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Chapter 28
{Chapters 22-31: The Third Debate}
{Chapters 25-31: Third Debate with Bildad - Job Continues}
{Chapter 28 Job Must Have Been A Mining Engineer -
  the Mining Analogy}

{Verses 1-6: Introduction to the Dissertation on Mining}
1~~"There is a mine for silver.

And a place where gold is refined.

2~~Iron is taken from the earth.

And copper is smelted from ore.

{Note: When men hunt for precious metals, their volitions are involved. They make all kinds of decisions and sacrifices. Job is going to relate the mining industry to positive volition to God and His Word.}

3~~He {the miner} puts an end to darkness.

He searches the farthest recesses for ore . . .
in the blackest darkness.

4~~Far from where people dwell, he cuts a shaft.

In places forgotten by the foot of men . . . far from men . . .
he dangles and sways over the cliffs.

5~~The earth from which food comes,
is transferred below as from fire.

6~~Sapphires come from its rocks.

And, its dust contains nuggets of gold.

{Interruption on Mining Dissertation Because Job is Not Sure That
  Friends Get Analogy - Job is Comparing His Friends to Animals Who
  have No Appreciation for Mining}
7~~No bird of prey knows the hidden path
  {digging into the side of the mountain to mine}.

No falcon's eye has ever seen it.

8~~Proud beasts do not set foot on it.

No lion prowls there.

{Note: It is only man's scale of value that puts worth in gold, silver, and other precious stones. Animals do not appreciate these things and have negative volition toward mining. So, the analogy here is that his friends' scales of value are wrong. They do not 'mine' enough in the Word because it is not high on their scales of value.}

9~~His hand {the miner's} assaults the flinty rock
  {Why? Because the miner highly values the ore and is positive to
  digging into it and accepting any sacrifice to dig it out}.

And, he lays bare the roots of the mountains.

10~~He tunnels through rock.

His eyes see all of its treasures.

11~~He searches the sources of the rivers.

And brings hidden things to light
  {this refers to panning for gold}.

{Now the Analogy of Precious Metals to Divine Viewpoint - Knowledge obtaining in the Word}
12~~But where can wisdom be found?

And where does understanding dwell?

{Note: Job is a categorical student of the Word of God. He has tunneled into the Written Word and has developed categories of gold, categories of silver, etc. He has advanced to spiritual maturity. Doctrine must be first on the believer's scale of values before he can find it.}

13~~Man does not comprehend the worth {of 'divine viewpoint'}.

It can not be found in the land of the living.

{Note: This means you can not mine for divine viewpoint like you do gold or silver.}

14~~The deep {the ocean} says, "It is not in me."

And the sea says, "It is not in me."

15~~It {divine viewpoint} cannot be bought with the finest gold.

Nor can its price be weighed in silver.

16~~It cannot be bought/weighed with the gold of Ophir . . .
with precious onyx, or the sapphire.

17~~Neither gold nor crystal can be compared with it.

Nor can it be had for jewels of gold.

18~~Coral and jasper/pearls are not worthy of mention
  {no comparison to the worth of divine viewpoint in the conscience
  of your soul}.

The price of wisdom {chokmah - divine viewpoint} is beyond rubies.

{Note: Chokmah means bible doctrine resident in the conscience of the soul.}

19~~The topaz of Cush {means 'black' - used for Ethiopia}
shall not compare with it.

It can not be bought with pure gold.

{Only God Knows Where Divine Viewpoint Can be Found - It is His Mind After All}
20~~When there is wisdom {divine viewpoint} . . .
where does it come from?

Where does understanding dwell?

21~~It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing.

Concealed even from the birds of the air.

22~~Destruction and death only say,
"We have heard only a rumor of it has reached our ears."

23~~But 'Elohiym/Godhead understands the Way to it
  {the Way contains the righteous Ways of God - that knowledge
  only comes from the consistent intake of His viewpoint from the
  study of His written Word - under the guidance of one to whom
  He has given the gift of Pastor and Teacher in the Church Age}.

And, He alone knows where it dwells.

{Note: Those who dig for bible doctrine came out of their own free will. They were hungry for the Word. They thirsted deep in their souls for the Water of the Word. Only God, knows where His viewpoint dwells.}

24~~For He views the ends of the earth.

And sees everything under heaven.

25~~When He establishes the force of the wind . . .

and measures out the waters . . . 26~~

when he made a decree for the rain . . .

and a path/way for the thunder storm . . . 27~~

and He looked at it {wisdom/'divine viewpoint'} . . .

and appraised it,

He confirmed it {divine viewpoint} 28~~

and said to man,

"The fear/respect/love {yir'ah} of the Lord/'Adonay . . .
that is chokmah/wisdom/'divine viewpoint'
  {yir'ah - means to be in awe - to have just great love, respect for
  God that He occupies your thoughts continuously because your
  positive volition to Him desires it to be that way - in the Church
  Age, we learn that the Bible is the Mind of Christ - To be
  occupied with Christ and His Word/Mind is chokmah - the wisdom
  that matters - divine viewpoint . . . ever notice that when you
  are in love and you get a free minute, your thoughts drift to
  one you love? You - the real you - your thoughts - are occupied
  with that person.}.

And to shun evil . . . is understanding/discernment {biynah}."

{Note: You have to WANT doctrine/'divine viewpoint' to get doctrine. Since only God knows divine viewpoint, only God can reveal divine viewpoint to man. God only reveals doctrine to those with positive volition - those who will mine the Written Word - and in the Church Age, under the guidance of his own shepherd.}