble attitude - not exhibit himself greater then a
  baby believer},
and 'the leader'/'the one leading' {hegeomai}
like the one who serves
  {a good leader is one who understands and does not misuse
  authority. This usually is one who has been UNDER authority
  himself and understands the needs of the one being lead - this
  indicates a lack of power lust and approbation lust and instead
  indicates an attitude of loyalty up and down, honesty, respect,
  expecting good work and rewarding the same but also fairly
  disciplining the lack of it. Fair and just yet humble leadership.
  Saul took the name 'Paul' which means little. Petros means a
  'little chip'. Jesus is the Petra/'Huge Boulder' on which this
  Church was built.}.

22:27``For who is greater . . .
the 'one reclining at the dinner table' {anakeimai} . . .
or the one serving {diakoneo}?

Is it absolutely not the 'one reclining at the dinner table'?

But I {Jesus as their Teacher} am among you as one serving.

{Note: 'It is not by bread alone that man survives, but by every Word that proceeds out of His mouth.' Jesus is serving up doctrine/'divine viewpoint'/'His Mind'. So who is greater . . . the teacher or the hearer? In this case the Teacher - no question. And, for those exercising the spiritual gift of pastor and teacher, when filled with God the Holy Spirit, and faithfully teaching 'line upon line, precept upon precept'/'book by book, word for word' . . . that man is truly Jesus' Ambassador on Earth . . . allowing Him to produce diving good through him.}

22:28``"You are the ones who 'have remained in the past
with the result that you remain forever' {diameno - perfect tense}
with Me . . . in My 'trials/testings/temptations {peirasmos}.

{Note: The humanity of Jesus Christ had to set aside all the attributes of His deity and operate under the filling of God the Holy Spirit during the 1st incarnation. His temptations to violate this provision was real. When Satan tempted Him to turn stones into bread, this was a true temptation - His deity COULD do so, and His humanity WAS starving! The humanity of Jesus Christ was tested and tempted and tried more then any human ever born. Yet, for the sake of each and every one of us, He resisted all temptations and went to the cross without sin (and to violate the expressed will of God would certainly have been a sin - nevertheless - Thy Will be done!).}

22:29-30``And, as for Myself,
I 'dispose by will'/'make a covenant'/am appointing' {diatithemai}
to you . . . a kingdom {basileia},
just as My Father 'disposed by will'/'made a covenant'/
appointed {diatithemai} to Me . . . 22:30``
for the purpose that
you may eat and drink
at My table
in My kingdom . . .
and you may sit on thrones . . .
judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

{Note: This verse has a couple of meaning. Jesus, through His legal father, Joseph is the legitimate heir to the throne of David. Those who believe in Him will share in His rulership. Jesus in His Hypostatic Union, through His birth by means of His real Father - God - is Supreme over the universe - as God granted to Him. And, from the previous verses, Jesus was discussing His 'serving' the students. When He departs, it will be turned over to them the responsibility to feed others.}

22:31``"Simon, Simon, behold {pay attention}!

Satan, by asking {God},
'obtained you {and your fellow students/disciples}
for tribulation/punishment/torture' {exaiteomai}
to sift . . . {you} like wheat.
  {the stalk of wheat is beaten and beaten and beaten. This
  process separates the wheat grain from the tears (the rest of the
  wheat stalk). This is an analogy to a very violent process that
  separates 'divine good' (which only believes who have been
  imputed with the righteousness of God have) from the
  bad (anyone without the imputed righteousness of God)}

{Note: See the book of Job. Satan is in the courtroom of heaven today, bringing charges against all of us. He asks God for the right to 'test' us to prove we are not 'worthy'. But each and every time, our 'defense attorney' admits to the truth that we are sinners, yes, but the punishment for that sin 'has been' (or 'will be' before the cross) imputed to Christ on the cross and judged. Law of double jeopardy says the sin can not be punished twice. Jesus Christ in resurrection body is our defense attorney in heaven today. The dispute continues.}

22:32``But I {Jesus}
'have prayed'/'made supplications' {deomai} for you
that your faith/doctrine {pistis}
'may not fail'/'may not be totally eclipsed' {ekleipo}.

And, when you have
'turned back'/returned to your original position
with regard to your faith/doctrine' {epistrepho} . . .

Stabilize/'Make constant'/Strengthen {sterizo - an order} . . .
your brothers."

{Note: All people growing in spiritual maturity will be tested. This is God's method for proving to the angels and others around you the strength and determination of your faith and the doctrine you have metabolized into your soul. When you pass your tests, this is an encouragement to those around you - teaching by example. Believe, consistently take in doctrine, rely on the Lord, keep a relaxed mental attitude, and continuously apply your learned 'divine viewpoint' to life's experiences - 'His grace is sufficient for you'. }



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